Pregnancy is, in our body, a festival of hormones. There is such a significant imbalance that feelings and emotions are on the surface, and it is normal for you to feel somewhat confused or emotionally harmful. But why do I want to cry so severely in pregnancy? In addition to the hormone revolution, many women do not see pregnancy as wonderful and feel depressed. Not because they do not want it, it is simply a state that occurs in some mothers, like postpartum depression.
It does not mean that if you continually cry, you have this mental illness; with all the fluctuations of hormones, it is normal to feel like crying or even radically change your feelings throughout the day. Even absurd things or things that did not affect you before will make you sad. In this FastlyHealarticle, we give you some answers to why I want to cry so much during pregnancy and how to cope with it.
Table of Contents
Feeling like crying: pregnancy symptom.
Crying is considered a symptom of pregnancy. Even before knowing that they are pregnant, many women have already undergone previous changes and feel like crying for no apparent reason.
During the first weeks, the changes are more noticeable as the body prepares for pregnancy. But to this, we must also add the excitement of receiving the new news. It is normal to feel fear, joy, excitement, impatience … and many contradictory feelings simultaneously.
In the second trimester, the emotions are balanced and are not so extreme since the body has been getting used to the changes in hormones. Therefore, it is likely that your feelings stabilize, and you do not want to cry so much. Although the hormones continue to have uncontrolled levels for what is expected, do not panic if you continue to have emotional changes.
In the third trimester, it is usual for the sensations to surface again due to the imminent arrival of the baby and the moment close to delivery. If emotions usually flow uncontrollably during pregnancy, it is much more difficult to control. Therefore, it does not mean that you cry about everything, but that it is simply more challenging to bear.
It is also customary to feel panic or some fear around the delivery time. It is also customary to be worried that everything will go well. This can also influence your mood.
I am pregnant and cry with everything: what can I do.
If you wonder if these sudden mood swings or the urge to cry can be controlled, the answer is no. Hormonal changes cannot be avoided, nor is there any treatment for them since they are necessary for pregnancy. And you can’t help but have mixed feelings.
But you can follow some tips so that these changes and the urge to cry do not affect you as much, or you can cope with them in the best possible way.
To begin with, accept mood swings and take them as usual. Do not go down because one day you’re mistaken and the other good. Think that it is something ubiquitous that happens to all pregnant women and that it has to be like that. Plus, you know it won’t last forever; there are good days. Don’t push yourself too hard.
When the moment approaches, take it easy. You have nine months to prepare for the baby’s arrival, so don’t stress yourself out and don’t let the situation overwhelm you. If something is missing before giving birth, don’t worry, it can always be solved. However, as we have said, there are nine months.
To overwhelm you, start by acquiring the most generic things: the crib, the changing table, that is, the furniture. Clothes, diapers, creams … are things that can be bought at the last minute. Even moms have to give birth early, like the seven-month-olds, which still gets out of hand. There will always be someone who can go to buy the necessary things even if you are in the hospital. Do not be sad. Also, the important thing at this moment is you, so relax.
It is also essential that you rest and sleep what you can. If you have to work, try to sleep well or go to bed early. Rest and rest are essential. Getting nervous will not help the baby at all.
Do things that you like and make you feel good: watch TV, read a book, walk, drive … All those things or hobbies you want will help improve your mood.
Finally, it is essential to support yourself in your partner. Share your feelings and emotions with them. Unburdening yourself will help you release your senses and share them with your partner, and listening to another person can give you other points of view or reassure you in certain aspects.
Depression in pregnancy
Believe it or not, some women suffer from depression during pregnancy. Postpartum depression is better known, but it can also appear during it. Half of the women with depression in pregnancy are also likely to have postpartum depression.
The symptoms that determine depression in pregnancy include:
- constant sadness
- Sudden mood swings
- Lack of concentration
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Difficulty falling asleep and insomnia
- Exhausted
- Increased appetite or, conversely, a total loss.
Several causes can cause depression during pregnancy, such as:
- Hormones: significant hormonal changes affect some women differently from others and, in some cases, can affect the levels of neurotransmitters, which are brain chemicals that regulate our mood.
- Background: it may be that you have already suffered from depression. In this case, it is possible that you can also suffer from it during pregnancy.
- Relationship problems: many times, the issues with the couple affect our mood so much that we can feel depressed. Especially at this moment of conception of a child. It is essential to communicate with your partner and show your feelings.
- Complicated or risky pregnancy: in many cases, a difficult or complex pregnancy can lead to depression. Bad news such as a complication or a risk of interruption can cause the mother to collapse or go into a state of depression. It is essential to see a specialist when this happens. It is also widespread when you have already suffered some abortion before or have had other complicated pregnancies.
- Fertility treatments: can also lead to stress thinking that you could lose the baby after so much effort and treatment.
The important thing is to always stay calm in stressful situations and, if necessary, talk to a specialist and go to some sessions to treat depression.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.