When a sperm implant the egg, our body begins to prepare to promote the growth and development of the embryo and give rise to a baby, these changes do not start to be generated at the moment of implantation. Still, we usually perceive them a few weeks after the pregnancy. Often confused with the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or with a simple discomfort, for some women and especially those who have an irregular cycle, they can go unnoticed. If you suspect that you are on a treadmill, but you are not entirely clear, in this FastlyHealarticle, we detail the first symptoms of pregnancy and the answers to some frequent doubts about pregnancy.
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When do the first symptoms of pregnancy appear?
If there is one thing for sure, the first symptoms of pregnancy do not appear as soon as pregnancy occurs. In the same way, you cannot take a pregnancy test as soon as you finish a sexual encounter on your fertile days.
When gestation occurs, our hormones begin to work. Still, it is not until about 15 days after implantation when our body begins to secrete the hormone hCG, which is what activates the pregnancy tests to indicate that we are on tape and also the one that maintains a high level in the production of progesterone, one of the hormones responsible for many of the first symptoms of pregnancy.
For all these reasons, most women do not begin to experience some symptoms until after two weeks of pregnancy, with signs that usually appear between 4 and 6 weeks of gestation. It is essential to clarify that each woman is different, so it is impossible to establish an exact moment for the appearance of the first symptoms. Some women, although very few, report feeling the changes from the first week; however, the majority experience them between the fourth and sixth week onwards.
Some Common Questions About Pregnancy
Especially when we are beginning our sexually active life or when we have irregular menstrual cycles, determining whether or not there is a risk of pregnancy can seem complicated. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, it is essential to be clear about using effective contraceptive methods, such as contraceptive pills or condoms. Still, it is also crucial to keep a menstrual calendar to effectively measure whether or not we have a delay, the first pregnancy symptoms that we usually detect.
Delayed menstruation, one of the first symptoms
When the ovum is fertilized and we are completely healthy, the period is inevitably suspended, as the endometrium will not be expelled since it will have received an embryo. Despite this, many women, especially those with irregular cycles, do not usually notice that they have an absence. Therefore it is essential to pay attention to other characteristic symptoms.
Pregnancy is not the only cause of delayed menstruation. Still, without a doubt, if the absence is accompanied by several of the symptoms that we mention below, you are likely pregnant.
Breast tenderness and swelling
The hormonal changes that occur with pregnancy, significantly the increase in progesterone, make that one of the first symptoms of pregnancy is the sensitivity and inflammation of the breasts, which happens more intensely than what we feel when our rule is yet to come. Your nipples may also change slightly, and you may start to see minor rashes on the areoles.
Pain and discomfort in the breasts usually decrease after the first trimester of pregnancy, when hormones begin to regulate.
Nausea and vomiting, early symptoms of pregnancy
Nausea and vomiting are classic pregnancy symptoms. They can occur at any time of the day. However, for some women, they are more common in the morning.
Although they usually start after the fourth week of pregnancy, many women begin to have them before that. They can be unleashed by a strong unpleasant smell or by the intake of any food that we reject.
Frequent and unexplained tiredness
Frequent tiredness and the feeling of being fatigued is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy that can appear a few weeks, even days, after conception. This is believed to be due to hormonal changes in the body and that nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms can compromise your adequate rest.
You will feel low in energy, sleepy, and have a constant desire to sleep.
Increased urge to urinate
When we get pregnant, our body increases blood and various fluids; the kidneys work hard to eliminate these excesses, so your bladder will be fuller than usual, making you have to run to the bathroom more frequently. Additionally, the uterus gradually exerts pressure in this area, prompting you to have more urinations per day and night.
Sensitive smell and mood swings
These are two of the most characteristic early pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy causes the smell to be sharpened, so some previously unimportant smells that you ignore can now be very present and even cause nausea. This can happen to you with food, perfumes, and even with the body odor of certain people.
Additionally, mood swings are typical of this condition, partly promoted by hormonal changes. It is common to feel more sensitive, anxious, sad, or excited than usual, a characteristic that affects each woman differently.
Other early symptoms of pregnancy
- Slight vaginal bleeding characterized by brown spots occurs typically due to the implantation of the ovum and is not equal to the rule. They are short-lived and are presented in small quantities.
- Abdominal swelling is similar to what we perceive when our period is about to come.
- Increase in basal temperature, which can increase up to 1 degree.
- Due to olfactory sensitivity and hormonal changes, you can start to dislike certain strong smells.
- Possible dizziness.
When to do the pregnancy test?
In some women, the first pregnancy symptoms can begin before four weeks. For others, it is not so easy to determine if they have a significant delay or not, so they anticipate the realization of the home pregnancy test.
Although pregnancy tests on the market promise reliable results from the first day of delay, specialists recommend performing the pregnancy test when we are at least seven days late. In this way, the hCG hormone will have already been secreted, and we can obtain a reliable result. If done before, we run the risk of receiving a false negative.
If the result is positive, you should make an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as possible, while if it is negative. Still, after a few days, the delay continues, it is advisable also to visit a specialist.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to The first symptoms of pregnancy, we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category.
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.