Home Medicinal plants and herbs Damiana: medicinal properties and benefits

Damiana: medicinal properties and benefits

by Alivia Nyhan
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Damiana, or by its scientific name, Turnera diffusa, is called a plant that is popularly known for offering energy to the entire organism. This herb is 1 or 2 meters tall and has reddish-brown stems and serrated leaves 20 cm long. It does not provide many flowers since they are isolated or small groups of 3 or 4 and are reduced with a beautiful yellow color. This plant can be found in South America, North America, and Africa and is usually collected in summer because this season is when it blooms.

Damiana is highly sought after for its aphrodisiac properties, mainly to its leaves; however, it has other medicinal characteristics that can be of great help. For this reason, if you do not know this plant, we invite you to read the following article by FastlyHealso that you can find out everything about Damiana: medicinal properties and benefits.

Provides energy to the body

One of the medicinal properties of Damiana that stands out the most is its significant contribution of energy thanks to its grant of vitamin B1 and cineole, which contribute to combating fatigue very effectively. Also, the leaves contain a large percentage of chlorophyll, another critical factor that provides energy to the body.

For this reason, the damiana plant is widely used to keep the body vigorous without causing anxiety or overstimulation. Likewise, its use is suggested to combat alterations that affect the central nervous system, such as depression, exhaustion, and chronic fatigue.

Benefits of Damiana for the lungs

Damiana and all the products derived from it, such as oils or infusions, have significant antibacterial effects while offering mucolytic and expectorant properties thanks to its composition of ascorbic acid, thymol, and alpha-pinene, making it an ideal plant for the natural treatment of various respiratory disorders that affect the lungs.

For this reason, it is recommended to ingest 3 cups of damiana tea to combat bronchitis. In comparison, it takes 2 or 3 cups with a teaspoon of the plant per cup of water for the flu and the same to eliminate the symptoms of respiratory disorders such as coughs.

Fight urinary infections

Thanks to the potassium, the arbutin, and the magnesium that Damiana offers, combined with its antibacterial powers and its diuretic effect, make this plant an ideal ally to naturally treat urinary infections and all the symptoms that they present; for, For example, discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Damiana infusions can be used to fight cystitis, kidney infections, and kidney stones; however, it is essential that traditional treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and that a consultation with a specialist is consulted before ingesting this herb regularly.

Promotes bowel movement

Among the essential benefits and medicinal properties of Damiana are its astringent properties. However, they are mild, mainly due to the tannins and their laxative or purgative effects, thanks to the fiber it contains to keep the body healthy by eliminating various toxins.

Depending on the dose that is ingested, Damiana can cause various effects. It is suitable to combat simple diarrhea, or it can become a powerful laxative, so it is essential to consult a specialist and take the recommended measures for each case or disorder to be treated. Increasing the amount increases the stimulation of bowel movement and can worsen diarrhea if misused.

Aphrodisiac properties of Damiana

Another of the main properties of Damiana is its aphrodisiac power, which is why it is increasingly used in various natural treatments to help couples, who have multiple disorders, to be more stable and have a more satisfying relationship.

This plant increases potency and improves the act since, among its virtues, it performs a function in the central nervous system, making the individual feel free from any inhibition. These factors can be prevalent in couples when it comes to being intimate, so consuming Damiana can be of great help.

Discover other potent aphrodisiac plants in the following FastlyHealarticle.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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