Acne is a disease that affects the skin causing pimples and lesions that appear when the hair follicles under the epidermis become clogged. Acne mainly affects the face, chest, back, neck, and shoulders. But although it can affect anyone, it is much more common among teenagers.
Acne is not a severe condition. However, it can leave scars on the skin and represent an aesthetic problem that becomes an excellent complex for many young people. Remarkably few adolescents are spared from suffering from this condition. It is considered that 80% of young people worldwide suffer from this disease that, over time, tends to progress until it disappears. What Causes Acne During Adolescence? How to eliminate juvenile acne? Find out in this FastlyHealarticle on adolescent acne: causes and treatment.
Table of Contents
Causes of juvenile acne
The exact cause of acne is unknown, which has led to several myths that have not been proven, such as that greasy food and consumption of chocolate can trigger breakouts. There is no evidence so far that shows that food is a cause of acne. However, hormonal changes have been associated with the appearance of this disease, which is why adolescents and pregnant women experience acne breakouts in these stages of their lives.
Why does juvenile acne appear?
The cause of this condition is related to the changes in the hormonal levels of young people during puberty since an increase in the production of androgens (male sex hormones) occurs in the body by the testes and ovaries, and the increase in this substance is associated with an increase in the production of sebum. For this reason, the glands begin to produce much more oil, which, together with bacteria and microorganisms, clogs the hair follicle and leads to pimples and inflammation of the skin.
Juvenile acne can manifest through different lesions: white-headed pimples, blackheads, blemishes, and cysts . It is essential to treat them with a medical specialist since they are usually much more significant, represent a higher concentration of pus, and can leave very noticeable marks. Juvenile acne manifests itself mainly on the face, specifically in what is known as the “T zone”: forehead, nose, and chin. Young people with chronic juvenile acne can suffer from pimples on their back, shoulders, and neck.
Other factors that can cause acne
- Greasy hair products, creams, or cosmetics.
- Some medications such as testosterone or steroids.
- Excess moisture.
- Profuse sweating
How are pimples formed?
As we already explained, acne results from an increase in sebum in the body that stimulates the formation of pimples or blackheads. The physiological process occurs as follows:
- The pores are the window of the hair follicle that contains hair and an oil gland. This gland is responsible for producing an oil that it secretes to keep the skin soft and eliminate old cells.
- When estrogen hormones stimulate excess oil production in the sebaceous glands, pores can become clogged, and bacteria, dirt, and inflammatory cells accumulate. This process results in a comedo plug.
- If the head of the plug is white, it is known as miliary acne.
- If the head is dark, it is called a blackhead or blackhead.
- Acne that grows deep into the skin is responsible for the formation of very painful cysts. This type of acne is known as nodulocystic acne.
- Once the plug is removed or ruptured, and all its contents are secreted, it can leave inflammation, pain, and scarring.
Self-care to treat acne
Personal hygiene is vital to keep the skin clean and reduce the accumulation of sebum and bacteria. Therefore, it is advisable to take into account the following measures to relieve juvenile acne :
- Thoroughly cleanse the skin with a mild, non-drying soap.
- Creams and cosmetics for the skin must be made water-based and with unique non-comedogenic formulas. It has been proven that their use does not clog pores.
- It is essential to wash your face at least twice a day. Cleaning the skin after exercise is also recommended.
- Removing makeup is mandatory to improve youth acne.
- Do not wash or scrub the skin repeatedly.
- The face should not be touched with dirty hands.
- Keeping the hair back without touching the face is recommended, especially if it is greasy.
Youth acne treatment
When juvenile acne is beginning or is not chronic, it can be treated with over-the-counter medicines that offer to reduce inflammation of the lesions until they are eliminated. These are usually topical creams or gels containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or resorcinol. These compounds work by drying the oil produced by the sebaceous glands, eliminating bacteria and peeling off the most superficial layer of the skin. Sun exposure is also known to help reduce breakouts, even if it doesn’t cure acne.
Suppose over-the-counter medicines do not improve juvenile acne. In that case, it is advisable to go to the dermatologist for an in-depth study of the skin and the condition and prescribe a more potent treatment or analyze other options. Some ways your doctor may suggest treating acne are:
- They are using topical and oral antibiotics, as they have helped clear acne in some people.
- We are applying topical creams made with the components mentioned above.
- We are preparing an exclusive cream for the skin of adolescents with acne.
- In the case of juvenile acne in women, it may be necessary to control the hormonal disorder through contraceptive pills. Acne is usually controlled after finishing the first box of pills.
- The removal, drainage, or injection of the pimples can be beneficial in the case of chronic acne that generates very large pustules.
- Juvenile acne is usually a temporary disease controlled once the adolescent leaves puberty. Therefore it is implausible that it will need to be treated with laser therapy, abrasion, or microdermabrasion. If acne becomes chronic, you may need laser acne scar removal therapy. In this article, we will explain how.
- In the following article, you will find the best home remedies for acne.
What should not be done
- The pimples should not be removed or rubbed with your hands, as we can cause the skin to become infected and the spot worse.
- Headbands, caps, or hats should not be worn.
- The face should not be touched with the hands.
- Makeup should not be left at night.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Juvenile acne: causes and treatment, we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair, and nails category.

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