Do you feel like you are retaining fluids? This condition, also called dropsy or edema, is widespread, especially in women, and can be caused by various factors, from poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and hormonal changes to more severe diseases or pathologies. The latter will require early and regular medical attention. The accumulation of fluids is a problem that also favors weight gain and volume gain. Keep reading if you want to know precisely what causes fluid retention and the best remedies to combat it. At FastlyHealwe, explain it to you.
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Why does fluid retention occur?
Fluid retention or edema is the direct result of fluid accumulation in the body’s tissues. This occurs when there is an imbalance in the level of fluids, either because the blood vessels transfer more fluids to the body tissues or, conversely, when the juices are retained in the tissues and do not return to the blood vessels. In addition, this can also happen when the lymphatic vessels cannot transport those excess fluids.
This condition can affect various body parts, with areas such as the legs, ankles, and abdomen is more common. The main symptoms that indicate your need are the following:
- Generalized or localized swelling in the legs, ankles, abdomen, arms, and hands.
- Feeling of heaviness
- Decreased flexibility in joints.
- The appearance of smooth, tight, or shiny skin in the affected area.
- Cleft of the skin when exerting pressure on it remains marked for a time. This may be the test that helps you find out if you are retaining fluids or not.
- Rapid weight gain.
- Decreased urination.
Physical causes of fluid retention
Various physical causes can trigger the accumulation of fluids in the body. In addition, in many cases, it is a condition derived from a specific health problem that is responsible for the imbalance in the levels of fluids in the body that originates it. Thus, it will be convenient to treat the underlying disease or condition adequately, following the doctor’s instructions.
Here are the possible physical causes that can lead to fluid retention:
- Obesity: Being overweight is, in many cases, the main responsible for fluid retention.
- Pregnancy: The hormonal changes that a woman’s body undergoes during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, may be responsible for fluid retention and the appearance of swelling in some areas, such as the ankles or feet.
- Menopause: During menopause, there is a reduction in estrogen levels (female hormones par excellence) that entails, among other things, the difficulty of eliminating fluids adequately.
- Inflammatory diseases: Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis or gout cause an increase in the amount of blood in the affected area, leading to edema.
- Lymphatic gland malfunction: It is possible that due to genetic factors, infections, specific surgical procedures, or solid medical treatments for cancer, the lymphatic vessels are no longer able to transport the lymph and excess fluids as they should.
- Renal insufficiency: Fluid retention can also be the consequence of a deficiency in the functioning of the kidneys when they are not able to eliminate fluids, salts, and residual substances from the body.
- Heart failure: One of the common symptoms in patients with heart failure is swelling in the legs, feet, and ankles and reduced urine, which is caused by fluid retention.
- Hepatic failure: It causes a lack of fluid elimination that leads to generalized swelling, especially when this pathology is quite severe.
- Venous insufficiency: When the veins do not return blood to the heart adequately, it causes an accumulation of fluids.
Other causes of fluid retention
Not only the above conditions can trigger fluid retention, but there are other factors external to us that can also be behind this problem. These are the following:
- They were standing or sitting in the same position for hours.
- Wear very tight clothing that compromises good blood circulation.
- Excessive heat and humidity cause vasodilation in the blood vessels and an extreme transfer of fluids to the body’s tissues.
- Take certain medications such as antidepressants, hormonal drugs, or those intended to reduce hypertension.
- They are abusing salt in food.
- Follow a diet rich in fat and sugar.
Remedies to combat fluid retention
Several lifestyle habits will be your best allies to prevent and combat fluid retention and promote the health of your body in general. Take note and don’t skip any of them:
- Healthy diet. In addition to eating a balanced diet, specialists attach importance to consuming foods rich in potassium and low in sodium to combat fluid retention. So it would be best if you bet on a diet based predominantly on the consumption of lots of vegetables and fruit, vegetables, legumes, lean meats, and fresh fish.
- Reduce your salt intake. Avoid adding too much salt to meals and avoid eating foods such as cold cuts, sauces, condiments, salted fish, etc.
- Drink plenty of water. Trying to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day is the most prominent recommendation by experts to combat fluid retention. This hydration is vital so that the organism can stay clean and expel toxins.
- Drink cleansing infusions. Taking a daily injection of horsetail, dandelion, green tea, birch or juniper is a magnificent natural remedy to promote the elimination of liquids and toxins and benefit the functioning of the kidneys.
- Get regular exercise. Exercise for 30 minutes a day to stay fit. Above all, you must mobilize the muscles of the lower extremities, as this is where the accumulation of fluid tends to appear the most.
- Practices were swimming. It has been pointed out that regular swimming is a perfect practice to distribute the water evenly throughout the body since the muscles are exercised while keeping the body completely horizontal.
- Avoid very tight clothes. Those clothes that are too tight to the body hinder blood circulation and the expulsion of liquids.
- Self-massages. Give your legs or swollen area a little massage when you get home. Do it using essential oil of your liking using circular movements, and you will feel great relief. This is ideal for those who spend many hours standing or sitting in the same position.
- Professional treatments. The most recommended against fluid retention are lymphatic drainage and pressotherapy. Both are excellent for reactivating blood circulation and promoting fluid evacuation. Find out at a professional beauty center and choose the one that best suits your needs.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Fluid retention: causes and remedies, we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart, and circulation.
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.