Home DietsHealthy food Noni health benefits

Noni health benefits

by Alivia Nyhan
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Noni is a small shrub native to Southeast Asia and characterized by producing an oval fruit with an irregular surface and a yellowish color. The medicinal properties of noni have been used in Polynesia for centuries, an area where its food value is highly appreciated.

Despite being considered a little-known fruit in the West, noni has been applied since ancient times to improve various diseases that range from infections, pain, and headaches to cancer, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, or asthma. And it is that this fruit is rich in fiber, proteins, vitamin C and minerals such as iron, calcium, and zinc. If you want to know the health benefits of noni, don’t miss this article by FastlyHeal.

Noni for cardiovascular health

Its low sugar content, its richness in fiber, and its antioxidant properties form a perfect set to take care of both the heart tissues and the blood vessels and promote good blood circulation, avoiding the accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides in it. . In short, it is a suitable food for people with diabetes and also for those who must control blood cholesterol levels.

A fruit to fight pain

Among the health benefits of noni, its analgesic and sedative properties stand out, which is why for years, it has been consumed to treat problems such as toothache, bruises, wounds, cuts, abdominal pain, and fever among others. At present, its calming action has been confirmed, and for that reason, it is recommended as a remedy for people with conditions such as headaches.

Helps improve digestion

The cathartic components of noni, substances that accelerate defecation, make it a laxative food that helps tone the intestines, accelerating its activity and achieving more efficient digestion. For this reason, noni has always been considered a remedy against constipation, hemorrhoids, and gas to cleanse the digestive system and protect the liver.

Noni for metabolism

This fruit stands out, especially for containing a highly valued medicinal substance called Proxeronine. In our body, this component is transformed. It acts naturally as a regulator of metabolism and biological functions. It has been shown that among the health benefits of noni, it is helpful to prevent diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer, or arthritis.

An excellent ally to improve psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disease that attacks the skin, causing inflammation and flaking. Some studies have confirmed that noni juice extract effectively strengthens the immune system and promotes the repair of damaged tissues, which can be applied in the natural treatment of psoriasis and other immune disorders.

An anti-aging option

Despite not being the most antioxidant fruit that exists, noni is considered to have interesting properties in fighting free radicals and the oxidation of the body’s cells. Primarily, this fruit is rich in antioxidants known as lignans, a group of anti-inflammatory chemical compounds that help reduce our risk of heart disease or cancer.

Excellent antibacterial

Finally, noni has stood out for centuries in the cultures that have consumed it for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antiparasitic power. Its extract was traditionally used as a remedy against tuberculosis, colds, fever, angina, or infections of the skin or mouth. It has been proven effective against Escherichia coli or Helicobacter payroll infections, which cause intestinal disorders.

However, it is essential to note that it is not recommended to consume noni during pregnancy or if you are trying to conceive since it is a natural contraceptive and alters uterine function.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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