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Stitches in the legs: common causes

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The legs are responsible for helping us to support the weight of our body and also to facilitate our proper movement, so when something bothers us or makes us feel uncomfortable in this area, going to a doctor is essential. The pangs in the legsThey are a specific type of pain that can occur in one leg or both, affecting a specific area or manifesting in different points. For a correct diagnosis it is important to collect as many symptoms as possible, determine if we have made any important changes in our routine or diet and inform the specials about everything that we consider abnormal. Once we know what the cause of these stitches is, we can think about an appropriate treatment, such as the use of presotherpy with SIZEN’s professional machines , which we will talk about later.

Although visiting a doctor is essential for a good diagnosis, at FastlyHealwe explain the causes of the most common stitches in the legs so that you can consult the indicated specialist.

You need to visit a doctor

To obtain an accurate and adequate diagnosis that allows us to know exactly the cause of the stitches in the legs , as this type of stitches is also known in Ecuador, it is essential to see a doctor. The possible causes of this condition are diverse and varied, so a conclusion cannot be reached without a doctor reviewing the patient’s history and conducting the relevant examinations.

During the consultation it is important to inform the doctor about:

  • If we suffer from any chronic disease such as diabetes, arthritis, osteoarthritis, vascular problems, migraines, etc.
  • Since when do we have the pain.
  • In what specific area the sting occurs and if it is in one or both legs.
  • If there is a time of day when the pain gets worse or better.
  • Yes, in addition to this pain, we have other symptoms.

Next, we will look at some of the possible causes of leg punctures.

Varicose veins and spider veins

Stitches in the legs may be due to varicose veins. Varicose veins occur when the veins in our legs dilate, causing the blood to remain dammed and preventing it from circulating properly, which causes a series of annoying symptoms such as:

  • Stitches, pain, and itching in the affected vein.
  • Veins that look noticeably swollen.
  • Tingling sensation in the legs.
  • Tiredness and heaviness in the area.

Pain and throbbing tend to occur especially when we spend a lot of time sitting or standing, which directly affects our circulation. Spider veins , similar to varicose veins but smaller, shallow, and flatter, can also lead to this type of discomfort.

In our articles varicose veins: causes symptoms and treatments and home remedies for varicose veins , you can find more information about this condition.

Vascular problems

The PVDs occur when blood does not flow from the heart to the extremities, causing various symptoms is important to respond as soon as possible, as the chopped leg. This condition usually occurs when the blood vessels become clogged and narrow, usually due to high cholesterol or high blood pressure.

Some of the symptoms of this disorder are:

  • Cramps or throbbing in areas such as the thighs, calf, or hips, especially after walking or exercising.
  • Burning sensation in fingers and / or toes.
  • Leg healing problems.
  • Presence of other possible signs such as leg weakness, color changes, or cold skin.

Performing various studies such as a Doppler ultrasound, a blood count or a coagulogram, along with other evaluations, will help determine the presence of this condition.

Muscle injuries

The causes of leg throbbing do not necessarily have to respond to circulatory problems, and this discomfort can also be due to different muscle injuries, such as:

  • Overloads on a certain muscle.
  • Muscle tear or overstretching that causes discomfort.
  • Inflammation of the heel tendon, a condition known as tendinitis .

These discomforts can occur in people who perform frequent physical activity, but also in those who do not exercise but have made a certain physical effort, for example carrying a lot of weight or doing a cold muscle stretch, which can lead to injury.

Peripheral neuropathy or nerve damage

This condition occurs when a nerve or group of nerves stop working properly, which can cause various and varied symptoms depending on which nerve is affected. In the case of the extremities, the following may occur:

  • Tingling in the fingers
  • Deep pain
  • Loss of sensation in the legs.
  • Muscular weakness.

This condition is very common in people with diabetes or insulin resistance , although it can also occur in patients with kidney failure, liver problems, underactive thyroid, in those who suffer from vitamin deficiencies and people with circulatory problems in the legs.

Joint swelling

Another cause of stitches in the legs that cannot be set aside are joint inflammations, generally produced by conditions such as arthritis , whose discomfort in this case could be concentrated in areas such as the knees or ankles, or gout. whose symptoms would be mainly concentrated in the big toe.

In our articles Rheumatoid Arthritis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment and Gout: Causes and Treatment , we explain more about both conditions.

Other Possible Causes of Leg Stitches

In addition to the aforementioned causes, stitches in the legs can occur for the following reasons:

  • Pinched nerve.
  • Sciatica .
  • Muscle fatigue caused by keeping the muscle in the same position for a long period of time. It usually happens, for example, when we sit on our legs.
  • Bone inflammation.
  • Benign or cancerous bone tumors.

How to remove the throbbing in the legs?

Before looking for a remedy for stitches in the legs, it is important that we have first gone to the doctor and that he has diagnosed the cause of these pains.

Depending on the reason for your punctures, the doctor or specialist will make you follow a series of guidelines and treatments to cure your ailment. However, there is a natural and non-invasive technique that is usually ideal for treating these types of ailments: pressotherapy. Of course, we advise you first to consult your doctor if, in your case, you can use this type of treatment without problem.

Pressotherapy is an ideal treatment to improve the circulatory system, both blood and lymphatic, which is achieved through massages and small pressures on certain points of the body.

The best thing is that you can also do it from home, thanks to SIZEN’s professional pressotherapy machines, professional machines used by elite athletes that, right now, have a 20% discount on their website . For the legs, we recommend opting for the SIZEN boots , which you can see in the image below.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Stitches in the legs: common causes , we recommend that you enter our Well-being category .

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