One of the most common digestive disorders in people of all ages is constipation. It is a condition that makes it difficult or impossible to pass stool and, consequently, causes symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, rectal discomfort and lack of appetite. It is essential to follow medical treatment when constipation is a prolonged condition, in addition to taking into account certain recommendations regarding diet and lifestyle habits. To alleviate its symptoms and promote the restoration of intestinal transit, you can also resort to the home remedies for constipation that we show in this FastlyHealarticle. Pay attention!
Table of Contents
Causes of constipation
The constipation may be caused by different reasons, but the most common is related to food due to lack of fiber important in it, causing alterations in the intestinal transit and the possible condition of gastrointestinal disorders.
On other occasions, it is a condition motivated by dehydration of the body, little physical activity, stress, pregnancy or the simple fact of delaying the time to go to the bathroom when the urge to evacuate appears. On the other hand, it can also be due to the taking of certain medications or be a symptom of underlying diseases or pathologies such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, among others.
It is essential to go to the doctor as soon as possible when you suffer from sudden constipation accompanied by abdominal cramps and inability to defecate or expel gas. In addition, the presence of blood in the stool, the suffering of intense rectal or abdominal pain, the suffering of constipation and diarrhea at the same time, the loss of weight for no apparent reason and if the tips shown below and constipation does not go away as days go by.
High fiber foods
One of the main causes of constipation is the scarcity of fiber in the diet, as this nutrient is essential to regulate intestinal transit and stimulate its mobility. Therefore, to combat constipation and facilitate the evacuation of stools, the first recommendation is to increase your fiber intake through the consumption of about 2 or 3 daily servings of foods such as those detailed here:
- Fruits: plum, blueberries, kiwi, avocado, apple with skin, pear, medlars, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, orange, lemon, grapefruit, medlar, nectarine and fig.
- Vegetables: artichoke, cauliflower, broccoli, chard, asparagus.
- Legumes: beans, lentils, chickpeas, beans, soybeans, etc.
- Whole grains and oats.
- Nuts: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, etc.
On the contrary, it will be important that during those days you avoid consuming those foods that constipate such as banana, skinless apple, carrot, rice, bakery products, fatty foods and white bread.
Drink more water
A reduced intake of healthy liquids is also detrimental to the proper functioning of the intestinal transit and favors the appearance of conditions such as constipation. It is important to make an effort to consume at least 1.5 or 2 liters of water daily so that the intestines have the moisture they need to make the stool soften and, therefore, the evacuation is carried out more easily.
Water is also essential for the general health of the body, since many of its metabolic functions depend on its presence. In the following article we show all the benefits of drinking water .
Good juices for constipation
Among the best home remedies for constipation, is the consumption of natural juices made with ingredients that act as powerful natural laxatives and stimulate bowel movements. The combination of these will be perfect to facilitate the elimination of those accumulated feces and prevent, therefore, the appearance of abdominal pain.
There are many recipes that can be used, but at FastlyHealwe recommend:
- Orange and kiwi juice
- Plum juice
- Grape juice
- Spinach, celery and pineapple juice
For best results, it is recommended to drink the juices on an empty stomach in the morning about three times a week.
Recommended infusions for constipation
In the field of medicinal plants , there are also excellent allies to combat slow intestinal transit and to deal with the symptoms of constipation, such as difficulty in evacuating and abdominal pain or inflammation. As a point solution, you can resort to preparing some infusions that will act as mild laxatives and activate the intestines, the most effective are:
- Flax seeds: they contain a lot of fiber, they regenerate the intestinal flora and prevent the intestine from absorbing fats. An infusion should be prepared by adding 1 tablespoon of flax seeds in 1 cup of water, boil for about 3 minutes, strain and drink.
- Aloe Vera: has a very effective laxative action and is a good remedy for those who suffer from prolonged constipation. The preparation consists of boiling 1 small piece of aloe in 2 cups of water, crushing it with the mixer and adding the juice of half a lemon.
- Mallow: reactivates the intestinal transit and favors the evacuation of toxins. You should boil 1 handful of mallow leaves in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes, let it rest and strain the liquid obtained.
- Dandelion: reduces abdominal inflammation and facilitates evacuation without causing irritation to the digestive system.
Before taking these infusions, it is important to make sure that the plant in question will not be harmful to health. Likewise, it is not advisable to ingest more than 2 cups a day of any of them.
Abdominal massages
The abdominal massage are relievers when suffering from constipation, it is a good way to stimulate the internal organs and intestinal mobility in addition to improve the digestion process. All this will facilitate the expulsion of feces and the disappearance of the characteristic symptoms of this condition.
It is best that this type of massage is performed by a professional, but it can also be carried out at home. To do this, we recommend doing gentle scrubs, using a little olive oil or castor oil, on the right side of the abdomen and then moving towards the upper area of the navel and, finally, descending on the left side. The abdominal massage should always be done about three hours after having eaten, since in the middle of the digestive process it can be counterproductive.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for constipation , we recommend that you enter our Digestive System category .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.