Home Pregnancy and baby healthPregnancy Beta hCG Levels – Pregnancy Diagnostic Test

Beta hCG Levels – Pregnancy Diagnostic Test

by Alivia Nyhan
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Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone, human chorionic hormone or Beta-hCG subunit, is a hormone that is only synthesized by pregnant women, being detected from the tenth day of pregnancy, just at the time when the embryo begins to develop.

This is why the hCG analysis in the blood serves as a test to diagnose pregnancy, because unlike other methods this is almost infallible, since this hormone is only found in pregnant women.

In the following FastlyHealarticle we will explain what beta hCG levels mean as a pregnancy diagnostic test , as well as the reference values ​​it has in the different types of pregnancy.

Beta HCG, reference values

The truth is that from the moment the embryo is implanted in the maternal uterus, the production of this hormone begins. However, it is possible that in the first days the amounts are very small, equal to or less than 5 mIU / ml, so they often cannot be detected in the urine analysis of the pregnancy tests or in some blood tests. .

Taking into account that this hormone is doubling its presence every two days, in a short time it is already detectable and present in the blood. From day 10 on, it is possible to detect with complete certainty whether there is a pregnancy or not.

Beta hCG reference values

To give a clear and safe diagnosis of pregnancy, the woman has to give the following values ​​of the beta subunit of this hormone:

  • In urinalysis : 20mIU / ml
  • In blood tests : 25mIU / ml

How safe is this test

This is the safest pregnancy test that exists, because unlike other alternatives, in this there is no possibility of false positives, since only pregnant women develop this element. The false positive is something else. For example, a result lower than 5 IU / ml rules out the diagnosis of pregnancy, but the truth is that if the test is performed before the fetus is implanted, there may be a false negative, since its percentage may be minimal before arriving at 2 weeks of pregnancy. Thus, a positive result will always be reliable, while a free beta hCG may need a second evaluation if it is done in the first days of pregnancy.

What should be taken into account is that in assisted reproduction treatments it is quite common to administer hCG to induce ovulation. The point is that it can stay in the body for a while, so it can confuse the test. Therefore, beta values ​​in an IVF pregnancy must be taken with great caution.

Table of beta HCG values

But the importance of its analysis does not only lie in its safety as a pregnancy test, but the studies that have been carried out in recent years have shown that it is a fantastic tool when evaluating and carrying out a medical follow-up of pregnancy, especially to prevent possible complications:

  • No pregnancy : A result less than 5
  • 1st week of pregnancy : Beta-HCG hormone levels can vary between 15 and 1,000 IU / ml
  • 2nd week of pregnancy : levels can vary between 45 and 1,600 IU / ml
  • 3rd week of pregnancy : levels vary between 400 and 15,000 IU / ml
  • 4th week of pregnancy : levels range from 1,500 to 23,000 IU / ml
  • 2nd month of pregnancy : levels vary between 34,000 and 210,000 IU / ml
  • Between 2nd and 3rd month of pregnancy : During this period Beta-HCG levels range from 20,000 to 200,000 IU / ml
  • 2nd trimester : between 10,000 and 30,000 IU / ml
  • 3rd trimester : they can still vary from 5,000 to 14,000 IU / ml.

HCG values ​​according to the type of pregnancy

We have just given you the table with the levels in which normal and healthy pregnancies move. However, these values ​​can undergo changes and alterations that from a medical point of view can serve to alert us to any complication. Here we explain what each alteration in your beta hCG levels can mean :

Multiple pregnancy

The beta-HCG test can be used to identify the presence of a multiple pregnancy or a twin pregnancy, since in these cases beta-hCG levels can be increased by 30 or 50% compared to a single pregnancy. In fact, while in a single pregnancy the common value for the first 2 or 3 weeks would be 200 mIU / ml, in a multiple pregnancy it can reach 600 mIU / ml after two weeks. For the same reason, the symptoms of pregnancy are multiplied; nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc. In the following FastlyHealarticle we will talk about the risks and complications of multiple pregnancy .

Spontaneous abortion

If beta-hCG levels drop suddenly, it is pretty clear evidence that there may be a miscarriage .

Ectopic pregnancy

If the levels rise very slowly or remain below what would be normal throughout the pregnancy, it may be an indication that we are facing an ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy .

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Beta hCG levels – Pregnancy diagnostic test , we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category .

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