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What foods to eat according to my blood type

by Alivia Nyhan
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Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo has a degree in naturopathic medicine and a doctorate in naturopathy, being one of the most recognized specialists in this field. He is also the author of the book Blood groups and nutrition, in which he states that each type of blood has foods that favor it the most and others that should be eaten moderately or, preferably, suppressed from the diet. This book has become a nutritional guide for many people who rely on this recommendation to eat a diet that meets their organic needs by consuming foods that favor them. Do you want to know what foods to eat according to your blood type? In this FastlyHealarticle we explain it to you in detail.

What is this proposal based on?

D’Adamo argues that each blood type has particular characteristics that go back to the very emergence of the human race. Each blood group has a specific chemical structure, a different antigen that allows us to develop antibodies to attack foreign invaders.

At the same time, all the foods we eat have lectins, a type of protein that binds to sugar and affects our blood. The theory that D’Adamo maintains is that when we consume a food that is not suitable for our blood type, the lectins in it can attack a specific organ or organ system, leading to conditions such as irritable bowel syndromedisease of Crohn’s, kidney problems, etc.

Although our body eliminates 95% of the lectins we eat, D’Adamo maintains that 5% can seep into the blood and affect our production of white or red blood cells, causing intestinal inflammation and organic reactions similar to food allergies. To avoid all this, this specialist in naturopathy proposes to consume good foods for each blood group, leaving out of our diet those with lectins that do not benefit us. In this way, we will have a much more effective gastric functioning and feel better and healthier.

Type O blood

It is the predominant blood type and also the oldest known. Because it was the blood group of the first hunters of prehistory, those who possess it have a solid and resistant immune system, a substantial digestive tract, and an excellent response to stress and tension but a less favorable response to environmental changes and dietetic. They are people who react well to intense physical activity, something they require to keep their metabolism working efficiently, which translates into a good body shape. Type O’s have fluid blood that can have a hard time clotting.

Good foods for type O blood

  • Because they come from hunters, lean meats are highly flattering for this group, digesting them very effectively. Beef, venison, lamb, and liver are recommended.
  • Fish are very beneficial, especially blue ones like salmon, cod, herring, sardine, or trout.
  • Vegetable milk or lean cheeses in meager quantities can be ingested.
  • Olive and linseed are recommended among the oils and dried fruits such as walnuts.
  • You can consume all vegetables except some cruciferous groups such as cabbage, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts.
  • Plums and figs are very beneficial.

Neutral foods for blood type O

  • Chicken, turkey, rabbit, or duck are neutral meats.
  • Seafood.
  • Mozzarella cheese, goat cheese, soy milk, and butter.
  • Canola, sesame accepted.
  • Hazelnut almonds, chestnuts.
  • Legumes such as beans, chickpeas, or peas.
  • Rice and quinoa are among the few bowls of cereal recommended to this group.
  • Cherries, pineapple, kiwi, and apple stand out among the neutral fruits.

Foods not recommended for blood type O

  • Caviar, octopus, smoked fish, pork, and its derivatives are not recommended to eat more than 140 grams of meat in women or 160 grams in men.
  • Dairy should be restricted because they are not well metabolized in this blood type.
  • The intake of legumes is not generally recommended, except for those considered neutral.
  • Cereals, especially wheat, are not recommended as they intervene with the metabolization of food.
  • Fruits such as bananas, blackberries, oranges, or tangerines are not recommended.

Type A blood

They are considered the descendants of the first farmers, people forced to start living off the land and cultivate what they needed to survive. These are slightly more sedentary people who do not resist stress well in more intense situations, so relaxation exercises are good for them. Among the best foods for blood type, A is vegetables necessary to maintain adequate weight. They have a sensitive digestive tract but a tolerant immune system.

Good Foods for Type A Blood

  • Among the beneficial fish for this group, the blue ones such as cod, salmon, sardines, or trout stand out. They can also eat sea bream, sturgeon, and snail.
  • Soy milk or skim milk in very moderate amounts.
  • This group can consume legumes such as peas, lentils, or beans.
  • Soy or cornflour.
  • Except for those plant foods not recommended for this group and mentioned later, type A can consume almost any vegetable. It is a very beneficial food for this group, which requires them to stay healthy. Ingredients like carrots, squash, broccoli, spinach, garlic, and orchard are highly recommended.
  • Bananas, blueberries, plums, cherries, lemon, grapefruit, and kiwi.
  • Olive and flax oil, and nuts such as peanuts.

