Home Women's HealthDiseases of the ovaries Non-period ovarian pain: could it be pregnancy?

Non-period ovarian pain: could it be pregnancy?

by Alivia Nyhan
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Non-period ovarian pain

Pain in the lower abdomen can have many different causes, often attributed to the ovaries, but they are not always responsible for this type of discomfort. If, in addition, the rule does not appear on the expected date, the possibilities are reduced, and it is more likely that the cause is gynecological-obstetric.

Can pregnancy be the cause of ovarian pain without periods? Suppose you are interested in knowing the possible causes, when to go to the doctor, and what to do in case of a suspected pregnancy. In that case, you should continue reading this FastlyHealarticle carefully.

Can ovarian pain without periods be pregnancy?

Yes, pregnancy can cause pain similar to the ovaries and lack of menstruation. It can be expected in the early stages of pregnancy due to changes in the female body. And this is due to different reasons:

  • Implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus: a sexual relationship in which an egg and a sperm have joined (fertilized egg) gives rise to an embryo. When that embryo is 6 or 7 days old, it is ready to implant in the uterus. You may not notice it, or slight pain may appear in the lower abdomen, resembling mild ovarian pain. This happens only if the uterus is in the suitable condition and is receptive, usually between days 20-24 of the menstrual cycle (in a regular cycle).
  • Ligaments are elongated: once the embryo has already been implanted in the uterus, changes take place in the pregnant woman’s body to adapt the environment to the new situation. The uterus is attached to the nearby structures of the pelvis using ligaments (they are like elastic cords). These bones in the area will be rearranged to give rise to the growing fetus. Some women may notice lower abdominal pain from these changes.
  • The organs are accommodated as the fetus grows: the organs of the urinary and digestive systems are also preparing to give rise to the growth of the uterus, which can cause certain discomfort, especially as the fetus occupies each time more place.
  • Influence of pregnancy hormones: relaxin and estrogen help make the pelvis structures more elastic, which can cause pain in the lower back. Usually, this type of pain can increase until it becomes more noticeable in the second trimester of pregnancy.

ovarian pain

Other causes of unregulated ovarian pain

Pain in the lower abdomen, known as the hypogastrium, can also be due to other reasons:

  • Urinary problems during pregnancy: The pain may be caused by a urinary infection, which is common during pregnancy. In that case, the pain worsens when urinating. You may feel the need to urinate all the time or that you still have to urinate when you have just done it.
  • Postpartum and breastfeeding: alterations in menstruation, including amenorrhea (that is, absence of menstruation), are common during postpartum. There are also typical pains in the lower abdomen (the famous wrongs). If that pain is very intense and is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting, and general malaise, you must consult your doctor because an infection can be added.
  • Ovarian cystsPolycystic ovary syndrome consists of multiple cysts in both ovaries. The woman may present symptoms such as lack of alterations in menstruation, excessive hair in areas where it should not be (face, abdomen, back, breasts), acne. In some cases, abdominal pain may also appear.
  • Ovarian cancer: it is a rare cause, but it may be that a tumor in the ovaries alters the menstrual cycle (for example, delayed menstruation, heavy menstruation) and causes pain in the area, swelling may also appear, trouble eating, tiredness, diarrhea or constipation, weight gain or loss.

When should you see the doctor for ovarian pain without a rule?

As we have seen, the most common cause of mild ovarian pain and poor menstruation is pregnancy, and it is not something worrying. Still, when some other symptoms appear, it is advisable to go to a health center promptly:

  • Intense pain that does not go away on its own.
  • Abnormal bleeding in case of suspected pregnancy or confirmed pregnancy: the loss of this pregnancy may be occurring.
  • Slight brownish discharge can also be accompanied by bleeding, fainting, dizziness, and palpitations. It is essential to rule out the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, that is, a fertilized egg implanted in a place other than the uterus.
  • Urinary discomfort
  • Unexplained weight loss, tiredness, or loss of appetite.

What to do in case of suspected pregnancy?

It is imperative that if you think you are pregnant, you take into account the following tips so that your health and that of the viable fetus are as well cared for as possible:

  • To get rid of doubts as quickly as possible, it is best to take a pregnancy test. It is effortless and only requires a little urine.
  • Consult your trusted doctor: if there is a possibility that you are pregnant, it is essential that you turn to a professional who will be able to advise you, check you to see that everything is within normal limits, request blood tests to make sure you are pregnant and that you do not have infections or alterations that could put your health and the baby at risk, and perform an ultrasound to know for sure how long you have been pregnant.
  • Do not take medication if it was not prescribed by a professional. Paracetamol has only been confirmed as a safe pain medication during pregnancy, but it should not be used indiscriminately.
  • Drink water. Avoid carbonated and sugary drinks, alcohol, and coffee, as they contain toxins that the fetus should not receive.
  • Pay attention to your diet: eat raw fruits and vegetables (well washed and disinfected with bicarbonate or vinegar), legumes, nuts, and seeds. Avoid dairy, flour, and processed products. If you eat as naturally as possible, you will have fewer problems.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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