Home Women's Health Endometriosis: symptoms, types, and treatments

Endometriosis: symptoms, types, and treatments

by Alivia Nyhan
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Endometriosis is a disease where the endometrium grows outside the uterus; this tissue is the one that is expelled during menstruation and can adhere to the ovaries, rectum, bladder, and intestines. The exact cause of endometriosis is not known. It is believed that the failure of the immune system can prevent the remains of cells from our body from being properly cleaned. This disease can affect women from the moment of its development, but it is not detected, if not between the ages of 25 and 35. It can also be hereditary. At FastlyHeal, we explain Endometriosis’s symptoms, types, and treatments.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

Symptoms that can occur if Endometriosis is developing are:

  • Menstrual pain: it is the most characteristic symptom of this condition. They tend to increase over time, during menstruation, during sexual intercourse, and during bowel movements, since the ligaments of the vagina, rectum, and uterus become affected.
  • Infertility: Endometriosis can cause infertility due to inflammation in the abdomen that does not allow the egg and sperm to unite, due to pelvic adhesions that can obstruct the fallopian tubes, and due to the low production of sex hormones in the ovaries, it also prevents regular ovulation.
  • Menstrual alterations: short but abundant cycles, in addition to out-of-time bleeding.
  • Cramps: can occur for a week or two before and during the menstrual cycle.

It can also happen that no symptoms are manifested or that women with abundant tissue do not present pain, and those in a mild phase of the disease display quite intense pain.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

Types of Endometriosis

There are two types of Endometriosis, internal and external. The internal one presents a lesion, such as black or reddish-looking spots or white lesions that show scarring in the tissue that has been invaded. On the other hand, external Endometriosis is because the endometrium can be located in any body organ, such as the intestines or genitals. Some risk factors are related to the development of Endometriosis, such as having had any previous surgery in the uterus, having short menstrual cycles, and alterations in the genital anatomy or being of childbearing age.

In the same way, Endometriosis is divided into stages that will indicate the severity of the disease and have nothing to do with the level of pain experienced during the menstrual cycle:

  • Minimal endometriosis
  • Mild Endometriosis
  • Moderate Endometriosis
  • Severe Endometriosis

Types of Endometriosis

Treatment for Endometriosis

The treatment of Endometriosis will depend on the severity of the symptoms, the age, the location, the desire to get pregnant, and how far the disease has spread. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory non-steroidal be an excellent choice to treat pain.

On the other hand, hormonal therapies such as contraceptives and progesterone injections, in case you are not trying to get pregnant, are what Endometriosis is usually treated with. There are also surgeries to treat this condition, laparoscopy, in which a small incision is made in the abdomen and has a reasonably quick recovery period. It also helps in the diagnosis of the disease.

Laparotomy is another technique used to remove scar tissue and tumors. The incision made is more extensive, and recovery will take longer. Finally, hysterectomy is perhaps the most invasive since the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries will be removed. The application of this surgery is only for severe symptoms or if you do not want to get pregnant in the future.

Treatment for Endometriosis

Possible complications

Although Endometriosis can cause fertility problems, there are other complications, such as the formation of cysts that could rupture. There are rare cases in which tissue accumulation can obstruct the urinary tract and intestines. Some women may develop cancer in this area, especially after menopause, but it is still an unlikely complication.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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