Home DietsHealthy food What is magnesium for in women?

What is magnesium for in women?

by Alivia Nyhan
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Taking into account that magnesium is the fifth most abundant element in the body, which is part of the muscles, bone structures and other tissues, in addition to intervening in more than 300 physiological processes, highlights the fact that its presence at optimal levels is important for the proper functioning of the body.

In addition, maintaining a balance in the intake of this mineral also favors the relief or prevention of certain disorders, especially those that women frequently suffer, giving a medicinal effect. If you want to know what magnesium is for in women , in the following FastlyHealarticle, we provide you with this and more related information.

Magnesium: benefits for women

Both men and women can benefit from the functions of magnesium, such as its action on protein and carbohydrate metabolism, regulates sleep, increases sexual desire, balances blood pH, improves constipation, among others. But in women it is helpful in various conditions that are frequently suffered or that generate more problems than in men.

Magnesium for PMS

Among the benefits of magnesium in women, is its effect on menstrual discomfort, since it intervenes in muscle contraction and its relaxing properties reduce pain , both in the belly and the breasts, and inflammation. In addition, it generates the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, acting as a sedative, and exerts a control over hormones, which helps to avoid episodes of depression and irritability.

Reduce stress

Magnesium in women also serves to combat stress, a state that is increasing with the greater demands in today’s life, both in the workplace and in the family. In these circumstances, the body in response concentrates several physiological functions in trying to control stress, so it neglects other processes and some alterations may arise, such as irregular menstrual cycles and intense menstrual pain.

Prevent osteoporosis

better calcium retention is another thing for which serves mg in women. This mineral helps calcium to be absorbed in the intestines and its metabolism to take place. Women begin to lose bone mass from 30-35 years of age and this accelerates with the arrival of menopause, since the ovaries stop producing estrogens, the same ones that were involved in bone development and calcium fixation. Therefore, this prevents the development of osteoporosis, at least at a younger age, the disease of which is more common in women.

Magnesium for pregnant women

Also, during pregnancy, magnesium serves in different ways. As it is related to the balance of other minerals, it helps prevent fluid retention , a very common condition at this stage of life. Also, its action on muscle relaxation prevents the presence of cramps and uterine convulsions.

On the other hand, the role of magnesium in the cardiovascular system prevents blood pressure from rising and blood circulation from being fluid. With these effects of magnesium, the risks of premature birth are reduced.

How to take magnesium

The recommended daily dose of magnesium varies between 310 mg to 400 mg in women , depending on age, if you are pregnant or lactating. Magnesium can be acquired through:

  • Foods of animal origin: some fish and snails offer more than 100 mg of the mineral, while red meats have less than 30 mg. However, the most accessible way to ingest magnesium is through milk, which depending on its presentation, can provide from 11 mg to 110 mg.
  • Foods of plant origin: much of the magnesium is acquired through these foods, since they are very rich in this mineral, both seeds, legumes, nuts, cereals and fruits, vegetables and green leafy vegetables.
  • Supplements: generally, this alternative is chosen when you have a special need to increase magnesium in the body, for example in athletes, if you suffer from weakness or diseases such as arthritis or osteoporosis. In these cases, it is important that the doctor indicates the necessary dose.

Side effects of taking magnesium

Although this mineral offers great benefits in the health of women, an excess of it is also harmful and can even be toxic, causing symptoms such as muscle weakness and shortness of breath. For this reason, if you want to include rich sources of magnesium, it is best to go to a specialist to provide the indicated diet.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms

Although there are many foods that contain magnesium and it is easy to meet the needs in the body, an improper diet or suffering from certain disorders can cause this mineral to be lost, for example diarrhea, vomiting or kidney disease. Therefore, it is important to know how to detect the symptoms that indicate magnesium deficiency , including:

  • Fatigue.
  • Cramps, which can be accompanied by pain.
  • Hair loss.
  • Brittle nails
  • Arrhythmias, that is, alteration in the rhythm of the heartbeat.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is magnesium for in women , we recommend that you enter our Food category .

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