Home Women's HealthBreast Diseases Treatments for breast cysts

Treatments for breast cysts

by Alivia Nyhan
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Breast cysts

Cysts in the breasts, also called breast cysts, are a fairly common condition among women between 40 and 60 years of age and are caused by physical and hormonal changes. It is a small lump that grows inside the breast and is filled with fluid. If a small lump appears in one of the breasts, do not be alarmed, but it is essential to monitor it for growth.

These cysts can be simple or complex, and only through a breast ultrasound can their complexity be detected. A complex cyst will contain tumors; however, most breast cysts are benign, and there is no cancer risk. If you want to know the treatments for breast cysts at FastlyHealwe, reveal them in detail.

Why do cysts appear in the breasts?

There are several reasons why cysts can appear in the breasts or breasts. The leading causes are the following:

  • Lock in lobules of the breasts: This sometimes happens due to abrupt changes in the weight in which the steep increase or decrease of the size of the breasts intervenes. In this case, the breast lobes close, accumulating fluid and causing breast cysts.
  • Due to menopause: in this stage of women, hormonal alterations can lead to changes in the breast tissues and cause, naturally and benignly, cysts on the breasts.
  • Obesity: another widespread cause of the appearance of cysts in the breasts is obesity, which is closely linked to the blockage of the mammary lobes.
  • Bad habits: poor diet, drug, alcohol, and tobacco use are highly detrimental to our health. These bad habits lead to the appearance of breast cancer, so it is appropriate to completely stay away from the consumption of these products and an unbalanced diet.

cysts appear in the breasts

Remove the cyst with a needle.

Even though the cysts are not cancerous, one of the most common breast cyst treatments is to have them drained and removed using a hypodermic needle. Your doctor or gynecologist should decide that. This treatment can be somewhat uncomfortable, but it does not hurt at all, and the cyst will only take a couple of minutes to disappear completely.

After this drainage, the cysts shrink until they disappear, and there the problem ends. If the cysts reappear, do not panic since the treatment is done again, and that’s it.

Surgery to remove cysts in the breasts

Surgery is another option when it comes to wanting to undo breast cysts. However, this treatment is only used in unusual, severe, and dangerous cases for the person’s health. Surgery to remove cysts in the breasts is only performed in the following circumstances:

  • When the cyst in the breast makes day-to-day uncomfortable and difficult.
  • When, despite having drained the cyst with a needle, the cyst constantly reproduces again.
  • When the cyst contains blood in the fluid or shows other worrisome signs.
  • When the cyst is carcinogenic.

How to remove breast cysts with home remedies

Breast lumps can also be eliminated or prevented with natural medicine and specific home remedies. How to get rid of breast cysts naturally? Very simple: the answer is in the diet.

Foods to eliminate cysts in the breasts

To prevent cyst formation, specialists recommend eating a healthy and balanced diet, which means:

  • Take little salt in meals: excess salt encourages the appearance of tumors.
  • Avoid very fatty foods: such as fatty meats, sausages, whole milk, or any pastry.
  • Reduce alcohol consumption: Alcohol damages our liver and weakens all cells.
  • Reduce the consumption of tobacco: which shrinks the arteries and breast lobes.
  • Reduce caffeine consumption: excessive consumption of coffee can have harmful side effects in our body, such as increased levels of cholesterol in the blood, which would worsen breast lumps.
  • Eating foods rich in vitamin E: vitamin E has excellent benefits and properties. The dilation of blood vessels stands out, which would help prevent and even eliminate cysts in the breasts.
  • Eat foods rich in good fats: these fats help balance the hormonal system and regulate lousy cholesterol levels in the blood.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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