Home Pregnancy and baby healthPregnancy Diet for overweight in pregnancy

Diet for overweight in pregnancy

by Alivia Nyhan
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It is considered that you are overweight when your body weight is more significant than what would correspond to your height; this is due to the excessive accumulation of fat. According to the Body Mass Index or BMI, which is obtained by dividing weight in kilos by the square of height in meters, a person at their ideal weight has a BMI between 18.5 to 24.9, while a BMI of 25 to 29.9 indicates overweight.

This condition is considered a health problem, so if you are pregnant and have extra kilos, you may think that it will be impossible to stop gaining weight because at this stage you overeat, but at FastlyHealwe want to offer you one Diet for overweight in pregnancy that can help you. However, the nutritionist must provide you with a personalized meal plan.

Overweight and pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is an increase in the woman’s body weight due to the development of the placenta, the increase in the size of the uterus, amniotic fluid, the baby’s weight, and fluid retention, and it is expected that after delivery they will be lost—the corresponding kilos. But when a woman is overweight, it is recommended that the total weight gained does not exceed 11 kilos as a maximum, taking into account that from the last weeks of the first trimester, body weight begins to increase, so there should be more excellent care in the Diet.

Although most cases of overweight in pregnancy are due to presenting this condition before, it is also possible that at this stage, there is a more significant gain in kilos because there is an increase in appetite, which favors eating at all hours and any types of foods, especially unhealthy ones.

Another cause of being overweight during pregnancy is suffering from more episodes of anxiety and trying to cope with eating and following sedentary habits that cause the accumulation of fat. Also, suffering from certain diseases, such as diabetes, increases the possibility that there will be a more significant gain in kilos, being in these cases necessary for a periodic review with the doctor.

On the other hand, much has been said about the consequences of having a pregnancy if one is overweight, for example, poor development of the baby, malformations, premature delivery, gestational diabetes, circulatory problems, hypertension, and pre-eclampsia. Still, it has been documented that The probability of these risks happening is very low, and if they do occur, there are medical measures to control them. However, overweight pregnant women suffer more from back pain, fatigue, sleep problems, and cramps.

Diet for overweight pregnant women

It is important to note that during pregnancy, it is not the best time to carry out a rigorous diet in which important foods are excluded since the lack of nutrients can affect the development of the fetus. For this reason, the most advisable thing is that from the moment you plan to have a child, there is better control over overeating and other ways to be at the correct body weight.

It is difficult and not highly recommended to try to lose weight in pregnancy if you are overweight. Still, it is possible to avoid gaining more kilos, in addition to what is achieved by incubation, as long as a balanced eating habit is maintained that covers all the energy and nutrient requirements, in addition to foods that help control appetite, excluding those rich in glucose, salt, and fat.

A specialist must be the one who adjusts the best foods for your needs and condition, which may vary as the pregnancy progresses. Meanwhile, we offer you a diet guide for being overweight in pregnancy with some foods that you can choose for each meal:

  • Breakfast: fresh seasonal fruits, whole grains with yogurt, two slices of whole-wheat toast with jam, white cheese or olive oil, grated tomato, and less than four whole-wheat crackers. Natural fruit juice, herbal infusion, or a glass of skimmed milk that can be accompanied by decaffeinated coffee.
  • Mid-morning: it is a light meal to control the appetite, and you can consume a piece or smoothie of seasonal fruit, vegetable salad, skimmed yogurt, or a couple of whole-grain cookies.
  • Food: in this intake, it is essential to balance the intake of lean proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables. You can prepare the vegetable broth, lentil stew, baked or grilled chicken, fish or beef accompanied with a vegetable salad, spaghetti with minced meat or mushrooms, hard-boiled egg stuffed with sardines, vegetable creams, Pork tenderloins with onion sauce, rice with vegetables. As a complement, you can eat a piece of fruit, skimmed yogurt, natural water, or fruit juice.
  • Snack: you can include in the Diet a fruit salad, a slice of whole-wheat bread spread with light, fresh cheese, three whole-grain crackers, a diet dessert, a cereal bar, or yogurt with a handful of whole grains. To drink an infusion, tea, or skimmed milk, either alone or with a bit of chocolate.
  • Dinner: you should eat bland food and do not do it less than 3 hours before going to sleep so that it gives time to digest it. Some options are cheese rolls with spinach or chicken breast, a vegetarian or tuna sandwich, a serving of pasta or rice, steamed vegetables, pumpkin croquettes, grilled salmon loin, or baked potatoes. You can drink an infusion or a glass of skimmed milk.

In the following FastlyHealarticle, you can find out what you should eat during pregnancy to avoid gaining weight in more detail.

Other tips to avoid gaining weight during pregnancy

In addition to taking care of the foods that are included in the Diet so as not to gain more kilos in the body, it is essential to complement it with other care that will help the pregnancy and the health of the future mother remain adequate, being always necessary to be under control doctor. Some of them are:

  • Stay well hydrated by drinking enough fluids and avoiding sugary drinks.
  • Follow an exercise routine that fits your condition; for example, walking for 30 minutes may be enough.
  • Do not overeat, especially in the first trimester when the burning of calories from food is minimal and accumulates, causing weight gain.
  • Limit your intake of unhealthy foods; although you can indulge in certain foods, it should occasionally be.
  • Do not reduce or skip meals since a lower intake of nutrients can lead to problems in the development of the fetus.
  • Reduce salt intake, as this could cause fluid retention and gain more weight, as well as the risk of edema.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Diet for overweight in pregnancy, we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category .

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