The health of the cardiovascular system is of the utmost importance to have a long life and without the limitations that the diseases that affect it imply. Global knowledge is that conditions affect the circulatory system, such as hypertension, thrombosis, and coronary heart disease. Still, others are somewhat more unknown, such as phlebitis, a condition that appears due to coagulation problems after trauma or prolonged immobilization, among other causes. In addition, additional risk factors are age, smoking, and alcoholism. In this FastlyHealarticle, we will give you some recommendations for home remedies for phlebitis to keep in mind if you suffer from this condition.
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What is phlebitis: causes and symptoms
Phlebitis is the name given to the inflammation of the veins, which, like any other part of the body, are susceptible to this condition when subjected to different types of attacks.
Phlebitis is often related to a blood clot in the affected veins that prevents proper blood flow and increases pressure and mechanical irritation. They are more frequent in older adults, and certain conditions predispose to their appearances, such as varicose veins, alcohol consumption, trauma, and burns. Phlebitis is usually identified by inflammation of the affected part, accompanied by pain and redness.
Cold and heat in the affected area
This is an essential part of phlebitis treatment as it can help improve the problem efficiently. The cold causes vasoconstriction that reduces the inflammation of the affected area. Its application is recommended by placing ice cubes in a towel and applying it on the site or using cold gel packs, but not the direct application of ice on the area as it can irritate.
On the other hand, heat helps to disaggregate possible blood clots that form in the affected area and is applied with a towel soaked in hot water and placed on the affected region. It is recommended to carry out a hot and cold therapy in which periods of one and the other are alternated, each for 15 minutes or so, at least three times a day.
Avoid massages
An almost instinctive tendency when there is deep or muscular pain is to massage the affected area, and, in general, it is something quite beneficial for most cases. However, in phlebitis, massage of the region should be avoided since, if the condition is associated with a thrombus, its release and circulation through the bloodstream can be caused, which is a pretty significant problem due to the risk of causing a pulmonary or cerebral embolism, for example.
Arnica oil
Another of the most recommended home remedies for phlebitis is arnica oil. Arnica is a plant with several valuable medicinal attributes, such as its effect similar to some pain relievers. We are interested in it in this particular case due to its ability to promote proper blood flow.
Arnica oil is a preparation that can be easily found in any health food store and is the ideal presentation to treat phlebitis since it produces pretty good results when soaking a towel and placing it on the affected area for about 15 minutes.
Good foods in case of phlebitis
Studies have shown the ability of pineapple to relieve inflammation caused by various types of diseases, such as arthritis. Since phlebitis is caused by an inflammation of the veins, consuming a daily serving of pineapple can have very positive effects, even more so if consumed on an empty stomach.
It is a fruit full of flavonoids and other compounds that promote vasodilation, cardiovascular health, and anti-inflammatory action, effective in treating phlebitis and other vascular conditions. In the case of this fruit, a very convenient way to consume it is by preparing it in juice and drinking one or two cups a day.
Another food that can help you improve circulation and, in addition, reduces fluid retention and helps the blood detoxification process. The best way to prepare it is by boiling five stalks of celery in half a liter of water for 5 minutes, which you must then filter and add the juice of two lemons. The resulting preparation should be consumed three times a day for a week.
Ginkgo biloba
Preparations made from this plant have many positive effects on circulation and prevent problems such as clot formation due to their high concentrations of flavonoids and antioxidants. For consumption, an infusion should be prepared with ginkgo Biloba leaves boiled in a cup of water for about 15 minutes, which will then be strained to let it cool and consumed a maximum of 2 times a day.
Pregnant, lactating, menstruating women or anyone taking blood thinners, seizure medications, or who has ulcers should exercise extreme caution with this infusion due to possible adverse effects.
The flaxseed is a seed that multiple health benefits have characterized; in the case of phlebitis is excellent, has an anti-inflammatory action, and prevents hardening of the blood vessels.
Its preparation consists of boiling approximately 50 grams of flaxseed in three liters of water for half an hour and then crushing the seeds and remixing them with the liquid. The preparation should be applied to the affected region regularly with a towel until the condition improves.
Chamomile and dill
Chamomile is also an excellent natural treatment for phlebitis due to its anti-inflammatory properties, which may help relieve the painful symptoms of phlebitis, promote healthy circulation and prevent blood clotting.
To take advantage of these properties, it is recommended to consume two cups a day, which can be prepared by mixing chamomile with dill to enhance its effect.
We are finalizing the list of home remedies for phlebitis with horsetail. It is a plant with multiple benefits, among which its anti-inflammatory capacity, promoting of blood flow, and reducing the hardening of blood vessels stands out.
Its benefits can be used in two ways: the first is through the consumption of an infusion, which you can prepare by boiling two tablespoons of horsetail in a liter of water for 15 minutes to be consumed after being strained. The second option is to add the plant to the bathtub to prepare a shower with the properties of the plant.
Recommendations and proper habits for the treatment of phlebitis
Certain habits can be adopted by people with a tendency to phlebitis to avoid the formation of the condition and improve recovery when it is present. Perhaps avoiding a sedentary life would be the most appropriate since physical exercise, even light, works wonders against this condition.
Similarly, diet is an integral part of cardiovascular health. A diet full of fats and sugars can predispose people to diseases, including phlebitis. On the other hand, consuming foods rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, fiber, and potassium protects circulation and helps eliminate elements that could cause problems. In the following article, we highlight the best foods to improve circulation.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for phlebitis, we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart and circulation .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.