Home Pregnancy and baby healthPregnancy Can I eat Philadelphia cheese while pregnant?

Can I eat Philadelphia cheese while pregnant?

by Alivia Nyhan
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Philadelphia cheese is a creamy or cream-type cheese, a type of spreadable food that can be obtained by curdling a mixture of cream and milk using lactic ferments. Generally, it is eaten with bread, mainly toasted slices of it. This is usually the breakfast or snack of many people due to its exquisite taste and the great feeling of satiety it offers.

This type of cheese is a white cream distributed in containers similar to butter or margarine, and numerous recipes have it as an ingredient, and it can be found almost anywhere. However, since cheese is a product that is in the spotlight during pregnancy, there is significant doubt about this food and motherhood, so many women ask themselves: can I eat Philadelphia cheese while pregnant?

If you want to know the answer to this question and more critical information regarding pregnancy and nutrition, we will talk about it in the following FastlyHeal article.

Table of Contents

Philadelphia cheese facts

This creamy cheese known as Philadelphia has its origin in New York in 1872 when William Lawrance created the first recipe for it, simply by beating cream and milk. This trade name was chosen at that time because, in those years, the highest quality food came from the city of Pennsylvania.

Most commercial Philadelphia cheese is made with milk, stabilizers, and cream ingredients. However, some varieties of this food may contain salmon, parsley, or garlic so that you can see all the ingredients in each of its packages. Although many people believe that Philadelphia cheese contains egg, soy, or wheat, this is incorrect since they only contain detailed ingredients.

On the other hand, it is recommended to consume the product before the deadline mentioned on its label to prevent it from going bad, which can cause various disorders. In addition, it is preferable never to freeze it since, when removed from the cold, it will become a very unpleasant gritty or lumpy product.

Philadelphia and pregnancy

Feeding during pregnancy has always been a matter of concern for future parents due to the abundant information about the harm that the baby can receive after the mother’s bad habits. However, it is essential to make frequent medical consultations so that the specialist is in charge of controlling that the pregnancy follows its natural course and, at the same time, offers various advice to the couple waiting to start a family.

Concerning soft cheeses, Philadelphia cheese can be ingested without any inconvenience, in the same way, it can be done with the following types of cheese:

  • El beautiful country
  • The cottage cheese
  • The mascarpone
  • El Monterey Jack
  • The Quark
  • El Petit-Suisse
  • El Boursin

Explained in another way, all those pasteurized cheeses are safe foods, a process that foods are subjected to reduce the presence of pathogenic microorganisms that they could contain. In this group of cheeses is Philadelphia. Despite this, it is essential to avoid its consumption if the doctor advises it during pregnancy.

On the other hand, pregnant women can also eat cheeses considered moderately cured, such as:

  • Caerphilly
  • Asiago
  • Chesire
  • Cheddar
  • Edam
  • Mozzarella
  • Gloucester
  • Haloumi
  • Jarlsberg
  • Janeer
  • Port Hi
  • Wensleydale
  • Parmesan
  • Provolone
  • Pecorino
  • Red Leicester

What cheeses are forbidden for pregnant women?

Women expecting a child are not recommended to eat unpasteurized cheeses and, as many know, mature soft cheeses even when made with pasteurized milk since they can cause listeriosis when the food is contaminated with the Listeria bacteria monocytogenes. This causes severe infection and can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta or at delivery time. Although there are usually no intense symptoms in pregnant women, it increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, or death. Newborn death. Among the cheeses that should not be consumed during pregnancy, the following stand out:

  • Blue cheese
  • Brie
  • Cambozola
  • Chaumes
  • Dung
  • Bishop’s Bridge
  • Camembert
  • Tallegio
  • Lymeswold
  • Kosherin

In the following FastlyHeal article, we explain what not to eat during pregnancy.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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