Home DietsHealthy food Foods that contain lactose and in what quantity

Foods that contain lactose and in what quantity

by Alivia Nyhan
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Lactose is a type of sugar present in milk and foods derived from it. The body digests lactose thanks to the enzyme lactase produced by the intestines. When these organs do not secrete enough lactase, it is considered that a person suffers from lactose intolerance. This condition causes very annoying symptoms about 30 minutes after consuming any dairy. Lactose intolerance usually manifests through abdominal cramps, bloating, diarrhea, gas, and nausea.

The treatment of lactose intolerance consists of reducing the intake of foods and products that contain lactose to avoid the symptoms of this condition; for this reason, it is essential to know which foods contain lactose and in what quantity. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, we invite you to continue reading this FastlyHealarticle.

Dairy and lactose

Let’s talk about dairy! It is no secret that this sugar is present in dairy foods when it comes to lactose. However, not all milk derivatives are bad. Specific rules help lactose-intolerant people identify which dairy foods can be good or bad for their health, regardless of their lactose content. Some of them are:

  • The more fat a food contains, the less lactose it has.
  • Products with less than 2% lactose are generally tolerated by most people as long as they are not consumed in excess.
  • The lactose content in yogurts, milk, and cheeses can vary by brand.
  • The tenths do not make any difference in the percentage of lactose that a product contains. If a yogurt contains one-tenth of a rate less than another yogurt, the effect on the body will be the same.
  • The older a cheese is, the less lactose it contains.

Once we take these rules into account when consuming all types of dairy, it is essential to know the lactose content of each of these food groups. Here we inform you how much lactose the different types of milk contain.

Milk and its amount of lactose

When we think of foods that contain lactose, it is tough not to think of milk. However, it is the food that includes the most of this type of sugar; today, in the market, we can find specific lactose-free presentations that are perfectly digestible by the body. Let’s know which ones to avoid and which ones not.

  • Whole milk : 4.8%.
  • Low-fat milk : 5%.
  • Skim milk: 5.2%.
  • Light cream : 3.9%.
  • Milk cream : 2.9%.
  • Milk with 70% reduced lactose: 1.6%.
  • Milk with 80% reduced lactose: 1.1%.
  • Milk with 100% reduced lactose : 0%.
  • Condensed milk : 12.9%.
  • Evaporated milk : 10.3%.
  • Nonfat dry milk : 51.3%
  • Instant milk powder: 49% to 54%.
  • Whole milk powder: 37.5%.
  • Milk powdered cut: 46% to 50%.

As we have commented previously, all those products that contain less than 2% lactose can be tolerated by the vast majority of people, as long as they are not ingested in excessive amounts.

Cultured and frozen dairy

  • Agrarian cream : 3.9%.
  • Whey : 4.3%.
  • Low-fat yogurt: 1.9% to 6%.
  • Whole milk yogurt: 4.1% to 4.7%.
  • Dulce de leche : 4.4%.
  • Skim milk kefir : 4.0%.
  • Ice cream : 3.1% to 8.4%.
  • Sorbets : 0.6% to 2.1%.
  • Milk ice : 7.6%.

Milk fats and whey

  • Butter : 0.8% to 1%.
  • Margarine : 0% to 1%.
  • Sweet powdered whey : 63% to 75%.
  • Sour Powdered Whey : 61% to 70%.
  • Cheddar-type liquid serum : 4% to 5%.
  • Cottage-type liquid serum : 4% to 4.9%.

Cheeses and their lactose content

  • American : 1.6% to 5.2%.
  • Blue : 0.0% to 2.5%.
  • Brie : 0.0% to 2%.
  • Camembert: ,0% a 1,8%.
  • Cheddar: 0,0% a 2,1%.
  • Colby: 1,6% a 5,2%.
  • Cottage descremado: 3,4%.
  • Cottage en crema: 0,6% a 3,3%.
  • Cream cheese : 0.4% to 2.9%.
  • Edam: 0% a 1,4%.
  • Feta: 4,1%.
  • Gouda: 0% a 2,2%.
  • Mozzarella: 0% a 3,1%.
  •  Grated Parmesan : 2.9% to 3.7%.
  •  Whole Parmesan : 0% to 3.2%.
  • Provolone : 0% to 2.1%.
  • Ricotta: 0,2% a 5,1%.
  • Roquefort: 2%.
  • Swiss : 0% to 3.4%.

Lactose-free food list and recommendations

All those foods that contain absolutely no amount of milk are lactose-free, and therefore their free consumption is allowed in people with lactose intolerance. However, some recommendations are essential when you want to eat dairy foods and have an intolerance to this type of sugar. Let’s learn some tips for living with lactose intolerance :

  • Lactose can be added to non-dairy products such as hot dogs, processed meats, sliced ​​meat, patés, seasonings, bread, cereals, dried fruits, protein bars, frozen meals, etc. Therefore, it is essential that when making your monthly purchase, you always check the labels of all products in search of a possible lactose content, and, you know, if it is less than 2%, there is no problem.
  • Lactose can be found on the nutritional labels of foods and foods under several names; recognize the most common: casein, whey, lactitol, lactates, lactic esters, lactylates, and calcium, sodium caseinate, potassium caseinate, lactoglobulin, starch, riboflavin, and lactic acid.
  • Lactase enzymes can be added to food and milk to improve their digestion in the body. Lactase can also be taken in capsules or as a chewable tablet.
  • It is essential to monitor calcium levels in the blood constantly, as they can decrease due to the low intake of dairy products through diet.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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