The first weeks of pregnancy are the most critical for an expectant mother. Until the third month of gestation, specialists recommend taking precautions for the care of the baby. This, on many occasions, causes significant stress in the mother, especially if there are unknown symptoms. For example, is it normal to have menstrual cramps in the first weeks of pregnancy?
In this issue of FastlyHealwe address the first symptoms of pregnancy, their reasons, and advice. If you are in the sweet waiting or you find yourself planning a future pregnancy, this article will interest you.
Table of Contents
Menstrual cramps in the first days of pregnancy: causes
The symptoms of each pregnancy are different. Even being from the same mother, you may notice other sensations from one pregnancy to another. These symptoms depend on:
- The health conditions of women.
- The way the baby was conceived
- The state of the fetus.
Hence, some mothers have felt very good during their first pregnancy, but fatal in the following ones or vice versa.
The symptoms are associated with the body’s adaptation to its new state. Much of this has to do with the level of hormones released to ensure the care and preservation of the baby. Hormones can cause not only physical alterations in women but also their moods.
Another essential condition is that, by nature, the human body tends to reject any foreign element. Although the body has been preparing for the fertilization of an egg, the body will feel that it does not belong to it at the time of gestation.
Because of this, specialists are very insistent that women should take extreme care of themselves during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Since it is during this period, there is a greater risk of miscarriage or loss.
Period pain in pregnancy: symptoms
The most common symptoms during the first weeks of pregnancy are:
- Sickness.
- Stomach ache.
- Inappetence.
- Vomiting
- Emotional changes such as hypersensitivity or irritability.
Other symptoms can be headaches and sleep disturbances. Some mothers feel tired, listless, and even more sleepy than average. On the other hand, smell and taste become more sensitive to familiar aromas or flavors. They may feel more potent than usual.
Breast enlargement, bloating, and a constant urge to urinate are also common symptoms during the first weeks of pregnancy. Of course, the most prominent sign is the loss of menstruation. The reality is that many of these symptoms are very similar to those experienced during menstruation. For that same reason, women may feel uncomfortable and worried by confusing these symptoms.
Can I have period symptoms and be pregnant?
Abdominal pain is expected during the first weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, there may even be the presence of bleeding without it being abundant. This is what can be known as implantation bleeding. The sensation is very similar to the symptoms of PMS. Most women mistake it for the arrival of menstruation.
This discomfort is concentrated in the lower abdomen as if carrying a weight. It can even be reflected in the lumbar area and at the level of the hips. It can be increased when you are on your feet for a long time.
Although it is considered normal during the first weeks of pregnancy, it is always important to share the symptoms with the specialist. Most recommend taking mild pain relievers to reduce discomfort or warm compresses on the abdominal area. The important thing in these cases is to avoid indiscriminate self-medication.
Menstrual cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy: remedies
Here are some of the recommendations and tips to prevent menstrual pain in the first trimester of pregnancy :
- Rest first of all: Rest should always be the first treatment that an expectant mother should take. There is no use trying to continue with your chores feeling bad. Instead, what can be achieved is increased symptoms and increased fatigue.
- It is a question of hormones: another aspect that the mother must consider is that most of the symptoms are due to hormonal disorders because there are no magic cures to eliminate discomfort. On the contrary, the pregnant woman must be aware of it to cope with them.
- Everything happens in the third month: once the critical state of three months has been surpassed, the moms recover significantly. From the fourth month to the seventh approximately, the woman will enjoy enviable energy and vitality.
- The medicine helps: many expectant mothers fear taking medication to improve their discomfort for fear of affecting the pregnancy. If the treatments have the doctor’s endorsement, you should not be afraid. Analgesics, digestives, antacids, and rehabilitators are suitable for pregnant women.
- Comply with medical check-ups: Women mustn’t miss their regular medical check-ups. With them, any inconvenience to the mother or the baby is anticipated.
If you have any questions about your health, FastlyHealalways recommend visiting a specialist. A timely diagnosis can anticipate complications and benefit a patient’s health.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.