Home Medicinal plants and herbs Arnica: medicinal properties and uses

Arnica: medicinal properties and uses

by Alivia Nyhan
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Often when we suffer wounds, bruises, muscle tension, swelling, or other pain in the body, we choose to look for medicines that can help us. However, many plants with healing properties are most beneficial if we want to relieve pain or inflammation naturally and safely.

This is the case of Arnica, a wild plant known since the Middle Ages and used to treat various injuries thanks to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory power. This plant is marketed in the form of an ointment, gel, and oil for topical application to the skin. In this FastlyHealarticle, we show you the medicinal properties and uses of Arnica.

Properties and benefits of Arnica

Arnica is considered a suitable remedy to treat bumps, wounds, inflammations, and bruises thanks to its characteristics, which make it capable of calming pain and avoiding subsequent infection. Its properties are as follows:

  • Rubefacient properties: its application on the skin produces an increase in heat and stimulates blood circulation in the area in question, which improves the condition of bruises and can even prevent bruises from appearing.
  • Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties: some of its components, such as helenalin, one of its bitter principles, help reduce inflammation while relieving pain from sprains or other injuries.
  • Antibacterial properties: its richness in some acids, such as caffeic or chlorogenic, and an essential oil called thymol, gives it an antibacterial power that prevents infections and irritations in wounds, ulcers, and eczema.

Medicinal uses of Arnica

Used for external use, that is, applying it to the skin, Arnica can be helpful in the following cases:

  • Bumps and bruises prevent the appearance of blemishes and reduce pain.
  • In blisters, as long as they are not open, it prevents infection and relieves itching.
  • It relieves tension and pain in tears, strains, and muscle aches.
  • In sprains and dislocations, applied as an adjunct by rubbing the area accelerates the recovery of the joint.
  • In rheumatoid arthritis, it can help improve the typical symptoms and apply it with gentle rubs.
  • Bruises in the eyes are mainly applied in compresses to reduce swelling and pain.
  • In mouth ulcers or inflammation of the gums, performing rinses without ingesting eliminates bacteria and accelerates healing.

Side effects and contraindications of Arnica

This plant is considered to have a certain degree of toxicity, so its use is only recommended externally since ingesting it could be harmful. However, some professionals in homeopathy and medicine administer it in a very diluted way for occasional services.

In short, it should not be ingested if it is not consulted with a doctor since its toxicity could cause vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, discomfort, and nervousness. For the same reason, it should not be applied to open wounds. On the other hand, its application on the skin could also cause some side effects, such as the appearance of skin rashes, dermatitis or blisters on susceptible skin, allergic to the substance, or due to the use of an excessive amount. Its use is not recommended in pregnant or lactating women nor infants and children.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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