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Menu for hypoallergenic diet

by Alivia Nyhan
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Thanks to both globalization and scientific advances, many eating styles in modern life have discovered benefits and adverse effects in both foods. In recent years, we have also added new products that we were unaware of and that facilitate new styles of eating.

It is essential to unify tastes and preferences with medical supervision supported by scientific advances from reliable sources regarding health. A trendy style is a hypoallergenic diet, where a large part of the processed products of the modern world is removed from the list, as well as benefits by reducing the possibility of the appearance of chronic diseases. If you want to learn more about what this type of diet is, in the following FastlyHealarticle, we explain the hypoallergenic diet menu and its fundamentals.

What is the hypoallergenic diet?

Our body can produce reactions as a defense against a wide variety of internal dangers created by the body itself – such as cancer and defective cells – and antigens from the external environment.

However, in some cases, our defenses get out of control. In their purpose of wanting to defend us, they attack these antigens in an exacerbated way, which can cause from minor annoyances to even more significant risks to the individual, even worse than those of said distinctive element. Could normally cause. These exacerbated reactions due to this hypersensitivity are called allergies.

The hypoallergenic diet focuses on a diet that reduces or eliminates allergic reactions by providing resources and habits that allow the immune system to restore its balance.

Perhaps you think until now that this diet serves only to alleviate specific allergies to foods or remove the food that causes the allergy, and that’s it, but it is not like that. Thanks to its effects on the immune system and metabolism, it is a whole style of eating that helps fight and prevent all kinds of allergic conditions, including allergies to bees, animal hair, and pollen, to give a few examples—not referring to meals. Therefore, we can say that the hypoallergenic diet is one of the natural remedies to combat allergies.

Hypoallergenic diet basics

This style prioritizes those foods to which the body is evolutionarily better adapted, representing a minimal risk of allergic reactions during their intake and favoring immune health in general. Thanks to scientific advances, its foundations have evolved, in which not only processed products (with a concise presence in human history) are avoided, but some more natural foods from natural sources, whether they are organic or whole, since the fact that they are natural does not mean that the body is well adapted to its consumption.

It also makes sure to include enough nutrients necessary to recover and maintain the health of your defenses since the right and nature of every being is to live healthily. This means that we were not programmed to live with allergies.

Another foundation suggested to apply is that we were born designed to move. It is highly recommended to accompany the hypoallergenic diet with a physically active lifestyle to achieve and maximize its effects.

Hypoallergenic diet menu and habits

Next, we will explain the guidelines for hypoallergenic eating to design an excellent example of a hypoallergenic menu. Here you can find some foods or habits that sometimes cause allergies, such as shellfish. In such circumstances, it should always be recommended to follow the diet consistently and, with medical supervision, identify when the allergy has already reduced or disappeared.

Food to consume

  • Vegetables: their consumption must be constant, prioritizing those green and fresh while providing variety—examples: spinach, lettuce, broccoli, green beans, and tomato.
  • Fruits: mainly papaya, mango, melon, and apple. Avocado and squash are also essential and can even be added to various recipes for every day.
  • Animal source proteins: fish and shellfish are essential since their fatty acids are anti-inflammatory, directly helping the immune system close wounds and chronic inflammatory processes that wear it down. Organic eggs and poultry should also be included. Seaweed is an option to consider in moderate doses.
  • Fiber and starches: Foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, and beets are beneficial. Nuts, too, in small amounts (not including peanuts, which are legumes).

Faced with adverse reactions in the person, such as flatulence that broccoli can produce, the treatment and diet should be accompanied by the medical attention of a specialist who addresses said problem and, together with him, determines if the consumption of the food can be resumed in some time.

Habits to adopt

  • Several meals a day : 3 meals a day, with the possibility of intermittent fasting, which allows the body to finish accumulated detoxification processes.
  • Balanced diet: include all these food groups mentioned in each of your three dishes, avoiding fruits at night for a better rest.
  • Adequate hydration: sipping water constantly does not allow the immune system to rest well. Drink more giant glasses better, less often.
  • Constant physical activity: preferably in natural spaces.
  • Psychotherapy assistance: all allergies have a psycho-emotional component involved, to a lesser or greater degree, so this dimension of being must be addressed. Some foods eliminated from this diet can be as addictive as hard drugs.

Foods to avoid in the hypoallergenic diet

The following items should be reduced or eliminated from the table due to their proven effects on immune health and the reactions they produce immediately after being ingested:

  • Refined sugar and artificial sweeteners, as well as the myriad of products that contain it, such as soft drinks, pastries, or juices.
  • Refined salt.
  • Dairy products and their derivatives.
  • Red meat: mammals.
  • Processed meats of any kind.
  • Peanut.
  • Soy and grains.
  • Gluten: wheat, barley, rye, oats.
  • Potato/potato and refined rice: their high glycemic load produces a strong immune reaction.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Menu for the hypoallergenic diet , we recommend that you enter our Food category .

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