Home DietsDiets to lose weight Artichoke diet to lose weight

Artichoke diet to lose weight

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

One of the most popular weight loss diets out there is the one that takes advantage of the properties of the artichoke to help us lose weight in a healthy way and without putting our health at risk. There is a 3-day plan that will help you detoxify your body and lose those extra pounds, however, you can also opt for a healthier and more progressive diet in which the artichoke has a strong presence.

In this FastlyHealarticle we are going to talk to you about the artichoke diet to lose weight, indicating all the aspects that you should take into account before starting to practice it. We also want to remind you that, before making changes to your diet, it is advisable that you speak with a nutritionist who can monitor your progress and make the appropriate changes.

Lose weight with artichokes

In order to understand what is the foundation on which the artichoke diet is built , it is important that we know the properties that this vegetable has and that it can help us lose weight. It is an ingredient that, thanks to its components, allow our body to work efficiently and, therefore, we can burn fat and lose weight more easily. Next we are going to detail the properties of the artichoke to lose weight :

  • High fiber content

This vegetable is very rich in fiber, something that allows glucose to be reduced in the blood and, therefore, our body is not prone to store accumulated fat. In addition to this, fiber also manages to regulate cholesterol levels as well as improve intestinal transit, something important to be able to eliminate toxins naturally and purify the body.

Another of the positive points that fiber has in relation to weight loss is that it has a powerful satiating effect , so by eating artichokes you will reduce your appetite and take away your hunger for longer.

  • Rica in the kitchen

The artichoke is rich in this component that improves the digestion of food, thus accelerating the metabolism. In this way, you can take advantage of the calories that are ingested faster, enhancing the fat burning effect .

Thanks to its diuretic effect, we will be able to eliminate fat through the urine, thus ensuring that our body is also free of toxins and that we reduce the retention of liquids that is responsible for the appearance of cellulite.

  • Very low in calories

And in addition to all this, the artichoke is a perfect food to add to your diet because it contains very few calories: for every 100 grams, you only eat 22 calories. In addition to this, it is a food that is included within the “negative” calories , that is, a series of ingredients that use more calories to digest than they themselves have.

Artichoke diet: 3 days

The weight loss plan that most people follow from the artichoke diet is the one that lasts for only 3 days and that promises to help us lose 2 to 4 kilos , depending on the constitution and weight of each person. If you suffer from obesity, this method is not suitable for you as it is indicated for people who have gained a few extra kilos and want to get rid of them quickly. In addition, this diet should not be extended for more than 3 days because it contains few vitamins and nutrients.

The basic principle of this diet is to eat artichokes during lunch and dinner, accompanying each dish with healthy and low-fat products, such as white fish, lean meats, other vegetables, etc. To lose the promised weight it is essential that you drink 2 liters of water a day that will help you purify the body, lose fluids and have a healthier body.

The foods allowed in this type of method that lasts 3 days are some such as:

  • Seasonal fruits : especially those that are abundant in water and with few calories, such as pineapple, watermelon, apple, etc. Banana or avocado are fattier alternatives that it is better not to take during these days.
  • Vegetables : In general, all vegetables are acceptable during this diet because they are nutrient-rich alternatives and, most of them, are very low in calories. Above all, you can add spinach, chard or vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, asparagus, celery, etc.
  • Skimmed dairy : 0% cheeses or yogurts can also be included in your diet as they are rich in protein and low in fat, so they will help you lose weight by providing essential nutrients for your body.
  • Lean meats : turkey, chicken or rabbit are low-fat meats that you can eat during the 3 days of the diet.
  • White fish : hake, monkfish, sole, among others, are very healthy options full of protein and barely fat, therefore, you can include them in your menu.

In this case, it is recommended not to eat carbohydrates for 3 days to promote fat loss and accelerate your metabolism. However, you must bear in mind that after having done this diet it is very likely that you will gain some weight because there is the possibility that the rebound effect will appear and, when restoring eating habits, some kilos will be gained. For this reason, it is important that you continue with a healthy diet and lower fat that will help you continue to lose weight progressively.

At FastlyHealwe give you a complete list of foods to lose weight that you can add to your diet in a balanced way.

Foods prohibited in the artichoke diet

We have already indicated that the duration of this diet is only 3 days and, therefore, during this time you should NOT eat some foods rich in fat and that will prevent you from reaching your goal. Therefore, below we are going to clearly indicate which foods you will have to eliminate these days from your menu:

  • Fatty meats : sausages, beef or pork should be temporarily eliminated from your diet to avoid introducing fats into your body that can make you lose weight as expected.
  • Blue fish : salmon, tuna or sardines are just some of the fish that you should avoid these 3 days to lose the kilos that the diet proposes. The reason is that they are high-fat ingredients.
  • Egg yolk : while the white of the egg (the white part) is highly recommended in a diet to lose weight, the truth is that the yolk, the yellowish part, must be completely eliminated as it contains carbohydrates and a large amount of fat.
  • Carbohydrates : we have already indicated that, due to the short duration of this plan, it is important that you reduce the consumption of carbohydrates since they provide a large dose of energy that, if not consumed, becomes saturated fat.
  • Sugary and refined : all those products that contain sugars such as pastries, soft drinks or sweets should be avoided to avoid filling the body with new toxins and fats.
  • Alcohol : alcoholic beverages provide the body with toxins, calories, and yet they do not contain nutrients that are favorable to our body. Therefore, for 3 days, skip drinking these drinks and opt for herbal teas or natural juices. At FastlyHealwe discover some herbal teas to lose weight that may be of interest to you.

Artichoke diet menu

Once we have already indicated everything you can take to be able to carry out the artichoke diet to lose weight, at FastlyHealwe are going to propose an example menu that will help you understand how to distribute meals and, above all, have some recipe ideas that can be taken leisurely during these 3 days.


  • Option 1: Infusion + Fruit of the season
  • Option 2: Coffee with milk 0% + Skimmed yogurt


  • Option 1: Yogurt 0%
  • Option 2: Fruit of the season


  • Option 1: Boiled artichokes + Grilled chicken seasoned with lemon
  • Option 2: Purifying broth + Sautéed artichokes with egg whites

Afternoon snack

  • Option 1: 0% yogurt with pieces of seasonal fruit
  • Option 2: Cucumber, carrot and celery salad


  • Option 1: Artichoke cream + Baked rabbit
  • Option 2: Boiled spinach + Grilled hake with sautéed artichokes

Another way to lose weight with artichokes

If you do not want to do the 3-day diet, there is another way to lose weight with artichokes that is simply to add this vegetable daily to your lunch or dinner. In this way, you will be benefiting from the properties that we have indicated in the first section and you will lose weight but in a more progressive way, thus making the rebound effect less likely.

This diet can be extended up to 1 month and is based on leading healthy lifestyle habits that incorporate low-fat foods and the regular practice of physical exercise. If you opt for this other option, don’t forget carbohydrates as they are our main source of energy; that yes: opt for those that are integral because, the whites, are refined and full of sugars.

With this other method, you will be able to lose 4 kilos in a month , thus achieving a more stable and easy-to-maintain weight.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Artichoke diet to lose weight , we recommend that you enter our Food category .

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