Breast pain is not only annoying, but, in addition, it usually generates great concern, raising our suspicions that something serious could be happening. Fortunately, in most cases, these complaints are entirely benign and are related to hormonal changes or cysts and fibroids without severe repercussions for our health. They determine when and if other symptoms also appear is essential for an effective diagnosis, so a visit to the gynecologist is always timely. In this FastlyHealarticle, we explain the most common causes of breast pain.
Table of Contents
Pain produced by the menstrual cycle
One of the most common reasons your breasts hurt is directly linked to your menstrual cycle. Between 7 and 5 days, before your period comes, it is normal for your breasts to start to get stiff and sore. This is part of the estrogen release generated, which will finally give way to your menstruation. When the period arrives, the inflammation and pain are reduced, giving way again to normality.
This type of pain has the following characteristics:
- It is cyclical. That is, it always occurs before your menstrual period comes.
- It affects both breasts in a general way. The pain is not localized in a specific area.
- There is also swelling and tenderness in the breasts.
To detect if this is the problem, it is convenient to keep a calendar of your menstrual cycle, mark the moment you begin to feel the pain, and detect if it always occurs before the period. Taking hormonal contraceptives can reduce these discomforts.
Hormonal changes that cause breast pain
The menstrual cycle is not the only hormonal reason you may have breast pain. Other changes of this type can also lead to soreness and tenderness in the breasts, for example, reaching puberty, being pregnant, especially during the first trimester, or nearing menopause.
In all these cases, it is essential to visit a gynecologist to confirm the reason for the discomfort, which, as in the previous point, will be in both breasts and in a generalized way.
Cysts in the breasts
Breast cysts, also known as fibrocystic breast disease, may be one reason why breasts hurt you. These are small benign water balls that appear in the breasts due to hormonal changes or genetic conditions; they can cause pain and inflammation in the breast in which they are located, a discomfort that can increase in the days before menstruation.
It is a more localized and constant pain that, unlike that related to menstruation, does not disappear after a week or with the arrival of the rule. In some cases, it is possible to palpate the cyst. It usually feels like a softball with some elasticity.
Given this picture, it is necessary to go to a gynecologist for a detailed review.
Fibroids in the breasts
Fibroids in the breasts are benign tumors that overgrow and can cause pain and discomfort in the breast if they are lodged in the mammary glands. To the touch, they usually feel complicated, and it is a giant ball that usually generates an excellent alarm in the patient. However, fibroids are not malignant.
As in the case of cysts, if this type of lump is palpable, it is essential to go to a gynecologist for a diagnosis.
Pain in lactating women: mastitis
If you are breastfeeding and wonder why your breasts hurt, you should know that a general discomfort is quite joint in this period. However, there is a cause of breast pain closely related to breastfeeding known as mastitis; it occurs when the ducts through which the milk passes are obstructed due to an infection giving rise to an inflammation of the breast.
The symptoms of mastitis are:
- Inflammation of the affected chest
- Pain
- Redness
- Fever
In this case, it is essential to go to your doctor immediately to receive antibiotic treatment and follow all the specialist’s recommendations. Although it is not very common, mastitis can also occur in women who are not breastfeeding, with symptoms similar but less acute to those during breastfeeding. In this case, it is also advisable to go to the gynecologist. In our article mastitis: causes and treatment we explain this condition in detail.
In a lower percentage, breast cancer
Although it is one of the biggest concerns when breast pain occurs, specialists indicate that only about 10% of pain cases are linked to breast cancer. The pain is usually mild but persistent in these cases, usually in a specific chest area.
The breast self-exam is a good way of detecting the presence of abnormalities together with the annual gynecological checkup to determine, through studies adjusted age of the patient, the general condition of the breast. If you suspect or feel the presence of a lump, pain, or discomfort, it is recommended to go to the gynecologist.
Other causes of breast pain
- I was having received a blow in the area that caused the discomfort.
- Wear bras that are smaller than they should, tightening the breast and causing discomfort.
- Having huge breasts the weight of which can cause discomfort in the area and also pain in areas such as the back.
- Discomfort occurs in locations around the breasts and is mistaken for breast pain, such as the chest muscles, the ribs, the pain in the neck, or even the cervical bones.
Foods that increase pain in the menstrual period
During the premenstrual period and even in the first days, excessive consumption of certain foods considered stimulants can increase pain in the breasts and the belly, causing more significant discomfort.
This is the case of:
- Caffeine-rich foods such as coffee, tea, soda, or chocolate.
- Alcohol.
- Nuts.
These ingredients should be ingested in moderation to prevent the pain from escalating.
When to go to the doctor?
Faced with breast pain, you should see a doctor urgently when:
- There is drainage of fluid, blood, or pus.
- Mastitis is suspected during lactation.
- Some type of ball or tumor is palpable whose lump and pain do not disappear after menstruation.
- There is severe pain in the breast.
It is also essential to go to a checkup consultation whenever there is unexplained and frequent breast pain that is not related to the menstrual cycle.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Why, do my breasts hurt? We recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.