Home Women's HealthBreast Diseases Tuberous breasts: grades, operation and postoperative

Tuberous breasts: grades, operation and postoperative

by Alivia Nyhan
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Tuberous breasts

Some women notice that their breasts are not like those of other women. They suspect that they have a different shape than others and consider them ugly, something that can affect from an emotional point of view, triggering complexes and insecurity that affect their self-esteem.

Tuberous breasts are a benign alteration that affects the aesthetics of the breast, which at first glance is not fully developed but elongated and tubular. If you want to know more about m tuberous love: degrees, how the operation and postoperative period, we invite you to continue reading this article FastlyHeal.

What are tuberous breasts?

Tuberous breasts are tubular, conical, or constricted breasts due to congenital malformation that typically prevents the breast from developing.

This is produced by forming a fibrotic tissue at the breast base; this is how a constrictive ring is created, causing the breast to adopt a tuberous and limited shape.

As the breast grows, the tissue covering the mammary gland becomes rigid and does not allow it to expand fully. This makes the breast feel prey within the skin, that it does not grow and that the tissue comes out through the place of least resistance, such as the areola and the nipple.

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Tuberous breasts: degrees

Tuberous breasts are divided into three grades:

  • Grade I: in this grade, the ring that limits the development of the breast is partial, and the evolution of the breast is more minor in the lower central pole and the internal part. The areolas of these breasts tend to look down, and towards the center, they usually develop and can even become hypertrophied.
  • Grade II: the ring is much more marked. It prevents the development of the lower pole of the breast both internally and externally. To this degree, the breast groove is higher, and the areola is large. It can become giant, reaching up to 10 cm.
  • Grade III: the ring in this grade restricts and affects the integrity of the breast, which prevents its development, so they are petite breasts.

How do I know if I have tuberous breasts?

During puberty, when breast development begins, this alteration becomes evident. Its shape is similar to that of a pear or cone.

When you have a tuberous breast, its appearance is that of widely separated breasts, and its shape is tubular or rather like a cone. It looks droopy, and the areola with a larger diameter bulges due to the pressure exerted by the mammary gland.

When you have these doubts regarding your breasts, the idea is to consult with a specialist hematologist or plastic surgeon. The diagnosis is made through the clinic presented by the patient after evaluation through the physical examination.

Tuberous breast operation

The operation of the tuberous breasts is the only treatment currently available to correct this alteration. It releases the ring by opening it and decompressing the fibrous tissue that constricts the breast. This is done with cosmetic surgery, where the breast is opened, then the ring’s opening.

The success of this intervention will depend on the degree of the tuberous breast and the shape of the breast.

In the operation of tuberous breasts, two procedures are performed: the resection of the mammary ring and the placement of implants.

If it is a large or ptotic breast, the procedure to be carried out is to raise the breast or reduce its size. If it is small, its size increases, which is achieved by placing breast prostheses according to the degree, shape, and size.

The lower pole must always be filled; it is there where there is a lack of tissue. For that reason, sometimes, a kind of flap or a particular technique is performed within the same breast.

Postoperative of tuberous breasts

You must remember that this type of surgery is more complex than breast augmentation. Many more aspects are taken into account and correcting existing malformations.

The first night you must spend in the hospital, depending on the intervention, you will have a bandage on your breasts, then you will change for a bra.

The patient may feel discomforts such as breast swelling and edema. These are frequent symptoms in this type of intervention. The sensitivity of the breast is altered for a few weeks.

You must take care of the scar to reduce edema in the areola and improve healing. During this stage, it is crucial to follow the instructions of the specialist doctor. In this way, the recovery period will be much faster.

If this is your case and you are suffering from tuberous breasts, you should go to a specialist, who will indicate the procedure to apply in your particular case.


This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Tuberous breasts: degrees, operation, and postoperative, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

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