Home Women's HealthDiseases of the ovaries Inflammation of the ovaries: causes and remedies

Inflammation of the ovaries: causes and remedies

by Alivia Nyhan
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Inflammation of the ovaries

Ovaritis is a disease that causes chronic inflammation of one or two ovaries, which can become inflamed in conjunction with other organs of the female reproductive system. The truth is that Inflammation of the ovaries can be due to many factors ranging from a vaginal infection to pelvic inflammatory disease. This condition is generally accompanied by severe abdominal pain that can radiate to the rectum, causing fever and headache. In this FastlyHealarticle, we explain what Inflammation of the ovaries consists of causes and remedies.

Symptoms of Inflammation of the ovaries

We can experience belly pain throughout our menstrual cycle, either during the period or on the dates close to ovulation. However, when is belly pain a symptom of swollen ovaries? When the pain is very intense, it is located in the lower abdomen and radiates to the rectum and anus. Among the signs of ovaritis, abdominal pain is the most characteristic. However, this condition is usually accompanied by other manifestations. Let’s see:

  • Fever.
  • General discomfort.
  • Sickness.
  • Soft spot.
  • Stomach heaviness
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Painful rules.
  • Nervousness and palpitations.
  • Pain when urinating

Symptoms of Inflammation of the ovaries

Causes of Inflammation of the ovaries

Inflammation of the ovaries is not a common condition due to the location of these organs and their resistant structure that prevents the passage of microorganisms and bacteria. Generally, the causes of ovaritis are:


During pregnancy, the woman must make many changes in her lifestyle habits to avoid the loss of the baby, especially during the first trimester. However, many women have a spontaneous loss even taking all the necessary preventive measures. In these cases, when the woman is about to abort and after the abortion, it is normal for a slight inflammation of the ovaries to occur as a reaction to the process that the body and the womb are going through.

Drug reactions

Some medications, specifically vaginal ovules, may be made with irritating substances that cause an allergy in the ovary and stimulate its Inflammation. It is important to note if the abdominal pain began an hour after using the egg to suspend its use.

Vaginal infections

Bacterial infections or yeast infections can cause inflammation of the ovaries. Candida albicans is the fungus responsible for candidiasis, the most common yeast infection in women that usually originates due to a change in the bacterial flora of the vagina, excess moisture, use of synthetic underwear, stress, or prolonged consumption of antibiotics. When not appropriately treated, this condition can cause swollen ovaries, pelvic pain, cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge, itching, and irritation in the vagina.


After delivery, a woman goes through six weeks known as the puerperium. During this time, the entire female reproductive system returns to normal progressively after the effort and movement of the organs suggested by childbirth. The ovaries have likely moved out of place during delivery, and during the puerperium, they are slightly swollen.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

When a woman has PID, ovaritis occurs due to uterus infection, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. This condition is caused by bacteria from the vagina or cervix that travel to many organs and cause an infection. Most of the time, it is the bacteria responsible for chlamydia and gonorrhea, diseases that most cause PID. Other causes of this generalized pelvic Inflammation can be abortion, placement of the IUD, and endometrial biopsy.

Causes of Inflammation of the ovaries

Treatment of Inflammation of the ovaries

Treatment of Inflammation of the ovaries will depend on the cause causing the ovaritis. In general, when it comes to Inflammation due to miscarriage or the puerperium, the ovaries return to their normal condition over time, after the entire reproductive system adjusts to the changes experienced.

In the case of vaginal yeast infections such as candidiasis, an antifungal cream or ovules will be necessary to eliminate the fungus from the vagina and thus reduce the symptoms caused by this condition. When bacteria cause the infection, it must take antibiotics for at least seven days to eradicate the microorganisms from the entire female reproductive system.

In cases of pelvic inflammatory disease, it is necessary to take antibiotics for at least two weeks. If the symptoms are very intense, hospitalization will be essential for the supply of intravenous drugs. When the cause of PID is an STD, both the woman and her partner need treatment.

Remedies for Inflammation of the ovaries

Chamomile baths

Chamomile has a high anti-inflammatory power that will help reduce ovarian pain and Inflammation. To make these baths, heat 1 liter of water, and when it boils, add five envelopes of chamomile. Then wait for the water to be warm and pour it into a plastic container on which you can sit and submerge your entire vagina. It is recommended that you previously wash your intimate area with antibacterial soap and then immerse it in chamomile until it cools. Baths should be done twice a day.

Water bags or hot compresses

Sometimes the cold is responsible for a slight inflammation of the ovaries. To combat ovaritis, you can apply on your belly a fomenter or a bottle of water at maximum temperature until the pain passes or use hot water compresses until they lose their heat. Dropping the hot water from the shower on your belly for 20 minutes can also help reduce the inflammation of the ovaries.

Healthy food

Foods rich in salt, sausages, fats, fried foods, sweets, and flours stimulate Inflammation, avoid them and replace them with fruits, vegetables, vegetables, and plenty of water to combat dehydration.

Lavender oil

Lavender has potent anti-inflammatory properties. To take advantage of the benefits of this essential oil, you will only have to apply a few drops on your belly and massage in the area where you feel the most pain. After half an hour, the discomfort will have improved considerably.

Ginger poultice

This is one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatories out there. To relieve Inflammation of the ovaries, you will only have to process a portion of ginger root, apply it to your belly and let it rest until you feel relief from the symptoms.

Prevention of Inflammation of the ovaries

Although abortion and climate changes cannot be avoided, there are some measures we can take to prevent vaginal, bacterial, or yeast infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Here we offer you some tips that will be very useful to avoid Inflammation of the ovaries :

  • Use a condom as a prevention method for STDs.
  • Avoid wearing synthetic underwear and prefer cotton.
  • Do not use douches or soaps, deodorants, panty liners, and fragranced lubricants, as they can alter the vaginal bacterial flora.
  • Avoid excess moisture in your intimate area. If you are on the beach or in the pool, it is recommended that you bring a substitute swimsuit.
  • Don’t wear tight clothing.
  • Hygiene is essential to prevent the growth of bacteria and recurrent vaginal infections.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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