Home DietsHealthy food What is hydrolyzed milk and what are its benefits

What is hydrolyzed milk and what are its benefits

by Alivia Nyhan
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When they are young, women undergo a series of changes that are related to the maturation of their body to conceive and raise a child in the future, among which is the development of the breasts. Breast milk is the best food for babies, among its benefits we can mention that it contains nutrients that the little one needs during the first six months of life, in addition to protecting their immune system, reducing the risk of allergies and obesity and it is easier to digest than artificial milk. However, there are mothers who do not produce enough breast milk and the baby is required to be fed with artificial milk. There is the possibility that babies have an allergic reaction to cow proteins and this is why cow’s milk is replaced by hydrolyzed milk. In this FastlyHealarticle,what is hydrolyzed milk and what are its benefits.

What is hydrolyzed milk

It is a protein-based formula that is used in infants because it is lactose-free. This milk is intended to be used in babies allergic to lactose or with intolerance to it. It is ideal to replace breast milk when it is not enough or it is not possible to produce, although it should always be under the indication of the pediatrician.

Hydrolyzed milk feeds the same because it is prepared with cow’s milk, the difference is that its proteins are broken into even smaller fragments, reducing the risk of producing allergy to the baby. It is called hydrolyzed milk because its proteins are highly hydrolyzed and lactose free.

Benefits of hydrolyzed milk

Hydrolyzed milk is a formula used in children with a diagnosis of lactose intolerance, it is made in such a way that the protein pieces are very small. This is because many children do not digest proteins well and when the body detects this protein, it reacts producing an allergy and, consequently, skin alterations such as dermatitis, it is for this reason that hydrolyzed milk is made to counteract this problem by presenting many benefits and being a good alternative in cases of babies with:

  • Intolerance to cow’s milk proteins.
  • Atopic dermatitis .
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • Acute gastroenteritis.

In addition, another of the benefits of hydrolyzed milk is that it strengthens the baby’s immune system by having prebiotics. It is enriched with compounds such as DHA and GLA, which promote visual and cognitive development. Currently, they have improved the flavor of the formula, being also easy to digest and absorb. The formula due to its composition has very little risk that the baby will react allergic to it.

What is the best hydrolyzed milk for babies

On the market, there are many types of hydrolyzed milk, their trade names depend on the composition:

  • The highly hydrolyzed ones: Blevimat FH, Hydrolyzed Nutriben, nutragimen, etc.
  • The partially hydrolyzed formulas: Aptamil, Enphalac, Nidine.

However, below we are going to define the best hydrolyzed milk for your baby:

Lactose-free hydrolyzed milk

It is the formula manufactured, as we have already mentioned, for those allergic to lactose. Once the baby tries the bottle with lactose-free milk and has an allergic skin reaction, it is important to contact the pediatrician so that he or she can suggest consuming this type of milk. Its formula contains lactose-free whey and calcium caseinate.

Hydrolyzed rice-based milk

Currently, there is another milk option on the market that is not made from cow protein, but is based on plant- based milk , such as rice-based milk. Many times it is used to corroborate the diagnosis of allergy in the baby, once the reaction is presented, it is changed for this for a time and it is used again based on lactose, if the baby presents the allergy again, that will be the diagnosis .

It is also used in case you want to give your baby hydrolyzed milk or in those cases in which the mother takes many products that contain lactose, since it can pass through the milk through the breast causing a reaction in the child. It would be recommended to give this type of hydrolyzed milk to the baby to prevent allergic reaction, vomiting and tummy pain, which can also be other symptoms.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is hydrolyzed milk and what are its benefits , we recommend that you enter our Food category .

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