Mastalgia is the medical term used to refer to breast pain, which can vary considerably from one woman to another and present different intensities depending on the condition or disorder causing it. Sometimes the pain we experience in the breasts is not continuous, but a sharp pain that we feel like a sting or prick for a few seconds. What could this discomfort be due to?
If you are also concerned about this type of chest pain, continue reading this article by FastlyHealin which we explain the pangs in the breasts and their causes. It is essential to identify the origin of any discomfort since, although most of the time it is benign, in others, it can be an indication of a more serious health problem.
Table of Contents
Types of breast pain
The stabbing pain in the breasts can be defined as an acute discomfort with a short duration, usually several seconds. Various reasons can cause this discomfort. Although in most cases it is not the consequence of a severe health problem, it is advisable to remain attentive to the type of pain that occurs, since if it is persistent, disabling, or is accompanied by other symptoms, it will be advisable to go to the doctor urgently for the appropriate tests.
For us to understand the origin of breast pain, it is essential to explain that there are three types of breast pain, these are:
- Cyclical breast pain is pain associated with hormonal changes that occur with the menstrual cycle and usually appear a few days before menstruation. However, it is also one of the premenopause symptoms in some women.
- Non-cyclical breast pain: pain not related to the menstrual cycle and usually results from a benign problem that affects the breast.
- Non-breast pain: Sometimes, you can feel the pain in one chest, but the problem may affect another part of the body, be it the chest wall, the lungs, the heart (if it is only pain in the left breast), or even pain that has spread to the breast from the back area.
Let us see below in the following sections based on this classification, what may be the causes that answer the question of “why do I get stitches in my breasts?”
Pain in the breast associated with menstruation
The Cyclical pain breast, as mentioned, is related to hormonal changes that women ‘s body undergoes during the menstrual cycle. Specifically, the discomfort appears due to normal fluctuations in the levels of the hormones progesterone, estrogens, and prolactin.
The pain usually begins when the ovulation process begins and usually increases until menstruation arrives, reducing after this. Generally, the discomfort occurs in both breasts, although on some occasions, it is possible to feel that one breast hurts more intensely than the other and in the upper and outer areas of the same. It can also happen that the pain extends to the armpit and arm area. In addition to the discomfort, you may also notice more swollen, complex, or sensitive breasts.
This discomfort caused by hormonal changes is also joint in women close to menopause. In this case, these cramps in the breasts usually disappear when this stage begins.
Breast pain outside the menstrual cycle
When pain in the breasts such as throbbing or discomfort in the breasts are not related to the menstrual cycle, we speak of a non-cyclical pain that, generally, is located in a specific area of the breast and is characterized by being sharp, stabbing, or it is perceived as a burning sensation in the breast. In this case, the causes of punctures in the breasts can be:
Cysts in the breasts
Breast cysts are tiny fluid-filled sacs within the breast of an ordinarily benign nature. They can appear in one or both breasts, and the presence of a round, smooth, mobile lump with distinctive edges is usually noted. They are seen more frequently in women between 35 and 50 years old, and although their cause is unknown, specialists point out that they could be due to hormonal changes. These cysts in the breasts only require treatment if they are large and painful, a situation in which the fluid can be drained to reduce symptoms.
In the following article, we explain in more detail what are the treatments for breast cysts.
Mastitis is the infection of the breast tissue that generally affects breastfeeding women due to the clogging of one of the milk ducts or bacteria into the sinuses. Among the main symptoms of mastitis are:
- Pain in the breast
- Burning in the breast.
- Redness
- Tenderness in the breast.
- Swelling in the breast
- General malaise.
- Fever.
For mastitis treatment, it is necessary to take antibiotic medications, and it may also be recommended to take an analgesic to lessen the discomfort. If proper treatment is not received, a breast abscess may form due to the accumulation of pus, and a kind of lump or hardness may appear in the breast.
Another condition that can cause punctures in the breasts is fibroadenomas of the breast. These are benign tumors of unknown cause that could be related to the hormonal alterations that are suffered in puberty and pregnancy. The lumps that are felt are movable under the skin, firm, and elastic.
In general, they do not usually cause pain unless they grow in size and are located in areas of the breast that can be compressed when sleeping on your stomach or by bras.
Other causes of non-cyclical breast pain
- Costochondritis: inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the breastbone. The stabbing pain it causes is chest pain, but it can also be felt in the breast and intensify when breathing deeply or coughing.
- Adipose necrosis: a benign condition that occurs when an area of fatty or fatty tissue in the breast is damaged. This can occur due to an injury to the breast, usually after surgery, trauma to the chest, or radiation therapy treatment.
- Musculoskeletal disorders include a pinched nerve in the back or neck area and pain radiating to the breast. Patients with scoliosis, osteoporosis, or arthritis may also suffer from musculoskeletal pain that extends to the breasts.
Non-cyclical breast pain is rarely associated with breast cancer. Still, it is essential to identify the symptoms and go to the gynecologist for appropriate medical tests if you present them. In addition to breast pain, there are also symptoms of breast cancer:
- Lump in one of the breasts.
- Hard lump under the armpit with ragged edges.
- Changes in the shape of the nipple or breast.
- Changes in the texture of the nipple or breast.
- Changes in the size of the breast nipple.
- Segregation of fluid through the nipple.
In the following article, we explain in detail what are the types, symptoms, and treatment of breast cancer.
Punctures in the breasts: could it be pregnancy?
When they feel discomfort or throbbing in the breasts and have a menstrual delay, many women may wonder if this is a symptom that indicates pregnancy. The truth is that breast pain and sensitivity and tingling in them is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy that can be experienced. Still, it is also possible that they constitute a premenstrual symptom, so the best option will be to have a test pregnancy or go to the gynecologist to find out.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, there is an increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone to prepare the body for pregnancy, which can cause pain and discomfort in the breasts. This ailment usually disappears progressively as the pregnancy progresses and the second trimester is reached.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Stitches in the breasts: causes, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.