Home Women's HealthWomen's sexual health White discharge: symptom of pregnancy or menstruation?

White discharge: symptom of pregnancy or menstruation?

by Alivia Nyhan
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White discharge: symptom

Women present various vaginal flows throughout their lives, which change depending on when they are or the state of health of their body, among other factors. Many people have a white discharge which is usually thick before each menstruation. However, some women also have a vaginal discharge of the same color when they are in some stage of pregnancy, which leads to many doubts about He no longer feels sure that it is a symptom of menstruation or pregnancy.

These secretions are usually completely normal, although various factors can cause them. For this reason, women must be constantly monitored by a specialist frequently. Suppose you are one of those women with this type of discharge, and you have some doubts about the following FastlyHealarticle. In that case, you will find much information about white discharge: a symptom of pregnancy or menstruation?

White discharge as a symptom of the period

Many people have a thick and white discharge before menstruation, which is an indication that the period is about to arrive. As stated in the Planned Parenthood clinic [1], this type of discharge is completely normal and can appear before and during ovulation. However, as the day of bleeding approaches, the release becomes darker and thicker than initially.

It is a protection mechanism that the body has to protect the vagina from the contagion of various fungi and bacteria. This is because the creamy white discharge is caused by hormones that change the bacterial flora of the intimate female area, so it is routine and frequent as long as it does not cause any discomfort in the woman.

The white flow of ovulation is due to organic changes due to the production of estrogen and progesterone. In this period, the secretion is similar to the white of the egg and is not as abundant. Thanks to its consistency, the life of the sperm and fertilization is possible.

White discharge before menstruation is creamy and much heavier than ovulation, and this discharge may change to a more brownish color on the first day of menstruation. Despite this, it is vital to see a professional rule out other alterations when these vaginal secretions change color or consistency and are accompanied by other symptoms such as general discomfort, feeling itchy, or having a foul odor.

discharge as a symptom of the period

White discharge that accompanies pregnancy

Despite being a symptom of menstruation, the American Pregnancy Association indicates that white discharge is also common in pregnant women. In this case, it is known as leucorrhea, so it should not be a cause for concern. This is because the body causes a reaction to fertilization generating an increase in the production of estrogens. Hence, the body secretes a more significant amount of this type of fluid to protect both the fetus and the uterus from possible infectious agents such as bacteria. or germs, as they could cause harm to the woman or termination of pregnancy [2]. This white discharge can vary throughout the pregnancy in quantity and appearance, and it may even be considered normal for it to increase as the due date approaches. However, many women may still have this flow only in the first three months and then decrease, considered entirely normal.

On the other hand, white vaginal discharge can also occur when the woman begins to take a new contraceptive because it may cause hormonal changes that alter the normal process of the menstrual cycle so that this process can be regularized after three months of continuous intake. Consult a professional, especially if the white discharge lasts longer than the standard period and other abnormal symptoms are perceived.

White discharge that accompanies pregnancy

Pathologies that can cause white vaginal discharge

Although white discharge as a symptom of pregnancy or menstruation is expected, on some occasions, it can be related to an alteration in the intimate area that requires treatment by a specialist. Among the most common pathologies that can generate a white discharge are:

Likewise, there are specific essential symptoms to take into account with white discharge from the vagina, and that could be indicating a disease in the body, being necessary to see a doctor when the shot:

  • It is white and thick but varies with gray, greenish, or yellowish fluxes.
  • It has a consistency similar to cottage cheese.
  • It is accompanied by itching and burning in the intimate area.
  • It comes with blood.
  • There is a foul smell and pain around the vagina.
  • You have discomfort when urinating or having personal relationships.
  • The woman suffers from pelvic pain.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to White discharge: a symptom of pregnancy or menstruation? We recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.


  1. American Pregnancy Association. Disponible en http://americanpregnancy.org/es/pregnancy-health/vaginal-discharge-during-pregnancy/ http://infogen.org.mx/flujo-vaginal/
  2. Clínica Planned Parenthood. Disponible en https://www.plannedparenthood.org/es/temas-de-salud/para-adolescentes/pubertad/mi-vulva-y-vagina-son-normales

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