Home Women's HealthWomen's sexual health How to unclog the Bartholin’s gland

How to unclog the Bartholin’s gland

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

A Bartholin’s cyst occurs because the outlet of a gland next to the vagina is blocked. You may not feel any discomfort, but sometimes it can turn into a painful cyst that usually makes it challenging to go about your life.

To uncover the Bartolino gland, you can resort to home methods. It is more advisable that you turn to a professional in some cases since the situation can be more complicated than it seems.

Suppose you want to know what Bartolino’s cysts are, how to uncover the Bartolino gland, and in which cases it does not take long to go to the medical consultation. In that case, we invite you to continue reading this FastlyHealarticle.

What are Bartholin’s cysts?

To understand this problem, you must first know the Bartolino glands: they are two structures located on both sides of the vagina. They are responsible for secreting a fluid that lubricates the external area of ​​the vulva.

These glands have a small drainage tube through which the fluid comes out. When that tube becomes clogged, the gland cannot eliminate the juice it produces and begins to swell. This is usually one-sided, and therefore cysts are generally unilateral.

Sometimes, this gland is plugged in can be recognized, such as an infection (it has rarely been linked to sexually transmitted diseases) or a lubricating discharge thicker than average. But the truth is that the cause is not known why the duct becomes blocked most of the time.

How to unclog the Bartholin’s gland

If you want to make the cyst uncovered and no longer cause discomfort, you must first consider how large the lump is and the symptoms it generates. This information will be helpful for the specific treatment.

Small and not very symptomatic Bartholin’s cyst

The vast majority of the time, a Bartholin’s cyst does not generate symptoms, and just as it becomes inflamed, it can be deflated. You may not even notice when it appears or disappears.

But, in some cases, the discomfort may be more critical, and you may notice:

  • A small lump on one side of the vagina.
  • Some tenderness or pain in the area, especially when touching the cyst.

Small cyst treatment

Specialists recommend performing sitz baths with warm water to uncover a small uninfected cyst. In this way, this home remedy favors the dilation of the Bartolino duct, which is the one that carries the liquid from the gland to the outside.

A sitz bath consists of placing a small amount of warm water in the bathtub or fountain, enough to keep the cyst area submerged. You must stay there for about 10 minutes.

You can add medicinal plants for their anti-inflammatory properties, such as:

These home remedies for Bartholin’s cysts are helpful for small cysts.

Painful, draining, or extensive Bartholin’s cyst

On the other hand, if the Bartolino cyst is more extensive, you could feel some discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse or see an asymmetrical genital area with a bulge on one side of the vagina.

Another probability is that the cyst becomes infected, making the condition more annoying and of greater importance. In case of infection, you can feel:

  • Major pain.
  • Discomfort when sitting, walking, or having relationships.
  • The outflow of purulent fluid.

Painful cyst treatment

As a first measure, you can always resort to sitz baths. But if you see that it does not improve after doing it a few times, you should go to a professional if you have a fever or general discomfort.

If there is an infection, antibiotic treatment can be tried. But if the cyst is very large or infected, a surgical drain may be required to uncover it, performed by a gynecology specialist.

The procedure is the next:

  • The area is well cleaned with antiseptics.
  • Although sedation may be used in some cases, local anesthesia is generally applied.
  • small incision is made on the cyst, and with this, it is possible to eliminate the retained fluid.

In recurrent cases (cysts that recur several times), marsupialization of the Bartholin’s gland may be necessary. This leaves the cyst open, so it heals like this and does not cover itself again.

Most of the time, a small tube is left after the drainage to promote complete removal of the fluid. This probe will be removed in one of the following medical check-ups.

Bartholin's cyst

When to go to the doctor in case of a Bartolino cyst

There are some cases in which it is better not to waste time and consult the treatment for your Bartholin’s cyst as soon as possible:

  • If you have a lot of pain when sitting, resting, walking, or having sex.
  • When there is suppuration.
  • In case of fever or general malaise.
  • Suppose you are over 40 years old. Although it is rare, it is essential to rule out a disease that can be confused with a Bartholin’s cyst: a tumor in the vagina.

And of course, if you have doubts, it is best to turn to your trusted doctor.

Learn more about Bartholin’s cyst in Bartolinitis: causes, symptoms, and treatment.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to uncover the Bartholin’s gland, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

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