Nail Disorders can be embarrassing, painful, and difficult to treat. They can also be a sign of other underlying health problems. If you think you might have a nail disorder, it’s important to see your doctor or dermatologist for an evaluation. Nail problems due to lack of vitamins are very common. Unhealthy nails can be a sign of nutritional deficiency. One of the most common nail diseases is brittle nails, which can be caused by a lack of vitamin A, B, or C.
There are a few things you can do to help harden and grow your nails. One is to take a biotin supplement. You can also try using nail hardeners and/or basecoat/topcoats. Be sure to avoid using harsh chemicals and/or detergents when doing dishes or cleaning as this can strip nails of their natural oils. Finally, give your nails a break from polish every once in a while to allow them to breathe.
There are a few ways to whiten yellow toenails. One way is to use hydrogen peroxide and water solution. Another way is to use a lemon juice and water solution. Finally, you can use a baking soda and water solution.
Home remedies to heal a nail disease may include changing your nail care routine, soaking your nails in salt water, and applying tea tree oil. If your nail disease is severe, you may need to see a doctor for prescription medication.
Common nail disorders include:
Brittle nails: Nails that are dry, flaky, and easily break. There are many different vitamins that can help with brittle nails. Vitamin A is good for cell growth, so it can help nails grow faster and be less brittle.
Ingrown nails: Nails that grow into the skin, causing pain, redness, and swelling.
Yellow nails: Yellow nails can be a sign of a serious underlying condition, such as liver disease. If you have yellow nails, see your doctor for an evaluation.
Dark spots: Dark spots on nails are usually the result of minor trauma to the base of the nail. A bruise, for example, can cause black or blue discoloration. In some cases, dark spots can indicate a more serious condition, such as melanoma.
White toenail: A white toenail can be caused by a number of things, including an injury to the nail, a fungal infection, or a reaction to the medication. If the toenail is thickened or crumbling, it may be a sign of a more serious condition.
Thick toenails: If you have thick toenails, you may want to see a podiatrist to have them thinned out. This can help relieve pressure and pain on the nail. You may also want to consider wearing shoes that fit better.
Black stripes: Black stripes on nails are usually a sign of melanoma, a skin cancer. Nail melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer, and can be fatal if not treated early.
Stretch marks: Stretch marks on nails are usually caused by the overuse of hand lotion or exposure to chemicals. Other nail diseases include yellowing nails, usually caused by smoking, and brittle nails, which can be caused by vitamin deficiencies or nutritional imbalances.
Nail peeling: Nail peeling is a common occurrence, and is often the result of dehydration or damage to the nail. However, if your nails are peeling excessively, it could be a sign of nail disease.
Coilonychia: Coilonychia is a condition that results in the thinning and fragility of the nails. It is caused by a deficiency in the protein keratin, which is responsible for the strength and structure of the nails.
Stretch marks: If you have stretch marks on your nails, there are a few home remedies that you can try to get rid of them. One home remedy is to rub olive oil on your nails for a few minutes each day.
Purple nails: Purple nails can be a sign of a serious underlying health condition, such as liver disease or kidney disease. If you have purple nails, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Big toenail: Big toenail problems are common, especially among people who wear shoes that fit poorly or rub against the toe. The most common problem is ingrown toenails, which occur when the side or corner of the toenail grows into the soft tissue of the toe.
Streaks: Streaks on the nails may indicate a zinc deficiency. Brittle nails may be a sign of hypothyroidism. Yellow nails can indicate diabetes, liver disease, or psoriasis. White spots on the nails are generally harmless.
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