Home DietsHealthy diets Diet to detoxify the body in three days

Diet to detoxify the body in three days

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Everyone at some point in our lives we find days in which we have not paid much attention to the health of our body and we want to remedy it or, we simply want to dedicate a few days to be physically healthier, thus helping to also purify our emotions and our mind. Knowing our body and the wonders that nature offers us, we can detoxify easily and efficiently.

Keep reading this FastlyHealarticle to find out the best diet to detoxify the body in three days and give your body the new air it deserves.

Keys to a detoxifying and balanced diet

When we want to cleanse our body, we can do it without risking the balance of our diet, not only removing toxins for three days, but also providing the necessary nutrients and resources so that it can perform this function correctly.

The human body needs to eat carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals in a balanced way , as well as adequate hydration.

For carbohydrates, we will focus on eliminating the flours, as well as any source of refined sugar. We will only resort to fruits and tubers for being healthier and allies of the immune system, providing better energy and, in the case of fruits, for being diuretic and helping to improve intestinal health. Fruits preferably in solid form to reduce the temptation to consume sugar and take better advantage of the nutrients. We will also add the nutritious nuts. None of these carbohydrates will be eaten at night.

For proteins, we will include fresh meats, which must be prepared with the least amount of processing possible and trying to use sea or Himalayan salt only, in limited quantities. We will also include mushrooms.

For vitamins and minerals, and completing the antioxidant nutrition, we will include vegetables of the best quality and freshness. Reducing the amount of salt is to stimulate diuresis and prevent fluid retention.

We will avoid frying as much as possible. If you want to use oil in some of the options, use only olive, coconut and / or avocado. Do not reuse it and avoid burning (smoking).

First day of the diet to detoxify the body


  • Fruit salad: pineapples, papaya, grapes, blueberries and berries.
  • Omelette of eggs and chopped vegetables (without potato).
  • Unsweetened coffee or green tea with honey and / or lemon.


  • Grilled chicken: without skin, low in salt and with parsley. Add the fresh, natural seasonings of your choice.
  • Sauteed vegetables: carrots, green beans, asparagus.
  • Sweet potato puree: You can cook these using a little clarified butter or unsalted butter (never margarine).
  • Dessert: up to 20 grams of dark chocolate, only if it is with a cocoa percentage of 70% or higher.


  • Garlic mushrooms with sautéed asparagus: use the same water that mushrooms release for cooking. For the best flavor, use cooking wine, garlic, onion, and freshly ground black pepper.

Second day of detox diet


  • Several pieces of watermelon (it is not recommended to mix this fruit with others).
  • Eggs boiled with sliced ​​tomatoes, broccoli, olive oil, pepper and / or spice of your choice.


  • Fish ceviche (curvina, red tuna and / or sea bass): take the opportunity to use vegetables such as red onion, sweet and hot peppers and lettuce or cabbage (in layer). Use garlic, plenty of lemon and a little vinegar. For the ceviche, the fish does not need cooking, but it does need to be fresh and it is advisable to leave it in the lemon juice for a few hours for added flavor.
  • Cooked sweet potato to accompany or baked plantain tostones using a little coconut oil and ground sea salt.


  • Pumpkin cream: including ingredients such as onion, spinach, turmeric, ginger, parsley, coriander, garlic, cinnamon, chard, chili peppers, among other vegetables of your choice.

Third day of the cleansing diet


  • Banana and cocoa pancakes: mix 1 egg, bananas, cocoa powder and a touch of vanilla essence, cinnamon and / or honey. For a better flavor, it is recommended to leave the mixture ready the night before.
  • Pico de gallo to fill: avocado, tomato, onion, parsley and crushed nuts.
  • Unsweetened mango juice.


  • Steamed fish: preferably, leave it with the spices stored for several hours before eating so that it absorbs more flavor.
  • Beet and carrot salad with coconut oil and apple cider vinegar. You can add crushed nuts. It can also be flavored with basil or mint.
  • Half a ripe banana parboiled.


  • Sushi: wrapped, preferably, with avocado slices instead of rice, stuffed with wakame or seaweed of your choice, salmon, vegetables of your choice. Avoid using crab sticks , as they are practically pure starch (sugar).

Green tea and black coffee to detoxify the body

These are diuretic drinks that you can keep on your detox diet days. Preferably, green tea , as it has greater antioxidant and cleansing effects. In both cases, it is essential to eliminate refined sugar or artificial sweeteners, which are completely toxic and hinder the effect of these drinks.

The coffee must be taken without milk no later than 2 pm. Green tea also has caffeine and it may be best to set the same limit. For nighttime alternatives, teas such as malojillo, rosemary or natural chamomile are excellent to help you sleep.

Hydrate yourself to keep your body healthy and without toxins

In this diet to detoxify the body in three days, you find a lot of diuretic foods , but they will not work miracles if you do not hydrate enough. Get used to drinking 1 to 2 glasses of water on an empty stomach and be careful to hydrate, exclusively, with water every time you feel thirsty.

In addition, we recommend that you discover in the following article other good foods to detoxify the body .

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Diet to detoxify the body in three days , we recommend that you enter our Food category .

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