Home Women's HealthWomen's sexual health How many days per month do you ovulate

How many days per month do you ovulate

by Alivia Nyhan
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per month do you ovulate

Understanding the cycle of women is essential for any couple, both for those who seek and wish to enlarge the family and for those who want to avoid it; However, in those who yearn to have a child it can be difficult, since very few women manage to get pregnant on the first attempt, so many specialists say that the estimated time to achieve it is, generally, between 6 months and a year.

As conception is possible and much easier during a woman’s fertile days , that is, during her ovulation, it is important to know when it occurs. When a woman ovulates, it is when an ovum is detached from one of the ovaries, which usually happens towards the middle of the menstrual cycle, which is why conception is reached if a sperm meets one of these ovules. If you are looking to get pregnant and wondering how many days you ovulate per month , we recommend that you read the following FastlyHealarticle.

Ovulation and menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle of a woman can be complicated for those who do not know it exactly, that is why if you are looking to enlarge the family, it is important to know it exactly. Each cycle begins with the first day on which the bleeding appears, that is, when the woman begins with her period or rule and, on average, lasts 28 days; however, this may vary in some cases between 23 and 35 days.

These days are usually counted from the beginning of the period to the day before the start of the next menstruation. During that time, the body undergoes various changes and the body performs various actions, including ovulation , the ideal time to have intimate relationships with your partner if you are looking to get pregnant.

Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle , that is, approximately, on day 14 from the first day of menstrual bleeding, but even knowing this, many women have the doubt of how many days a month ovulates and ovulation itself occurs once per cycle. Once the ovum is released from the ovary, this sex cell has a half-life of 24 hours, so if it is not fertilized in that time, the body stimulates certain hormones to dispose of it along with the endometrium. However, it is important to know the different phases to understand it correctly and to know the most fertile days of a woman.

How many days is ovulating per month

  • Phase 1: The first phase begins a few days before ovulation, in other words, before day 14 of the cycle. It is characterized by the fact that the ovules are stored in the ovary and, finally, only one matures, grows and is detached to travel through the female reproductive system.
  • Phase 2: the second phase is the day of ovulation. In the days before the same, the woman experiences various hormonal changes that culminate in the release of the mature ovum that travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus ready to join a sperm. After this tour, the ovum has 24 ideal hours for the woman who is looking to have a child.
  • Phase 3: the third and final phase is when everything begins again. After the process of the previous stages, if there is no fertilization of the ovum, the menstrual cycle begins again. On the contrary, when the ovum joins a sperm, it is when the woman ends up pregnant.

In conclusion, despite the fact that several eggs grow in the ovary, only one reaches maturity and is the one that is released in the menstrual cycle for fertilization, so that only one day per month is ovulated; however, the 2 days before and after said release are considered ovulation days, and there are approximately 6 ideal fertile days to conceive a child. The same would be five days before ovulation and the same day that this happens. This is because the sperm has a life span of 5 days, while the ovum has only 24 hours.

It is therefore that, within the most fertile days of a woman, when it is closer to the day of ovulation is when there is a greater probability of a conception. For this reason, it is important that all women control and know their cycle as accurately as possible, especially knowing the day that they ovulate per month. For more details, you can consult the article Calculate ovulation to get pregnant .

Period and pregnancy

Many couples believe that the ideal time to father a child is during menstruation; however, this does not apply in most cases. In addition to the fact that the ideal time to look for a pregnancy is the day that ovulates in the month, it is important to know that when a woman meets her period she should not be able to conceive, since the ovum has changed and can no longer be fertilized by sperm. Also, bleeding from the period and the environment within the uterus create great difficulty for the passage and survival of sperm.

Despite this, it is possible for certain women to become pregnant while having sexual intercourse during their period, especially those whose menstrual cycle is shorter , so ovulation could begin before the end of menstruation or if ovulation occurs. a couple of days after the bleeding, so if you have vaginal sex in the last days of your period, the sperm could still be alive by the time the egg is released and can fertilize it.

A pregnancy could also be achieved if sexual intercourse was had during menstruation in women who have irregular periods , since there is no certainty when one ovulates per month and, therefore, there is the possibility that the fertile days are after the bleeding . Even if a woman normally has regular cycles, this could be altered by various factors, such as stress or some diseases, and change the time when ovulation occurs, so the calculation of the fertile days may not coincide and achieve the pregnancy on unplanned days, such as during your period.

You can expand this information by consulting the article Can I get pregnant with my period?

Period and pregnancy

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How many days do you ovulate per month , we recommend that you enter our Female Reproductive System category .

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