Home Skin CareAcne Does acne disappear with age?

Does acne disappear with age?

by Alivia Nyhan
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In general terms, acne is a skin disease in which skin lesions develop due to an increase in oil production by the sebaceous glands within the pores. Acne can affect anyone, and it is considered that 90% of the population has suffered from it at some point in their life, but it is usually present for more years in women, while most severe cases develop in men.

It is common to see people between 12 and 24 years old present some degree of acne, and many times it is taken as a natural condition, so they do not resort to dermatological treatment. However, although it is not a condition that puts your health at risk, it can leave physical and emotional consequences since the unsightly appearance they give and the possible scars they leave can affect the self-esteem of those who have the disease.

Have you ever wondered whether acne disappears with age? Although this is the case in most cases, some factors favor its presence even in adulthood. For this reason, if you are interested in learning about the subject, in this FastlyHealarticle, we will give you more details.

Main causes of acne

To present the symptoms of acne first, there is a long process initiated when the sebaceous glands in the sebaceous follicles of the hair, also known as pores, manufacture sebum in high quantities. Their exit to the surface is complex, and the shedding of dead skin cells is faster and can mix with the sebum forming a plug.

Although the pore is sealed, the gland continues to release this oil, which is why it accumulates in the duct of the follicle, favoring the multiplication of bacteria that generally live on the Skin. The immune system responds to this bacterial increase, giving rise to an inflammatory process. This provides the grain with the visible characteristics, for which approximately 2 to 3 weeks have passed since the beginning of the process.

Unlike what is believed, pimples on the Skin are not products of consuming greasy foods or due to lack of hygiene. The leading cause of acne is hormonal changes, specifically androgens, which act on the sebaceous glands, enlarging them and stimulating more excellent sebum production. Therefore, it mainly affects those who are beginning adolescence, and the risk of developing it increases if there are relatives who suffer from it. It can also appear before the menstrual period, during menopause, and in babies shortly after birth.

On the other hand, the development of acne due to medications is also possible, especially those that contain hormones, such as contraceptive pills and steroids, but also medicines that include some derivative of vitamin B, iodide, lithium, or bromide, for example, certain drugs used for epilepsy or as antidepressants.

Types of acne

If you have pimples or any lesion caused by the obstruction of the sebaceous hair follicle, it means that you suffer from acne. They generally appear during adolescence, and it is common to believe that acne disappears with age; however, you must bear in mind that there are a variety of forms, that some may be more severe than others and can occur at different ages. Hence, it is necessary to go to a dermatologist for the correct treatment. This disease can be classified into six main groups :

  • Acne vulgaris is the most common form in the population, and its degree of affectation can vary from mild to moderate. Its manifestation can include whiteheads, blackheads, papules, and pustules. It develops primarily on the face and can also occur on the neck, shoulders, upper chest, and back.
  • Nodule-cystic acne: It is considered the severe variety of acne vulgaris and has a higher incidence in men between 16 and 20 years of age, representing approximately 40% of acne cases. It is characterized by painful nodules and cysts, which affect the face and can be on the shoulders, upper arms, chest, and back—poor handling and not following treatment results in lifelong scars.
  • Acne conglobata: It is a severe form of nodule-cystic acne and mainly affects men, presenting a large number of whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules, cysts, and abscesses in various parts of the body, such as the face, neck, arms, chest, thighs, and buttocks. Its immediate treatment is necessary since it is a progressive and chronic condition, resulting in many scars.
  • Iatrogenic acne: It arises from the intake of certain medications and exhibits symptoms similar to acne vulgaris, but it will continue to appear if it is not determined that it is causing it, so its treatment is different.
  • Keloid acne: Also known as keloid folliculitis, it is a severe form of uncommon acne, and although it can occur anywhere on the body, it frequently affects the nape of the neck. Mainly the keloid mass results from a complication of pimples and cysts. Their treatment is usually long.
  • Rosacea acne: Although it is a little-known type of acne, it affects a large part of the population, primarily people with 30 years of life, especially women. It is characterized by redness of the Skin, bumps, spots, and pimples and can occur on the cheeks, nose, and chin. If left untreated, it can lead to a condition called rhinophyma.

Does acne stop with age?

In most cases, acne disappears with age, that is, the frequency with which it can occur, since approximately only 12% of women and 3% of men who suffered from acne during adolescence continue to suffer after 40 years. However, it would help if you kept in mind various types. Some can be more severe than others and can occur at different ages; for example, a variety has a higher incidence in adults and needs to be treated disappear.

On the other hand, this is different from acne healing on its own while suffering from it. Unless it is mild, it is recommended that you go to the dermatologist to identify the type of acne you have and thus give you the treatment that best suits your condition. Although it is a natural condition, there is no reason to let it run its course when there are methods to alleviate symptoms and have healthy Skin without scars.

Main symptoms of acne

Although the symptoms depend on the type of acne suffered and the severity can be variable due to the care taken and the person’s predisposition, you may observe any of the following symptoms if you suffer from acne :

  • Whiteheads or closed comedo.
  • Black spots.
  • Papules: Inflamed, reddish, and painful bumps.
  • Pustules: Small swollen bumps that contain pus.
  • Nodules: Hard lumps that are under the Skin and are usually painful.
  • Cysts: Large bumps that protrude from the Skin, are filled with pus, and are sore on contact.
  • Keloids: Hard, variable-sized bumps formed by the growth of scar tissue that leaves acne, mostly pimples, and cysts.
  • Redness in the affected area.
  • She is itching around the skin lesion.
  • Stains.
  • Scars in the affected area.

Treatment to eliminate acne

Acne treatment is personalized, so what is ideal for one person may not be suitable for another. In general, it is based on:

  • In mild and moderate cases: topical application of exfoliating products and the intake of antibiotics
  • In cases of severe acne: in addition to the above, the dermatologist may opt for more specialized drugs, which mainly contain a derivative of vitamin A. On the other hand.
  • When this method does not work, or the clinical picture is dire, the specialist may suggest a surgical treatment, which consists of draining the cysts and removing the lesions.

The doctor will probably recommend other dermatological medications as a compliment, for example, exfoliating soap and the application of a gel in the affected area that helps to burn the skin lesion, in addition to some unique products, since the drugs tend to produce specific side effects such as dryness eye and Skin, so the use of eye drops and moisturizers help you considerably to combat them. Also, ask your dermatologist what type of makeup you can use.

The time when acne is eliminated can vary according to the degree of affectation and the care followed; the treatment can span a few weeks to several months. Even after it is finished, another treatment may be needed to reduce the scars that may have remained; this is achieved with creams if they are minimal or can even be eliminated with laser acne scars.

It is essential that you do not self-medicate, especially if you suffer from severe acne in which the products that are generally advertised are not suitable. Therefore they do not eliminate the problem and may even aggravate it. The same goes for home remedies, herbal products, and over-the-counter soaps, among others.

Care before and during acne

You must take into consideration some measures that will help you so that the degree of acne does not get worse and can disappear more quickly; these tips include:

  • Avoid constantly touching your face.
  • It would help if you waited for the injury to disappear on its own and avoid breaking it so as not to contaminate the area around it and leave possible scars.
  • Only use makeup recommended by a dermatologist; another product could worsen the symptoms.
  • Keep materials that you contact with your faces, such as sponges and makeup brushes, clean.
  • Follow hygiene measures; always wash your Skin and use a clean towel to dry it.
  • Do you know the following anti-acne fruits?
  • In the following article, you will know the best home remedies for acne.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Does acne disappear with age? We recommend that you enter our category of Skin, hair, and nails .

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