Finding a lump in the nipple or any other part of the breasts is undoubtedly an alarm sign for any woman since the incidence of breast cancer in society is so great that inevitably in the presence of a lump, the first thing we think is that it is a tumor. And it turns out not.
The mammary glands are made up of tissue, which can undergo many transformations and are not necessarily humorous. Many women go to a gynecological consultation because of a lump in the nipple or breast, and the truth is that, in 80% of cases, it is a benign diagnosis. The causes of a bump in the nipple are various, and in this FastlyHealarticle, we explain the most frequent ones.
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What to do if I detect a lump on the nipple?
The lumps in the nipple are usually very common. In general, when it comes to young women between adolescence and adulthood, it is due to benign disorders. On the contrary, when the woman is in advanced age between 40 or after menopause, the check-up must be more exhaustive to rule out any malignant pathology.
However, when a nipple lump is recognized that lasts more than three weeks and does not disappear after menstruation, it is advisable to visit a breast gynecologist to examine the area and rule out any malignancy. These lumps appear widespread before and during menstruation when many hormonal changes occur in women that can cause the formation of temporary masses.
It is essential not to miss the appearance of a lump in the nipple and visit the specialist as soon as possible to examine the breasts, consult family history, evaluate where the woman is in the menstrual cycle, and request, if necessary, more in-depth exams like a breast ultrasound or a mammogram.
Causes of a nipple lump
It is the most common benign tumor that appears in the breasts, and it is a lump that forms in the mammary gland tissue. It is generally round and highly mobile. As its growth is slow, in most cases, the woman does not perceive a sudden change in the size of the mass. This type of tumor usually disappears on its own, and in very few cases, it is removed when it suddenly changes in size, texture, or color.
Mammary nodule
It is also a round lump, but it is usually excruciating in this case. When it comes to this type of mass, there may be discharged from the nipple or retraction of the same and inflammation, swelling, or deformity of the breasts. Treatment in these cases will depend on the results of the deep exploration of the nodule: color, size, changes, texture, and results of echoes, mammography, and, if applicable, biopsy.
Fibrocystic mastopathy
When the breast tissue grows excessively, it is said that the woman presents a fibrocystic mastopathy, which is recognized because the fibrous tissue gives rise to a sensation of small hard lumps. This condition is usually painful, especially in the days before menstruation. Mastopathy is an alteration that occurs in many women. It is not considered a disease. In some cases, it may be necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation of the fibrous tissue. It is usually diagnosed by touch.
They are one of the most common causes of nipple lumps. Quotes, unlike tumors, are smooth, they move throughout the breast, and their size can vary. In some cases, they can be painful, in others not, and they can be so small that they are indistinguishable to the touch or so large that their presence is noticeable with the naked eye. It is necessary to perform a puncture to find out what they contain inside to treat breast removal.
Intraductual papilloma
It is due to the growth of a wart on the back of the nipple, which is very painful because it occurs in the duct and presents inflammation and bleeding.
Tumor maligno
It does not present any symptoms. It is a painless lump, and its principal characteristic is that it has irregular edges, which may not be noticeable to the touch but will be evident on an ultrasound or mammogram. There are many types of malignant tumors, and although most have these characteristics, there are also exceptions, so it is essential to always go to a specialist.
This is another of the most common causes of lumps in the nipple, and it is something as harmless as a ball of fat or adipose tissue in the breasts. It usually goes away on its own.
Care alarms on a nipple lump
Although the lump in the nipple can be due to multiple causes, only an expert can make the diagnosis, so a specialist should be visited, especially if some of the following signs are present:
- Thickening of the breast.
- Swelling of the armpit.
- Nipple discharge
- Change in the appearance of the nipple.
- Change in breasts.
- Changes in the sensitivity of the breasts.
Remember that it is essential to go to the doctor whenever we detect any abnormality in our body because our health and well-being depend on it.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.