Home Circulatory problems Low voltage and high pulsations: causes

Low voltage and high pulsations: causes

by Alivia Nyhan
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Have you detected that your blood pressure is low in your last exams or medical check-ups, but your heart rate is high? Or maybe you have felt tired or tired, and you have noticed that your heart rate is very high? Cardiac alterations should always be something to consider, so you should go to the doctor at the slightest suspicion that something is wrong.

In either of the two cases, today, we bring you why this situation can occur. In the following FastlyHealarticle, you will be able to know the causes of low blood pressure and high pulsations.

Low minimum voltage and high pulsations

Low minimum voltage

We call low tension the level of pressure that the blood supply carries over our veins and arteries, that is, the force with which our blood circulates through the streets and how this force affects the walls through which its circulation takes place. To know if the tension is correct, two parameters are used: systolic pressure, which is the highest level of anxiety that occurs when our heartbeats; and diastolic pressure, which is when the pressure is in its lowest state – the minimum tension -, and is when the heart is at rest.

We speak of low pressure when our parameters are at 90/60 or below. When we suffer from low blood pressure, we can find ourselves having difficulty with blood flow throughout the body and feeling dizziness and fatigue.

High pulsations

On the other hand, we must know what the pulsations are. We call pulsation the stimulus that the heart performs when pumping. Each pumping of blood carried out by the heart is a pulsation. To know if we have normal heartbeats, we must count how many we perform in each minute, which we will call heart rate. Usually, in an adult at rest, the heart rate is approximately 60-100 beats per minute. More than 100 would be in a situation of high pulsations and could cause tachycardia, heart disease that can cause big problems. We must bear in mind that personal conditions change these parameters, such as being an elite athlete that will lower the heart rate or be doing a physical sport with cardiovascular effort, which will increase it.

Low blood pressure and high pulse: causes

If you are experiencing these parameters, you may be facing a complicated medical situation, so we recommend that you visit your doctor to correctly and professionally analyze the causes that may lead you to suffer these ailments and act accordingly. Here are the most common causes of low blood pressure and high pulse :

  • Hypotension: when suffering from hypotension, that is, low blood pressure, our body understands that the blood is not reaching all the places in the body which it orders the heart to pump more to distribute the blood better, which leads to a few pulsations elevated. This can be considered a normal behavior since it is a common, own, and natural body reaction.
  • Reaction to medication: certain drugs with vasodilator components can cause this reaction. The blood supply that circulates in it decreases in pressure by dilating the bloodlines, and the heart accelerates to return to its usual tension. This is common and can be a normal process. Still, if you detect that it is happening to you, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor if it is appropriate to continue with the pharmacological process.
  • Sick sinoatrial node syndrome: also known as atrial fibrillation. It happens when there is dysfunction in the sinoatrial node, which is the area in charge of performing the electrical discharges that regulate the heart rhythm. When there is a dysfunction in this part, two things can happen, the heart rate becomes more drastically or, on the contrary, it increases significantly due to a spasm before the beat. Although the blood that circulates is the same, not enough force is generated in a heartbeat, and a situation of low tension is experienced.
  • Vas depressor syncope consists of suffering an abnormality in arterial function, and blood pressure decreases with a consecutive increase in heart rate. The body is not oxygenated correctly, and you can experience episodes of fainting or loss of consciousness.
  • Weakness of the heart muscle: this would generate a more significant number of pulsations per minute to irrigate the same amount of blood through the body since being weak does not have the same strength and needs to perform the same operation more times to balance the lack arterial force.
  • Heart attack: known as a myocardial infarction. People who have suffered a heart attack may later suffer from difficulty and lack of strength in the heart’s muscles, which leads to a lack of blood pressure and an increased heart rate. It is essential to carry out an adequate follow-up in such a situation.
  • Diabetes: one of the problems that diabetes can generate is hypotension, and as we have explained previously, this disease can increase heart rate.
  • Abuse of toxic substancestoxic substances such as alcohol or drugs can cause bodily dysfunction and alter our nervous system and our physical perception through brain stimuli. This leads us to risky situations since it can cause tachycardia, but without the blood supply having force under pressure, there can be a robust physical imbalance.

Hypotension and high heart rate: how to prevent it

After knowing the leading and most common causes that can lead us to live with low blood pressure and high heart rate, we want to give you essential advice on a healthy life to keep arterial and heart diseases away, adopting a balanced, active, and conscious lifestyle:

  • Maintaining a balanced diet: is one of the essential milestones in preventing cardiovascular diseases. Maintaining a varied diet rich in vegetables and fruits without abusing meats and sausages, sugars, or sweetened products are some tips that we can follow.
  • Perform physical exercise daily: it will keep our entire cardiovascular system in shape and active, which will help us be healthy and in good physical condition.
  • Get the correct hours of rest: Ensuring that our body has sufficient hours of rest is an excellent way to ensure that your immune system and its functioning remain adequate.
  • Drink enough liquids: you drink a liter and a half of water a day, hydrating your body with other beverages such as infusions, juices, etc., helps us maintain the balance of our system.
  • Carry out adequate and preventive medical follow-up: this can save us many risky situations since good medical follow-up can lead us to prevent diseases and be aware of our physical condition and improve it.
  • Do not abuse toxic substances: as we have seen previously, the abuse of toxic substances such as tobacco or alcohol can have negative consequences on our body, so avoiding them will be an excellent option to keep our health in good condition.

We hope that this article by FastlyHealon, the causes of low blood pressure and high heart rate, has helped you learn more about this ailment and how to prevent it.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Low blood pressure and high heart rate: causes, we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart, and circulation.

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