Neutral foods for blood type A

  • Turkey, chicken, hen.
  • Tuna, dogfish, swordfish, snook.
  • Mozzarella, ricotta, goat cheese, and tofu.
  • Rice, barley, oatmeal, or corn flakes are neutral grains.
  • Watercress, bamboo shoots, green olives, asparagus, or cucumber.
  • Peach, strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, or grapes.

Foods not recommended for type A blood

  • No meat is recommended for this group; smoked meat products should also be avoided.
  • Squid, shrimp, sole, herring, octopus, anchovies, and shellfish.
  • Dairy products, in general, are not recommended.
  • Wheat germ and bran.
  • Avoiding the few vegetables include black olives, lima beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, red and green peppers, and tomatoes.
  • Banana, coconut, tangerine, and orange.
  • Corn, sesame, and pistachio oil.

Type B blood

This blood group is considered the nomadic group, a more balanced group with an optimal immune system and a tolerant stomach, which adapts well to changes and stress. Unlike the previous groups, it tolerates dairy products well; they are not prone to cancer or heart disease, which are more common in other groups. Eating a balanced diet is vital for blood type B.

Good foods for type B blood

  • Lamb, rabbit, and venison.
  • Cod, caviar, sole, hake, halibut, salmon, sardine, or trout.
  • They tolerate dairy well, drink skimmed milk and goat milk, and eat yogurt, cottage cheese, mozzarella, ricotta, or pecorino cheese.
  • Olive oil.
  • The bran and oatmeal, rice, and bran of this ingredient.
  • Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, sweet potato, bell peppers, or beets are beneficial.
  • You can choose pineapple, blueberry, banana, papaya, and grapes among the fruits.

Neutral foods for type B blood

  • Beef and liver.
  • Tuna, squid, dogfish, scallops, trout, and swordfish.
  • Ripened cheeses, whole, and soy milk.
  • Almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnuts.
  • Peas and beans.
  • Cherry, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, lemon, mandarin, or mango.

Foods not recommended for type B blood

  • Pig, chicken, duck, or hen.
  • Octopus, anchovies, and seafood in general.
  • Blue cheeses.
  • Canola, corn, sunflower, or sesame oil.
  • Hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, poppy seeds, or pumpkin.
  • Chickpeas and lentils.
  • Olives, corn, radish, or tofu.
  • Coconut and pomegranate.

Type AB blood

This group combines somewhat the characteristics of A and B separately and has a sensitive digestive tract, but a robust immune system responds well to stress through physical activity. It is the least common blood group of all, and among the best foods for blood type AB include vegetables because excess meat leads to weight gain.

Good Foods for Type AB Blood

  • Turkey, lamb, and rabbit in small and not very frequent portions.
  • Tuna, cod, snail, hake, grouper, salmon, sardine, or trout.
  • They better tolerate fermented and skimmed dairy products; kefir, yogurt, goat’s milk, mozzarella, ricotta, cottage, and sheep’s cheese are recommended.
  • Olive oil.
  • Nuts like peanuts and chestnuts.
  • Lentils, rice, rice bran, and oatmeal.
  • Garlic, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, beet, and tofu.
  • Pineapple, blueberries, cherries, plums, kiwi, lemons, and grapes.

Neutral foods for type AB blood

  • Herring, squid, caviar, dogfish, mussels, and swordfish.
  • Soy milk, skim milk, cheeses such as Emmenthal, Cheddar, Munster, or Gouda.
  • Flaxseed or canola oil.
  • Olives, watercress, pumpkin, asparagus, spinach, lettuce, mushrooms, tomato, or carrot.
  • Peach, raspberry, strawberry, dates, papaya, tangerine, apple, pear, and watermelon.

Foods not recommended for type AB blood

  • Beef, pork, duck, chicken.
  • Seafood in general, smoked products, octopus.
  • Blue and cured cheeses.
  • Corn and sunflower oil.
  • Beans and chickpeas.
  • Flours and corn flakes.
  • Black olives, chili, corn, yellow and green pepper, radish.
  • Banana, coconut, mango, and orange.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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