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How to know if my eggs are fertile

by Alivia Nyhan
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Eggs are fertile

Female fertility is a kind of complex circuit formed by different organs and gears that allow us to achieve the goal of becoming pregnant. The quality of the ovules and the correct ovulation are two of the most important stations of the circuit. When couples decide to have children, they do not always do so quickly. After trying without success, they wonder what may be happening and what is not working. It is advisable to know each member of the couple’s health status and know-how the eggs and sperm are found. In FastlyHeal, we answer your question c OW know if my eggs are fertile.

Poor quality eggs: symptoms

Given the difficulty of conceiving, it is crucial to consider various factors that may make pregnancy impossible. Between stations in the circuit leading to conception, assessing the quantity and quality of a woman’s eggs is as essential as checking sperm.

In the case of ovules, several aspects must be taken into account. On the one hand, it is crucial to determine the number of ovules or ovarian reserve of the woman, and, of course, the quality of these ovules must be considered.

Several blood tests evaluate the number of oocytes or immature eggs in the ovaries. Ovarian reserve can be measured through Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) and levels of basal hormones (FSH, LH, and estradiol). Also, an Antral Follicle Count (RFA) can be done through ultrasound, this being the most used and reliable method today.

Regarding the quality of the eggs, it is one of the variables that most affect female fertility. The woman may have a good ovarian reserve, but there will be no fertilization if these eggs are not in good condition. Today there are no blood tests to assess the quality of a woman’s eggs.

But, in any case, some factors predispose to poor ovular quality, such as:

Although, without a doubt, the determining factor of ovular quality is age.

The eggs are potentially very fertile during youth, but they lose this quality as the years go by. From 35 years of age, the number of oocytes has decreased, which is expected since women are born with a certain number that will be released each month. But above all, over time, deterioration of these eggs occurs.

The trend is that the fertilization of these low-quality eggs is complex. It is accompanied by diseases that induce spontaneous abortions or babies with a congenital disorder if it occurs. Currently, in vitro fertilization considers this reality and selects the best quality eggs.

Poor quality eggs

How to know if you ovulate correctly?

Women are born with a certain number of oocytes, which will mature monthly after puberty. The maturation process is called ovulation, or a succession of hormonal changes that allow an egg to be released each month to be fertilized. Ovulation occurs 12 to 16 days before the following rule. But how do you know if you ovulate correctly?

normal ovulation process involves specific symptoms or changes that you can perceive in your body. Knowing when you ovulate is critical if you want to get pregnant. So you must first of all pay attention to the calendar and observe for a few months how long your cycle lasts. In general, it is 28 days, but not all women are the same, and there may even be variations in the same woman from one cycle to another.

Some women may feel some pain in the abdominal area on the ovulating side, just on the day of ovulation. Basal body temperature is also an indication of ovulation, as it is lower before it occurs. Right after that, it rises about half a degree abruptly. Other changes that can be monitored throughout the menstrual cycle are the cervix, which softens and opens slightly to allow easy access for sperm, and the appearance of cervical mucus.

But the ovulation process can be disturbed for different reasons, directly affecting the probability of getting pregnant. It is essential to take into account the following causes that disturb ovulation if you think that you are not ovulating correctly:

  • Polycystic ovaries: It is a syndrome suffered from birth and causes the woman not to ovulate regularly. It can be accompanied by acne in adulthood and facial hair. On ultrasound, small cysts that do not change in size are seen in the ovaries.
  • Hyperprolactinemia: A condition that presents as a symptom of a high amount of prolactin in the blood, which produces a state like the one mothers have while breastfeeding.
  • Hypothyroidism: This is a condition in which the thyroid gland works well for us and produces few thyroid hormones.

How to improve the quality of your eggs naturally.

There are currently different methods ranging from habit changes to in vitro fertilization procedures to treat the fertility problems of couples who want to conceive. In the case of both women and men, the lifestyle is decisive for fertility.

A study conducted at Harvard University showed that changing eating habits reduce infertility in 80% of cases. It was possible to conclude that thanks to the changes in diet and the incorporation of a physical activity regimen, the quality of the eggs improved in all age groups.

There are several recommendations, as far as diet is concerned, to improve the quality of the eggs:

  • First, it is essential to consume organic fruits and vegetables containing the least pesticides.
  • Similarly, in the case of dairy products, it is essential to reduce their consumption and try to consume farm dairy as much as possible.
  • It is also highly recommended to eat fish as it contains fatty acids that help produce hormones. In this case, it is preferable to avoid the consumption of farmed fish.
  • Likewise, in the case of birds, cattle, and other animals, it is better to choose those raised on the farm.
  • On the other hand, it is advisable to avoid refined sugars, alcohol, and tobacco.

Second, it can be taken into account that some substances are recognized for their positive effect on fertility. Such is the case of vitamin E or tocopherol present in oleaginous fruits such as walnuts, almonds, avocado, and olive oil. Vitamin E is known to activate the pituitary gland, which is responsible for secreting FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) responsible for stimulating the maturation of eggs. Vitamin E has been recognized since ancient times for its effect on fertility.

Third, also referring to lifestyle, it is essential to incorporate an exercise routine and find spaces to relax. In general, reducing daily stress can be beneficial in achieving a baby.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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