Home DietsHealthy food Poppy seeds: properties and contraindications

Poppy seeds: properties and contraindications

by Alivia Nyhan
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Do you already know what the properties of poppy seeds are? This famous red flower provides us with sources used to decorate and accompany many of the dishes or recipes that we prepare, giving them a peculiar flavor very similar to that of walnuts. Well, you should know that these seeds contain many essential nutrients that are excellent for improving the health of the body and enjoying a healthier body. Both the cardiovascular system and the nervous, immune, and digestive systems can be strengthened with its consumption, so pay attention to this article by FastlyHealand to discover the properties and contraindications of poppy seeds. This way, you introduce them into your diet safely and healthily.

Nutritional composition of poppy seeds

Poppy seeds stand out for their nutritional composition, which is very interesting for all the benefits they can bring to the health of the body. Next, we show you what its essential nutrients are:

  • Vitamins: vitamins A, B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9), C, and E.
  • Minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium.
  • Dietary fiber: about two tablespoons of poppy seeds provide about 3 grams of fiber.
  • Essential fatty acids: omega-3 and omega-6.

They take care of and protect cardiovascular health.

One of the main properties of poppy seeds is that they are excellent for protecting and improving cardiovascular health. This is thanks to its high content of essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-6, which help reduce high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and increase good cholesterol levels.

In addition, these types of nutrients have been shown to help reduce the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke.

A powerful natural painkiller

Poppy seeds are usually used to sleep well and sleep more easily and quickly. And it has been shown that they are good allies in relaxing the nervous system and naturally calming the nerves. This benefit is mainly due to its alkaloid content, which gives it that powerful sedative effect.

Therefore, infusions made with poppy seeds are recommended in case of stress, anxiety, insomnia, spasms, nervous cough, etc.

They improve intestinal transit.

The outer layer of poppy seeds is very rich in dietary fiber, so its regular consumption is also very beneficial for the health of the digestive system.

They can help you enjoy better digestion, do your intestinal transit work properly, and prevent constipation and the symptoms that this condition carries.

If you usually suffer the consequences of a slow intestinal transit, we recommend that you consult the article Foods to prevent constipation and include them in your diet as soon as possible.

Strengthen bones

Another of the properties of poppy seeds is that they contribute to good bone health. They are a great source of calcium, copper, and manganese, which help strengthen bones and stimulate the formation of collagen, which is essential to protect the bone system from possible damage that may affect it.

By providing the recommended daily doses of calcium and copper, poppy seeds are an excellent alternative for those who want to obtain more calcium through diet but cannot or do not want to take dairy products. For all this, we can say that they are a good food or nutritional supplement to prevent osteoporosis and keep bones strong.

They strengthen the immune system.

Poppy seeds are very rich in vitamins, and among these are vitamins C and E, two powerful antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system and increase defenses naturally.

This antioxidant action is ideal for combating the action of free radicals in the body, which are the leading causes of the oxidation of healthy cells and the suffering of degenerative diseases. Find out more about this issue by consulting the article What are free radicals.

How to take poppy seeds

Once you know all the benefits and properties of poppy seeds, you must know how you can take advantage of all its benefits. Take note and discover below how to consume poppy seeds:

  • Alone: you can buy them in stores specializing in the sale of natural products and take a teaspoon of seeds a day accompanied by a glass of water or a glass of fruit juice.
  • In infusion: boil one small tablespoon of poppy seeds in 1 cup of water; when cooked, let it rest for 5 minutes and strain the liquid. Add a little honey if you want it to taste sweeter.
  • With soups and broths: Poppy seeds have a flavor similar to walnuts; you can add a small handful to soups or broths that you prepare.
  • A very healthy way to eat poppy seeds is by adding a handful to salads with salads.
  • Pastry recipes: you can also add a pinch of these seeds to some of the desserts or sweets you prepare, whether cookies, cakes, cakes, etc.
  • With yogurt: if you usually eat yogurt for breakfast or a snack, you can accompany it with a few poppy seeds to give it more flavor and all its benefits.

You must store the poppy seeds in a dry, dark, and free of humidity to keep them in perfect condition.

Side effects and contraindications of poppy seeds

Before you start consuming poppy seeds, it is essential to be aware of the precautions that must be taken so that their intake is not counterproductive to health:

  • There is a lack of information regarding its effect on the fetus and the future mother, so it is not recommended that pregnant women consume them without first consulting with their gynecologist.
  • Due to its sedative effects, it is necessary to consume a teaspoon of seeds a day since, in excess, it can cause a severe state of sedation. Therefore, it is not advisable for those who must stay awake and focused on a specific task.
  • Its excessive consumption can also cause stomach pain.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Poppy seeds: properties and contraindications , we recommend that you enter our Food category .

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