Home Pregnancy and baby healthPregnancy Bleeding in pregnancy: causes

Bleeding in pregnancy: causes

by Alivia Nyhan
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Pregnancy is usually a time of fear and doubt, especially when there are alterations that the woman does not quite understand. During the first trimester, there are traditionally blood losses, which can cause some concern and should be consulted with the doctor. However, that does not mean that it is an entirely normal situation in most cases.

However, it is essential to learn to recognize when this bleeding is normal or when it can be a cause for alarm. That is why at FastlyHealwe has written this article on bleeding in pregnancy: causes so that you know what the different situations are, from the mildest to the most serious, which can manifest themselves in vaginal spotting or bleeding.

Bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy

First of all, two essential concepts must be clarified. First of all, whenever there is bleeding or spotting during pregnancy, it should be consulted with the doctor. Although it is generally one of the main symptoms of the normal development of the fetus, on certain occasions, it can be due to more compromised situations. An examination by the gynecologist will treat any possible complications that may exist as soon as possible.

On the other hand, you have to learn to differentiate bleeding from staining. The spotting is when a few drops of blood come off, in a small amount, while the bleeding is already a more abundant flow. When you contact the doctor, you should specify what has happened to you because depending on whether it has been spotted or bleeding, the causes may vary.

During the first weeks of pregnancy, bleeding is quite common, usually due to one of the following reasons:

  • Bleeding during sexual intercourse: during pregnancy increases blood flow in the vessels of the cervix. This causes increased sensitivity in the area and the possibility of bleeding, which may happen during sexual intercourse, Pap tests, or any medical examination.
  • By infection: certain infections are pretty common during pregnancy, such as candidiasis. In turn, there are other sexually transmitted diseases that, although they are not related to pregnancy, can also cause bleeding.
  • Hormonal in origin: as you can imagine, the hormonal changes in pregnancy are significant. These cause that during the first weeks, 1 in 3 women have vaginal bleeding.
  • Implantation bleeding: we will explain it in more depth in the next section.

Blood losses during the first trimester of pregnancy are pretty frequent, and having them does not mean the loss of the pregnancy. If you suffer any bleeding, even if it is very slight, it is essential to go to the doctor and follow his instructions to the letter.

Brown pregnancy losses

It is usual that between 4 and 6 weeks after becoming pregnant, you notice a brown or pinkish color loss for 1 or 2 days, similar to those occurring at the beginning and end of menstruation. In pregnancy of 5 or 6 weeks, these losses are entirely expected, and, in general, they are not accompanied by pain in the abdomen, and if they do, it is very mild.

This happens because, in some cases, when the ovum has been fertilized implants in the uterine walls, it can erode the endometrial tissue, producing slight bleeding that we know as implantation bleeding. If you are not aware of the pregnancy, it may be customary to confuse this bleeding with menstruation. However, unlike a common rule, you will detect that with the passing of the days, it is not increasing.

But not all cases of bleeding in pregnancy are due to benign conditions, and some essential alterations in your body manifest themselves in the form of vaginal spotting. We will explain them to you below.

Heavy bleeding in pregnancy due to miscarriage

If the losses in the pregnancy you suffer are very abundant, similar to those of menstruation, and come with cramps and abdominal pain, it may be a miscarriage. In case this happens to you, you should visit your gynecologist immediately so that he can explore you in-depth. They will usually examine the uterine opening and perform an ultrasound to observe if the embryo is in the uterus and if it has a heartbeat. If the miscarriage is confirmed, you should rest until the bleeding ends.

Miscarriage can be a traumatic process, but unfortunately, it is relatively common during the first weeks of pregnancy. About 50% of fertilizations end with spontaneous abortion, although the woman does not even realize it in most of them. There is no single reason to explain this phenomenon, but failure in the early stages of embryonic creation hides behind these types of abortions.

Red bleeding in pregnancy due to ectopic pregnancy

If the vaginal spotting is mild, more similar to discovery, but red and with great pain, the cause may be due to ectopic pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy.

This condition occurs when the ovum implantation does not appear in the uterus but at some point of the female anatomy outside the uterine cavity, be it the fallopian tubes, the abdomen, or the cervix. Once implanted there, it is challenging for the pregnancy to come to fruition. In addition, the mother’s health can be in danger since internal bleeding can occur. Usually, the red bleeding appears before the pain, very intense, which can give way to dizziness and fainting.

In the following FastlyHealarticle, we will discuss ectopic pregnancy: symptoms, causes, and treatment.

Spotting during molar pregnancy

Although it is a rare condition, talking about a molar pregnancy is necessary since spotting is the first symptom. The bleeding can be hemorrhagic or simple intermittent losses, while the uterus grows excessively due to the time of gestation.

This type of pregnancy is due to fertilization that occurs abnormally, which causes poor growth of the embryo tissue. In these cases, the fetus can’t survive, and a spontaneous abortion occurs, which manifests itself with dark bleeding that, in general, is not accompanied by pain.

Bleeding in pregnancy due to uterine hematoma

We speak of uterine hematoma when blood accumulates inside the endometrial cavity, which can cause bleeding during pregnancy. This bleeding is usually abundant, similar to that of menstruation. However, there is no pain whatsoever.

When there is a uterine hematoma, it is usually considered a high-risk pregnancy, so its control becomes more intensive. However, uterine bruises do not usually cause abortions. For the most part, if the mother rests, these bruises are reabsorbed or are expelled with the bleeding.

Bleeding in pregnancy: factors to consider

Several factors can be vital for the gynecologist to determine the cause and extent of your bleeding. Here we explain some of them so that you take them into account and can be diagnosed as correctly as possible:

  • How many weeks pregnant are you?
  • Have you had any bleeding before during pregnancy?
  • How long have you been bleeding?
  • Is the bleeding intermittent or constant?
  • Is it very abundant?
  • Are you in pain?
  • Are you tired or fatigued?
  • Have you been dizzy or fainted?
  • Have you had nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting?
  • Have you had a fever?
  • Did you fall, or have you had a blow?
  • Is there something that stresses you out?
  • When was the last sexual relationship you had?
  • What blood group do you have?

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Bleeding in pregnancy: causes, we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category.

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