Home DietsHealthy food Ginseng: properties and contraindications

Ginseng: properties and contraindications

by Alivia Nyhan
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Ginseng is a traditional Chinese medicinal herbaceous plant that grows in humid areas, and its flowers are purple. The properties of Ginseng are concentrated in its root, and it is the roots with more years of aging that have the highest concentration of benefits. China, Korea, Russia and Japan are some countries where Ginseng is most widely grown.

This plant is considered a miracle of nature thanks to its ability to improve memory and sexuality problems; even in 2011, a study from Harvard University determined that consuming products with Ginseng helps prevent colon cancer. In this FastlyHealarticle, you can learn more about Ginseng: properties and contraindications of this magical plant.

Ginseng benefits

  • Provides energy: this property is perhaps one of the most famous ginseng benefits. And it is that the power of this medicinal plant to help overcome fatigue and physical and mental fatigue has become the solution for many people who are looking for a natural alternative to feel energetic or be more concentrated.
  • Helps the immune system: it has been proven that the consumption of Ginseng in people with a depressed immune system causes a positive effect, increasing the defenses and their ability to fight viruses, bacteria, and diseases.
  • Natural antioxidant: Ginseng is a powerful antioxidant, and it should be mentioned that only antioxidants are capable of fighting the effect of free radicals in the body. Therefore, among the benefits of Ginseng, we find its ability to prevent cellular aging, prevent some types of cancer and delay premature aging.
  • Helps metabolism: it is not a magical slimming effect, but the ability of Ginseng to help the body metabolize fat, which allows regulating cholesterol, triglyceride, and blood glucose levels, which helps maintain good cardiovascular health, prevent thrombi, lower blood pressure and keep heart rate stable. Due to this property, Ginseng is considered a natural remedy to prevent arteriosclerosis, as it activates blood circulation.
  • Helps the liver and lungs: The accumulation of toxins can trigger liver damage, and Ginseng benefits from being a cleansing medicinal plant that helps the body more easily get rid of accumulated toxins. Also, it is believed that Ginseng can help significantly improve angina pectoris.
  • Sexual problems? Scientific studies have proven that a regular intake of ginseng supplements can improve male impotence, allowing control of issues such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
  • Improves mood: Ginseng has become a natural aid for those who suffer from stress and depression since it has the power to stimulate the proper functioning of the central nervous system, allowing to balance moods.
  • Due to its ability to regulate blood glucose levels, Ginseng is recommended as a coadjuvant treatment for diabetes.

Ginseng contraindications

Although Ginseng is a medicinal plant that helps improve many processes in the body and has very positive properties, like all foods, it may have some contraindications that must be taken into account. Some of them are:

  • Consuming too much Ginseng can lead to insomnia, hyperactivity, agitation, tachycardia, diarrhea, and central nervous system disorders.
  • Although Ginseng is recommended as an adjunctive treatment to regulate blood glucose levels in people with diabetes, it is necessary to take a dose supervised by a specialist since excessive consumption of Ginseng in diabetics can cause hypoglycemia.
  • Anyone who consumes medications that enhance or stimulate cardiac functions should refrain from taking Ginseng since the effect of this plant interacts negatively with these drugs. In addition to these medications, Ginseng can also cause an adverse reaction if combined with remedies for depression, with an antiplatelet effect, or for immune system treatments.
  • It is not advisable to combine the consumption of Ginseng with that other food that stimulates the nervous system, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, and alcohol.
  • Anyone who has suffered from estrogen-related pathologies, such as breast cancer, should avoid the consumption of Ginseng, as this plant can act like estrogen in the body.
  • Due to its stimulating effect, Ginseng is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, pregnant or lactating women, and people suffering from anxiety or insomnia.
  • As Ginseng can stimulate fluid retention, it is not recommended to be taken by people who have varicose veins or vascular problems.
  • Due to its composition, the consumption of Ginseng is not recommended in people with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism since it can cause uncontrolled thyroid hormone production.

It is also not advisable to take Ginseng if:

  • You suffer from migraine or headaches.
  • If you have an autoimmune disease.
  • You suffer from a chronic illness.
  • You have had an organ transplant.

How to take Ginseng?

Today you can find Ginseng in any health food store, herbalist, or pharmacy. However, it is essential to pay attention to the purity of its content, that is, that Ginseng is composed of Ginseng and has not been mixed with other elements, which can considerably reduce the effect of its benefits. It is best to verify that it is concentrated Ginseng.

Ginseng can be found in capsules, tablets, infusions, and small liquid doses. On the labels of these certified products, you will find the dosage according to the age of each person. However, it is recommended that a health specialist indicates the appropriate treatment. Ginseng combined with Ginkgo Biloba or vitamins can also be a good option.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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