There is scattered information concerning cysts in the ovaries and the fact of being able to get pregnant or not while this condition exists. An ovarian cyst is a sac or sac filled with fluid or other tissue that forms in one or both ovaries. In most cases, ovarian cysts do not usually cause significant symptoms and can go away independently. Do not be alarmed if you want to get pregnant, and your gynecologist diagnoses you with a cyst in the ovary, as these can appear at any age of the woman, and most of the time, they are benign growths that are not cancerous.
We invite you to continue reading this FastlyHealarticle in which we will answer the question: “Can I get pregnant if I have cysts on my ovaries?”
Table of Contents
Cysts on the ovaries: causes
Ovarian cysts are sacs or pouches filled with fluid or other tissue that forms in one or both ovaries. They do not represent a serious health problem since it is usually a typical situation, especially between 15 and 35 years old, arising several times throughout a woman’s life.
Typically, the formation of cysts occurs precisely during the ovulation stage (when the ovary is responsible for releasing an egg each month with the possibility of it being fertilized by the sperm for pregnancy to occur). This is the usual cause for cysts appearing in the ovary: the follicle destined to release the ovum during this stage does not do so and retains the liquid content inside it, accumulating and increasing in size.
This type of cysts disappears without treatment on many occasions since they are caused by the woman’s hormonal changes or by the use of medications that induce the ovulation process. Fortunately, this is the common cause of ovarian cysts. However, its formation can also be associated with some risk factors such as:
The presence of cysts in the ovaries may be due to endometriosis. There is a growth of the uterus tissue outside of it, having the possibility of adhering to any of the ovaries, forming a kind of mass or lump.
Sometimes the cyst after having formed during ovulation can remain in the ovary throughout the pregnancy.
Pelvic infection
A severe pelvic infection can lead to cysts in the ovary.
History of ovarian cyst
There is a probability that after having had a cyst on the ovary and wholly disappeared, it may reappear.
Types of cysts in the ovaries
Before knowing if ovarian cysts can influence female fertility and pregnancy, it is essential to know the different types of cysts that exist:
Functional cysts
These are the cysts that generally occur during the ovulation stage and disappear month after month in a usual way and without any medical treatment.
Monthly, several ovules can mature in the ovary, each one surrounded by a follicle. Still, only one manages to fully mature and is released during ovulation from its follicle to the fallopian tube. If this follicle does not remove the egg, it can continue its growth, forming a so-called cyst in the ovary.
Corpus luteum cyst
After ovulation occurs and the follicle has released the mature egg, this follicular sac transforms into a mass called the corpus luteum responsible for producing hormones to prepare the next egg for the next month or menstrual cycle.
These cysts originate in the follicular sac that does not transform into that corpus luteum mass but close again after the ovum is released and fluid accumulation begins. Corpus luteum cysts usually disappear after a few weeks.
Both the functional cyst and the corpus luteum cyst generally do not cause any symptoms and disappear on their own within 6 to 8 weeks.
On the other hand, there are different types of cysts:
- Teratoma: This type of cyst can be present at birth and, in fact, grow throughout the years of reproduction in the female sex. These cysts may appear on one or both ovaries and rarely become malignant or carcinogenic.
- Cystadenomas: This cyst comprises cells located on the ovaries’ outer surface. They can often be filled with a watery liquid or with dense and sticky content, especially these types of cysts, although they are not usually malignant, can become very large.
- Endometriomas: These cysts are caused by endometriosis, where the tissue that lines the uterus forms in external areas, such as the ovaries.
Cysts on the ovaries: symptoms
Typically, the finding of cysts in the ovary is usually fortuitous by the doctor during the regular gynecological consultation since their presence usually goes unnoticed by women. They are asymptomatic unless their size is greater than 3 cm in height. Diameter, which is when some symptoms such as:
- Pain in the ovulation stage.
- Pain in the ovary on the side with the cyst.
- Dyspareunia or pain during sexual intercourse.
- Irregular menstrual cycles.
- Tender breasts.
- Weight gain related to hormonal changes.
Logically, all symptoms vary depending on the size of the cyst type.
Can I get pregnant if I have cysts on my ovaries?
Cysts in the ovaries and natural pregnancy, is it possible? This is a common question for any woman of childbearing age diagnosed with ovarian cysts.
Despite this, the first thing you should know is that the appearance of these bags of liquid content is a much more frequent condition than you imagine. Before worrying, you should have all the possible information concerning this issue by going to your gynecologist.
Ovarian cysts are not a cause of infertility, so the answer is yes if you can get pregnant despite having ovarian cysts. Despite having cysts in the ovaries, a woman ovulates and menstruates, so conceiving during the fertile stage is possible. However, it is essential to note that although they do not impede getting pregnant, they can make conception difficult since their presence causes the follicles not to have enough space. Their development does not reach completion as it should.
In the event of total absence of menstruation, a process called amenorrhea, it is likely that the possibility of getting pregnant is lower since this means that there is no ovulation, which occurs when there are other associated health problems such as, for example, endometriosis, since if you suffer from endometriotic cysts, the quality of the ovum will decrease, negatively influencing your fertility.
I am pregnant, and I have a cyst on my ovary: what do I do?
The doctor will determine the best way to treat the cyst on the ovary during pregnancy. In most cases, it will require ongoing evaluation, and treatment will be based on the size of the cyst. If, for example, the cyst is small, the doctor probably indicates to wait for it to disappear without any treatment, only performing control and follow-up ultrasounds.
Otherwise, the doctor will indicate another type of treatment, such as surgery, strictly recommended from the second trimester of pregnancy to avoid other complications. Logically, the doctor will assess the risk-benefit of continuing or not with the cyst during pregnancy.
According to a clinical case published by the Mexican Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Colleges [1], it is indicated that the incidence of cysts in the ovaries during pregnancy is less than 5%, and these are almost always benign.
Tips for getting pregnant with ovarian cysts
There are some valuable tips when you want to conceive and suffer from ovarian cysts. Because menstrual cycles are irregular, it is a bit more challenging to predict the stage of fertility and to make this much easier, and you can take into account the following:
- There are changes in the cervical mucus between menstrual cycles that make it possible to identify when the woman is ovulating. Suppose the vaginal discharge or cervical mucus increases in viscosity or consistency and becomes much stickier and more elastic. In that case, the stage of ovulation is near, at which time there is a much greater chance of getting pregnant. See the article How to know if I’m ovulating by the flow for details.
- It is also essential to be patient and calm, avoiding stressful situations.
- Live a healthy lifestyle, avoid smoking, eat a healthy diet, and exercise regularly.
The best recommendation is that if you want to conceive and your gynecologist has previously diagnosed you with a cyst on the ovary, go to the doctor again and follow the medical indications.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.