Do you need to lose pounds quickly ? You should know that by making a series of changes in your life you can easily remove those extra kilos but keep in mind that if after these 7 days you do not continue with a healthy diet, you will regain the same weight in a very short time.
In this FastlyHealarticle we are going to give you an eating plan so that you know what to eat each day, but we will also give you a series of tips that you can carry out to stay at your ideal weight and not suffer from the dreaded “rebound effect”. Keep reading and discover this diet to lose weight in a week with which you will not go hungry and with which you can continue leading your life with total normality.
Table of Contents
Calorie basics
Let’s start by thinking that our body is similar to a car, that is, to function it needs gasoline, if not, it remains stopped and completely without energy. We work in the same way: calories from food are necessary so that we can have energy during our day to day and do our activities healthily. Everything, absolutely everything, what we do during our day requires an energy expenditure that comes from the calories we eat with food.
Going to work, cleaning the house, going shopping, etc., all these are physical activities that we can exercise thanks to the fact that we have energy in the body. Therefore: we need calories to live. What happens is that, depending on the type of life we lead, we may not burn all the calories we eat and these are stored in the body in the form of saturated fat. This is why we get fat. So in order to burn that fat, we only need to do two things:
- 1. Eat healthy , low-fat foods that give us the energy our body requires.
- 2. Encourage the burning of calories through physical exercise .
As simple as that! Therefore, if we need to lose weight in a week, the first thing we have to review is our eating habits and our lifestyle since if it is sedentary, we will have to start incorporating some movement (going to work by bicycle, climbing the stairs in instead of taking the elevator or going for a walk).
What we will achieve with this will be that our body takes advantage of the calories you take on a daily basis and that none is transformed into fat and, with exercise, what you will do is that your body uses the accumulated fat and converts it into energy to be able to make that effort extra to which you are submitting. This is how you will lose weight in a week.
In this article we suggest other quick ways to lose weight .
Tricks to lose weight fast
Once we have explained how our body works with regard to calories, the next point is to indicate some methods that will help you burn that accumulated fat and, thus, lose weight quickly . As we have indicated before, the trick is to reduce the calories you take daily so that they are burned with your daily activity and, thus, your body has to go to the fat reserves to have more energy.
That said, take note of these tricks that we are going to give you so that you can lose weight in record time:
- Add many vegetables to your diet : they are the essential ingredient to lose weight because they contain many vitamins and nutrients that are perfect for the body, and yet they have hardly any calories. They are usually rich in fiber, something that it does promotes the feeling of satiety and that, in addition, contributes to a good intestinal transit. Therefore, during this week try to increase your consumption of vegetables, both raw and cooked.
- Low-calorie proteins : it will be essential that your menu contains proteins such as meat or fish, but not all of them are worth it since there are some that contain less fat than others. Lean meats (chicken, turkey or rabbit) are the most suitable and in the field of fish you should opt for the white ones and leave out the blue ones.
- Significantly reduce carbohydrates : we are not only talking about pasta or rice but potatoes or legumes are also carbohydrates. In any eating plan, this group has to exist to lead a healthy life, but if you want to lose weight in a week, you should almost completely eliminate these foods from your menu and limit it only to the first hour of the day.
- Drink plenty of fluids : water is essential to help you lose fluids and therefore lose weight. In fact, you should drink 2 liters of water a day but, in addition, we also recommend that you add a healthy drink half an hour before each meal to reduce your appetite. One of the best options is to start the day with a glass of warm water with lemon juice, a filling and detoxifying food. If, in addition, before eating you also take it, you will be able to reach the food with much less feeling of hunger.
- Exercise : we have already told you that it is essential to exercise to accelerate the burning of fat, so during this week we recommend that for the results to be much more visible you choose to do some sport or, failing that, that you try to go walking to work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and so on. If you choose to play sports, keep in mind that it is best to do it for 4 days and spend at least half an hour practicing it.
There are some foods that, thanks to their properties, can help you lose weight. In this article we suggest that you learn how to lose weight with ginger .
Weekly menu to lose weight
Having said all this, we are going to give you a menu proposal that you can incorporate into your diet to lose weight in a week . Keep in mind that this is an example, you can incorporate your favorite vegetables or your light recipes; The only thing you have to keep in mind is that the cooking methods of the food must be with very little oil to reduce the caloric intake.
- Breakfast: Coffee with skim milk + 2 toasts of whole wheat bread with turkey
- Mid-morning: Fruit of time
- Lunch: Green salad + Baked chicken with lemon
- Snack: Skimmed Yogurt
- Dinner: Purifying broth + Artichoke omelette
- Breakfast: Green tea + 2 whole grain cookies + fresh orange juice
- Mid-morning: Low-fat yogurt
- Lunch: Boiled spinach + Turkey burger
- Snack: Fruit salad
- Dinner: Tomato salad with cucumber and fresh cheese 0%
- Breakfast: Coffee with skim milk + wholemeal sandwich with 0% cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion
- Mid-morning: Fruit of time
- Lunch: Vegetable broth (no pasta) + Baked stuffed peppers stuffed with tuna
- Snack: Skimmed Yogurt
- Dinner: Pumpkin cream + Grilled monkfish
- Breakfast: Infusion of horsetail + 2 toasts with jam 0%
- Mid-morning: Fruit salad
- Lunch: Green salad + Chicken and pineapple skewer
- Snack: Skimmed Yogurt
- Dinner: Sauteed vegetables + Sole with lemon
- Breakfast: Coffee with milk + 2 wholemeal cookies
- Mid-morning: Low-fat yogurt
- Lunch: Tomato salad + Chicken stuffed zucchini
- Snack: Fruit of the season
- Dinner: Carrot puree + Chicken sausages
- Breakfast: Black tea + whole wheat sandwich with tuna and peppers
- Mid-morning: Fruit of time
- Lunch: Green Juice + Seafood Salpicón
- Snack: Yogurt 0%
- Dinner: Boiled chard + scrambled egg with green asparagus
- Breakfast: Coffee with skimmed milk +2 whole wheat toasts with 0% cheese
- Mid-morning: Low-fat yogurt
- Lunch: Green salad + Chicken meatballs
- Snack: Fruit of the season
- Dinner: Vegetable cream + hake with fine herbs
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Diet to lose weight in a week , we recommend that you enter our Food category .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.