Home Pregnancy and baby healthPregnancy Flu in pregnancy: how it affects the baby

Flu in pregnancy: how it affects the baby

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The flu is a very common disorder that affects the respiratory system and is caused by a virus. Although, in general, this disorder is very easy to treat and does not usually present major complications, in some cases it may not happen this way and, in these, extreme care must be taken while consuming the indicated medications by the professional and their instructions are strictly followed.

This happens in the case of women who are pregnant, because although expecting a child does not increase the chances of contracting the influenza virus that causes the flu, there are risks of suffering complications derived from this alteration. If you want to know more about the relationship between this disease, the mother and the fetus, in the following FastlyHealarticle you will find a lot of information related to the flu in pregnancy: how it affects the baby .

Maternal loss of appetite, does it affect the baby?

Although the flu does not cross the placenta and the fetus is not directly affected by the virus , there are several consequences that can affect the baby, for example, lack of appetite or lack of appetite that causes this pathology in women. If the baby does not receive the necessary nutrients to grow and develop properly, it can alter the baby in different ways.

It is for this reason that it is essential for the mother to continue with an adequate diet, despite the fact that she is going through a strong flu that completely removes her hunger. It is important for the pregnant woman to eat recommended foods for the proper development of the child she is expecting and to do so as often as necessary throughout the day.

Find out in this other FastlyHealarticle How often should I eat while pregnant .

Flu dehydration in pregnancy, how does it affect the fetus?

Suffering from dehydration can also be very common for people who are infected with the influenza virus, since it is a very common symptom of this disorder. However, this can cause various negative effects on the development of the fetus if a pregnant woman with influenza does not control this symptomatology, for example, difficulties for the different tissues to form well and, therefore, the different organs. This would only happen if dehydration lasts for a long time, it does not mean that just because the pregnant woman is thirsty, the fetus will have problems.

To avoid dehydration , the future mother must replenish the body’s fluid by consuming, apart from several glasses of water, natural fruit juices rich in vitamin C, hot broths or vegetable puree because they also offer the necessary nutrients to fight the virus from the flu and boost the immune system.

Flu fever: consequences for the fetus

Influenza can cause fever, either low or high, but whatever the case needs to be controlled, especially when the temperature exceeds 38 ° C . In these cases, it is essential to make an urgent medical consultation to indicate the best way to lower the fever .

So far the fetal risks are not known exactly when the mother suffers from high fever, although it is believed that, if this situation occurs during the first trimester of gestation, the high temperature can interfere with the correct development of the fetus and that in the second and third trimesters can cause contractions of the uterus that, in the most severe cases, cause premature expulsion of the child.

Influenza or flu in pregnancy: alterations in the respiratory system

Suffering from the flu is synonymous with having symptoms that affect the respiratory system and cause different alterations. It is important that nasal congestion is avoided by pregnant women, as it can affect adequate oxygenation of the body and, at the same time, of the fetus.

Also, if the disorder is not controlled, it can become complicated and cause sinusitis or even pneumonia that can become even more harmful to the baby that is expected. That is why it is essential that the medical instructions are strictly followed and that rest is kept until improvement and, avoiding the worsening of the symptoms that characterize the flu.

How to avoid the flu during pregnancy?

It is very important to know how to prevent the flu in pregnancy so as not to get to suffer from it or to avoid relapsing into it:

  • Get a flu shot when your doctor recommends it.
  • Wash your hands frequently, especially before eating and after using the bathroom or sneezing.
  • If you have a cough, don’t use your hands to cover yourself.
  • Try never to touch your nose, eyes or mouth, since they are in permanent contact with different objects that could be infected by the flu virus.
  • Disinfect and properly clean your house and common objects such as the telephone, the table or the doorknobs.
  • Avoid all contact with people who come across the flu.
  • Don’t share food utensils or personal items like a hand towel.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Flu in pregnancy: how it affects the baby , we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category .

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