Home Pregnancy and baby healthPregnancy Infusions allowed during pregnancy

Infusions allowed during pregnancy

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

During pregnancy, a woman experiences multiple changes in her body that must always be supervised by the doctor. Staying hydrated is essential during this period, and some safe infusions during pregnancy can be excellent even for alleviating some of the symptoms that occur. However, it must also be taken into account that not all infusions are recommended in the case of pregnant women, since they can have abortifacient effects.

For this reason, in this FastlyHealarticle we clear up any doubts about safe infusions during pregnancy so that you are calm and enjoy consuming this drink.

Aspects to consider

Staying hydrated throughout your pregnancy is critical to both the health of the mother and the baby. Many of the future mothers are used to taking infusions frequently for its properties and its excellent taste, and now you wonder if it will be safe to drink infusions for the health of the baby. Some of the infusions that can be consumed normally may not be recommended during pregnancy. For this reason, it is important to always consult with your doctor to know if these infusions that you usually consume are suitable during this period.

Some infusions have not recommended effects during pregnancy by acting as a uterine tonic or even with slight abortifacient effects. Drinking tea is not recommended because it can make it harder for the body to absorb iron.

Mint, one of the best infusions during pregnancy

In general, all those herbs that are used for cooking can be consumed during pregnancy, which includes mint, anise and marjoram . The properties of peppermint can be effective in calming headaches during pregnancy. In addition, peppermint is also known for its ability to relieve stomach discomfort such as nausea or indigestion, making it an excellent ally for future moms. Peppermint is a natural muscle relaxant that calms the digestive tract and the smooth muscle of the stomach, thus helping to decrease stomach discomfort. As a result, mint is one of the infusions that we can take during pregnancy.

Ginger infusion, allowed in pregnancy

The ginger is one of the best – known medicinal plants because of its large number of properties for our health. In the case of pregnant women, an infusion of ginger can be effective in reducing frequent dizziness during the first trimester. Consuming ginger in moderation does not produce toxicity, but you should always consult your doctor, and it should not be consumed regularly during pregnancy. The consumption of this infusion is not recommended during the last trimester of pregnancy.

Orange blossom infusion

The orange blossom is another of the safe infusions during pregnancy whose consumption can help to relax the body and, in this way, help to fall asleep more easily. Hormonal changes during this period, such as hot flashes, temperature changes, nervousness, and weight gain can make it more difficult to sleep. Therefore, an orange blossom infusion will provide its sedative and flavoring properties and even help reduce headaches. Its anxiolytic and hypnotic properties also fight mild anxiety and nervous problems.

Chamomile, healthy infusion for pregnancy

The Chamomile is another tea that can be taken during pregnancy as long as it is not in large quantities, especially during the first trimester. Despite the fact that there are no studies that demonstrate its abortifacient effects, it is recommended that it be consumed in moderation. This herb, also known as chamomile, helps to treat problems such as insomnia , as well as anxiety, and digestive problems such as nausea. This is explained by the sedative effects it has, being considered a natural muscle relaxant.

Thyme infusion for pregnant women

The thyme is a safe infusion during pregnancy because it provides vitamins and are a source of antioxidants and undermine them as iron, calcium, magnesium and provide fiber. Therefore, this herb is a good way to take care of the health of pregnant women to ensure that the baby does not lack any nutrients. Thyme is also widely used to relieve the symptoms of PMS as well as to relieve pain that occurs with menstruation, but it can also help soothe the pain that appears during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Infusions prohibited in pregnancy

Now that you are clear about the infusions that you can take if you are pregnant and that you are aware that you should do it in moderation, it is also important to know the infusions that you should not consume during this period:

  • Pennyroyal . It is not recommended during pregnancy.
  • Licorice . Its stimulating effects can increase the chances of miscarriage, and its consumption is not recommended during breastfeeding.
  • Boldo . Its consumption is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, since it can be abortive.

The key: consume the infusions in moderation

Consulting with your doctor about the infusions you can take is essential to ensure that you do not put your health or that of your baby at risk. Therefore, before consuming any infusion make sure that it is not contraindicated during pregnancy.

On the other hand, once you have informed yourself about safe infusions during pregnancy, you should not exceed their consumption . Therefore, you should also know what the appropriate dose is . In general, it is best to have no more than two infusions a day.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Infusions allowed during pregnancy , we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category .

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