Home Blood problemsBlood Pressure Everything you need to know about blood pressure

Everything you need to know about blood pressure

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Blood pressure measures the force of blood against the arteries; when we refer to high blood pressure, commonly known as hypertension, it has to do with the fact that the streets, which are responsible for regulating blood flow, begin to narrow. The heart must make a more excellent sacrifice to pump blood, drastically affecting our health. At FastlyHealwe, explain what the average values ​​of blood pressure are.

Why does blood pressure go up?

High blood pressure has to do with our lifestyle and how we eat. Therefore, the factors that affect this condition are:

  • The obesity.
  • The sedentary lifestyle.
  • Have high cholesterol values.
  • Having diabetes
  • Be a man over 60 years old or a woman over 55 years old.
  • Drink frequently.
  • Food high in salt.
  • Being under environments of stress, anger, and hostility.
  • African Americans have a higher incidence of this disease than whites.

On the other hand, hereditary factors also influence blood pressure to rise. If someone in your family has had hypertension, the development is higher.

Normal values

When our heart pumps blood, blood pressure rises; this effect is known as systolic pressure, while when we are at rest, blood pressure decreases, which is called diastolic pressure. Both values ​​will be taken into account to measure blood pressure, starting with the systolic; for this, a device called a sphygmomanometer or blood pressure monitor is used. Blood pressure figures will be expressed in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), and average values ​​will be as follows:

  • Systolic pressure: 119 mm or less than 120 mm
  • Diastolic pressure: 79 mm or less than 80 mm

If your values ​​are between 140 for systolic pressure and 90 for diastolic, it is considered hypertension. With age, blood pressure rises due to the loss of elasticity of the arteries, so it is recommended that people over 50 years of age monitor their blood pressure annually to prevent kidney or heart failure and strokes.

How does high blood pressure affect?

There are four main ways hypertension can affect your health, firstly, it will harden the arteries due to internal pressure, resulting in the narrowing, and if there is a blood clot, it will interrupt blood flow, causing a stroke. or a heart attack.

Second, another of the effects of high blood pressure is that the heart enlarges, causing it to overexert itself to fulfill its function. The larger it is, the less blood can circulate, and you will feel weak, leading to heart failure in which you will not be able to perform physical exercises without some treatment.

Finally, your kidneys may be affected since the blood supply to this organ will be deficient. Also, the eye damage that it can cause, especially if you have diabetes, will break the capillaries of the retina and cause a stroke or cause blindness.

Prevention of high blood pressure

Modifications in your lifestyle and your daily diet will be the key to preventing hypertension and controlling it. Here are some recommendations:

  • Avoid foods high in saturated fat and high in salt.
  • Get regular exercise.
  • If you are overweight, consult a nutritionist to improve your diet.
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Manage stress.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Normal Blood Pressure Values , we recommend that you enter our Blood, Heart, and Circulation category.

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