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High blood pressure and getting pregnant?

by Alivia Nyhan
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Blood pressure is the force that the blood pumped by the heart exerts against the walls of the arteries. When the pressure is higher than 140/90 mmHg, it is considered that there is hypertension or high blood pressure. Having normal blood pressure is essential for the blood to circulate properly, and there can be a supply of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body through the fluid. Among the leading causes of this disorder, we find problems in the functioning of the kidneys, fat, excessive consumption of salt, accumulation of water in the body, hormonal uncontrols, overweight, smoking, stress, and family history.

Being a woman of childbearing age and receiving a diagnosis of hypertension is a scenario that many women fear, but that unfortunately happens. And it is that before this combination, the first thing that arises is the nerves, followed by the following question: can I get pregnant if I have hypertension? Find out the answer in this FastlyHealarticle.

Does hypertension affect pregnancy?

When you doubt whether you can get pregnant if you have hypertension, the answer is brief: yes, if you can get pregnant suffering from hypertension since the female reproductive system is not affected, nor does the woman become sterile with this diagnosis. However, you should know that hypertension is one of the diseases that can complicate pregnancy, so it is essential that before deciding to become a mother, you consult with your cardiologist and gynecologist about what risks exist in your case if you were to give such a scenario.

Why should you consult with the doctor? Because every woman is different and every hypertension too. Only your doctors will be able to tell you, taking into account your type of blood pressure, the behavior of your heart, and the frequency of increases in blood pressure, how healthy it would be to get pregnant for both you and the baby. And is that suffering from hypertension during pregnancy represents a significant health risk that must be considered; below, we explain why.

Hypertension in pregnancy

Hypertension in pregnancy puts the health of the mother and the fetus at risk, even when the woman is hypertensive before pregnancy or has developed high blood pressure during pregnancy, known as gestational hypertension.

Since the mother’s blood circulation is not stable, the body cannot receive nutrients correctly, which also happens in the placenta and can cause the baby to be born with lightweight or advanced labor, and the baby is born prematurely. The increased risk of suffering any of these complications will depend on the type of hypertension of the pregnant woman and the control she has exercised over it during the gestation period.

In our article ” High Blood Pressure in pregnancy: risks and Treats, we explain more about this condition during pregnancy.

Types of hypertension during pregnancy


This surge in tension is perhaps the most serious that can occur. It usually occurs suddenly from the 20th week of pregnancy. It is characterized by very high blood pressure due to changes typical of pregnancy and the presence of protein in the urine. To reduce the risks that this condition can cause to the life of the mother and the fetus, it is essential to control it in time and constantly monitor it to prevent it from turning into eclampsia, which is the complication of hypertension accompanied by seizures and coma.

Gestational hypertension

It is transient hypertension that occurs during pregnancy due to changes that pregnancy causes in the body, and in most cases, it disappears after delivery. If it appears in the 20th week of pregnancy, 50% of cases lead to preeclampsia. If it occurs after 36 weeks, it is considered a moderate condition.

Chronic hypertension

It was diagnosed before the mother became pregnant or appeared before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Its cause is generally unknown, and it is a condition that remains after delivery. It must be carefully monitored and treated throughout the pregnancy not to harm the mother or the fetus. Among its care, it is worthwhile for the woman to strictly control her diet and avoid consuming salt since this substance is one of the primary triggers of high blood pressure. Managing stress, nerves, and weight are also significant.

Chronic hypertension plus preeclampsia

It occurs when preeclampsia occurs in a mother diagnosed with hypertension before pregnancy. This happens to 25% of hypertensive women who become pregnant and is caused by increased uric acid in the blood. This scenario is one of the most dangerous, as it can trigger seizures, kidney damage, liver damage, and a decrease in blood platelets.

How Hypertension Is Treated During Pregnancy

The first thing to do is constantly monitor blood pressure levels, so daily measurements and several times a day are suggested. Likewise, women need to watch their diet:

  • Eat low salt.
  • Reduce fat intake.
  • Watch their weight.
  • Do less than 30 minutes of low-impact physical activity a day.

Can a pregnant woman be medicated for hypertension?

It depends. At the beginning of pregnancy, if the mother is already hypertensive, she will likely be asked to stop all treatments to observe how her heart behaves and protect the fetus’s formation during the first trimester, keeping it accessible and protected from chemicals that can cause you some harm.

However, if, after the 20th week of pregnancy, the woman begins to present constant increases in blood pressure, the doctor may evaluate the need for medication to prevent said hypertension from leading to preeclampsia. The attending physicians can only make this decision: cardiologist and obstetrician-gynecologist.

When the mother has very severe hypertension, she may require hospitalization for more rigorous control and supervision, since if this condition continues to worsen as the pregnancy progresses, the mother may experience brain swelling, kidney and heart failure, and even death. . In the case of the fetus, this scenario can cause premature detachment of the placenta, which interrupts the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and can cause its death.

Fortunately, as long as the mother follows all the recommendations and is constantly monitored by her doctors, significant complications can be prevented.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Can I get pregnant if I have hypertension? We recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart and circulation .

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