The pelvis is a cavity located in the lower abdomen and is made up of three parts, separated by bones. In the front part, we find two bony walls of the pubis that form what is known as the pubic symphysis; on the sides are the iliac bones and behind the sacrum and coccyx. During pregnancy and due to the growth of the uterus and the entire abdominal area in general, this body area may experience some changes that cause discomfort or pain.
Pelvic pain is joint in pregnant women and often worsens as the fetus gains weight and birth approaches. Knowing the causes of pelvic pain in pregnancy is very important to know what happens when this area of the body is dilated when it is normal and necessary to consult a doctor. If you are pregnant and have pain in your pelvis, in this FastlyHealarticle, we tell you what may be happening.
Table of Contents
Causes of pelvic pain during pregnancy
The pubic symphysis is one of the essential parts of the pelvis, and this rigid joint is responsible for separating its two halves. In addition, the pubic symphysis is reinforced by many ligaments. So how can the baby get out of the mother’s belly if it has to go through this part of the pelvis? Very easy: the body, when it knows that labor is approaching and that dilation is convenient, begins to secrete a hormone known as relaxin, which, as its name suggests, relaxes all the ligaments of the pelvis so that, when the fetus is prepared, you can exit properly. The human body is much wiser than we think!
Due to the production of this hormone, the pelvic joints move more during and after pregnancy. In most cases, the pain is because these movements cause a dysfunction of the pubic symphysis and an overload of the ligaments. However, another possible cause of pelvic pain during pregnancy is the diastasis of the pubic symphysis, which occurs when the pubic joint becomes loose, creating a more significant space between the hip or iliac bones. This condition is diagnosed when the distance between bone structures is greater than 10 millimeters since their average diameter is 4 to 5 millimeters.
Besides being stimulated by hormone production, the dysfunction of the public symphysis may also result from overweight and sudden movements to the walking or moving the pelvis. In some pregnancies, this condition occurs when the first trimester ends, while other women feel the pain mid-pregnancy. If a woman suffers from pubic symphysis dysfunction in the first pregnancy, it will likely happen to her in the following few opportunities.
Symptoms of pubic symphysis dysfunction
This condition is characterized by causing pain in the pubic area and the groin; however, some women experience:
- Lower back pain
- Hip pain.
- Pain in the thighs or groin.
- Pain when walking, going down and upstairs, bending over, spreading your legs, or tossing and turning in bed.
- The pain is much more acute in the late afternoon and early morning.
Can pelvic pain be treated during pregnancy?
Since pelvic pain is a consequence of pregnancy, there is no medical treatment to cure pubic symphysis dysfunction. However, your doctor may recommend doing some physiotherapy sessions so that through specific movements and exercises, you get a slight relief in the affected area. In addition, physical therapists are very helpful in helping you prepare for delivery by taking pelvic pain into account. Physiotherapy reduces pain, strengthens the muscles, and helps to mobilize the joints adequately.
Pregnant women with pelvic pain are also advised to attend hydrotherapy, as water massages will help relax the pressure that may be felt in the area and relieve pain from the overlying ligaments. Wearing a pelvic girdle can also help provide relief. Pelvic discomfort usually improves after delivery.
Rabbits to overcome pain in the pelvis during pregnancy
- Perform kegel exercises before and during pregnancy to keep your pelvic floor strong and protect your muscles. In the following article, we leave you some guidelines on carrying out kegel exercises.
- When you feel pain, avoid any forced activity. Also, avoid any action that causes you pain.
- Take care of your posture; always keep your back straight and calm.
- When resting on your bed, place a pillow in the lower part of your back to relax the tension that this pain can generate in the lower back.
- Do not carry or push heavy objects.
- When climbing stairs, go up one step at a time, slowly and stop if you feel pain, rest, and continue.
- Avoid sitting or lying down with your legs apart.
- Call your doctor immediately if you feel that the pain is unbearable and constant.
In FastlyHealyou will find answers to many of the questions you can ask yourself during pregnancy, such as whether you can travel by plane or what is the best position to sleep.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to I am pregnant and I have pain in the pelvis , we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.