Home Pregnancy and baby healthPregnancy Yellow discharge in pregnancy: is it normal?

Yellow discharge in pregnancy: is it normal?

by Alivia Nyhan
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Pregnancy is a stage full of physical, hormonal, and psychological changes that take women on a roller coaster of unknown situations. One of the changes that a pregnant woman may notice is those in her vaginal discharge; a fluid usually varies in all its characteristics, indicating specific situations. All pregnant women should see if they present changes in the color and consistency of the vaginal discharge, especially if it has turned yellowish. If this happens to you, you may wonder if this is normal and the answer is that it will depend on the tone. If we are talking about a shade between whitish and a little light yellow, nothing has to happen, but if it is a well-defined or even intense yellow tone, then the answer is a resounding: it is not normal.

A yellow vaginal discharge during pregnancy is indicative of a vaginal infection that should be evaluated and treated immediately by the doctor. If you want to know more about this topic, we invite you to continue reading this FastlyHealarticle about yellow discharge in pregnancy: is it normal? .

What is normal vaginal discharge like

Throughout a woman’s life, there are changes in vaginal discharge, but do you really know what the normal discharge from the vagina looks like?

Before talking about an abnormal discharge, we must know the characteristics of what normal vaginal discharge is like : it can be clear, transparent, light or thick and generally odorless.

Its characteristics, quantity, and consistency will vary throughout the menstrual cycle from month to month, especially in ovulation, when it becomes in greater quantity, thick and whitish and, even so, it can be considered normal due to the moment of the menstrual cycle.

The amount of discharge is directly proportional to variations in estrogen levels : the greater the amount of this hormone, the greater the stimulation of vaginal secretion production. Knowing this, it is normal for there to be more vaginal discharge during ovulation and the days before it, months before menarche or first menstruation, in pregnancy, and in the case of taking fertility treatments where estrogen production is increased. .

In this other FastlyHealarticle we give you more information on this topic and, specifically, on How is the flow in the first days of pregnancy .

Is yellow discharge normal in pregnancy?

Knowing that normal vaginal discharge is usually clear, light or somewhat thick and odorless, you should know that yellow discharge is completely abnormal and even more so while pregnant, due to the risk it represents for the future baby.

Its presence is caused by a vaginal infection that is usually transmitted during sexual intercourse called trichomoniasis . In addition to being yellowish, it is usually a discharge with a fishy smell and that causes pain, burning or other discomfort, especially during sexual intercourse or even during each urination.

Although many believe that it is not a cause for alarm, its evaluation and treatment will always be necessary, since this change in color is a typical sign of vaginal infection that, if it occurs during pregnancy, can even cause premature delivery, depending on of the moment in which the pregnancy is found.

Vaginal discharge is abnormal in these cases:

  • It is thicker or denser than usual.
  • It is white and lumpy.
  • It has a strong odor.
  • It is yellow or green in color.
  • The genital area burns and hurts.
  • There is redness.

Regarding the percentage distribution of the most frequent symptoms of trichomoniasis, it has been documented that the signs of infection by Trichomonas vaginalis include discharge (42%), unpleasant and strong odor (50%) and edema or erythema (22 to 37%). According to the Medical Journal of Costa Rica and Central America.

Flow in pregnancy: recommendations

Any change in the normal characteristics of vaginal discharge during pregnancy should be treated appropriately by the health professional. Some recommendations to feel more comfortable with the issue of flow in pregnancy and to avoid that there may be a problem, follow these tips:

  • Avoid tight clothing.
  • Avoid letting your genital area remain damp.
  • After using the bathroom, the correct way to clean yourself is from front to back.
  • Keep the genital area clean and dry.
  • It is normal for the flow to increase during pregnancy therefore you should increase your hygiene measures.
  • A balanced diet that reduces foods that contain fats and calories is key to avoid having an impact on the amount of estrogens, including honey, milk, yogurt, and bananas in the diet.
  • Avoid wearing panty liners that tend to keep the skin moist and irritated.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Change your underwear at least 2 times a day.
  • Avoid using lubricants during pregnancy.
  • Try not to use products that contain perfumes, as this affects the vaginal and vulvar pH and, by altering it, also in the proliferation of bacteria.

How is trichomoniasis treated in pregnancy?

It will always be important to go to the specialist , because remember that it is a more susceptible stage in which, in addition to taking care of your health, you must monitor the repercussions that this problem may have on the baby.

The treatment will depend on the gestational age and the cause to treat that is manifesting the yellow vaginal discharge. Usually, trichomoniasis is usually treated with metronidazole or tinidazole , since neither has a contraindication in pregnancy, unless the specialist indicates otherwise in a specific situation.

The indicated dose is 2 g of metronidazole or 2 g of tinidazole in a single dose. Normally, therapy will be necessary for the couple, requiring in this case, in men, 500 mg of metronidazole or 500 mg of tinidazole every 12 hours for 5-7 days.

There are some natural remedies for trichomoniasis . However, it is recommended that the specialist give them the go-ahead at the time of use and that these areas support for drug treatment, to facilitate recovery.

  • Guava tea: made with guava leaves, this tea has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, effectively fighting trichomoniasis and its symptoms. It is recommended to prepare with 10 leaves of this tree in 1 liter of water and boil over medium heat until it has reduced, with this it is recommended to carry out intimate washings 2 times a day for 1 week.
  • Yogurt: ideal when regulating the bacterial flora of the vagina, natural yogurt can be consumed 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 cup at night until the discomfort has disappeared.
  • Calendula infused baths: this flower acts as an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. Its infusion is easily prepared with calendula flowers and water, which are mixed at the boil. With the resulting water, once the flowers have been removed, washings are carried out in the intimate area. This preparation is effective against discoloration of vaginal discharge.

In the following FastlyHealarticle you can learn everything about Trichomoniasis: symptoms and treatment .

Other vaginal discharge changes in pregnancy

There are other changes in vaginal discharge that can occur during pregnancy:

  • Green discharge : finally, this particular color, like the yellow discharge, is also related to the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis .
  • Whitish discharge: generally related to a fungal infection or Candida albicans , causing what is known as candidiasis, in addition to the white discharge in this case there is redness in the genital region and intense itching, this condition should be treated with miconazole or terconazole depending of the evaluation and medical indication.
  • Brown discharge : in addition to being able to indicate a probable infection, this discharge may indicate a small bleeding due to abortion or childbirth, depending on the gestational age, regardless of this, an assessment by the health professional will be essential. Expand this information with this article on Brown discharge in pregnancy: is it normal?

During each month of pregnancy, there are innumerable changes that must be indicated to the specialist immediately or at the time of consultation, depending on the symptoms and their severity. No change should be ignored, even the color of the vaginal discharge in this important stage of the woman is vital, since her health and that of the baby she is expecting depends on this.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Yellow discharge in pregnancy: is it normal? , we recommend that you enter our Pregnancy and baby health category .

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