Lice are small, wingless insects that live on the scalps of humans. They are brown or black in color and are about the size of a sesame seed. Lice feed on human blood and lay their eggs on the hair shafts of their host. Lice can be spread through direct contact with someone who has them, or by sharing items such as hats, brushes, or towels.
Pubic lice, also known as crabs, are small, wingless insects that infest the pubic hair and lay their eggs in the hair shafts. They are usually transmitted through sexual contact.
Who is at risk of getting head lice?
Head lice are most common in children between 3 and 11 years old. But, adults can get head lice, too. Anyone who has close contact with someone who has head lice is at risk of getting them.
How do medical professionals diagnose a head lice infestation?
Most times, a live louse is found on the scalp, clothing, or in the environment. Sometimes eggs (nits) are found attached to hair shafts. Finding a live louse is the only way to be sure that head lice are present.
Remedies to get rid of lice
Remedies include over-the-counter lice shampoo, combing, and home remedies. The most important thing is to keep the infested area clean and to avoid sharing personal items with others. Home remedies for lice with vinegar are easy and effective. All you need is some white vinegar and a few cotton balls. First, wet the cotton balls with vinegar and then apply them to your child’s head, concentrating on the areas where the lice are most likely to be.
Remove lice and nits naturally by combing with a fine-toothed lice comb. Lice combs are inexpensive and available at most drugstores. To remove lice and nits naturally, comb your hair with a fine-toothed lice comb. Lice combs are inexpensive and available at most drugstores.
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