Home Skin CareSkin health Why do feet blisters and how to cure them

Why do feet blisters and how to cure them

by Alivia Nyhan
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The sweat on your feet is a common factor in many people, however, is more common in those who perform intense exercise. Very little attention is paid to it to prevent perspiration from rubbing the shoes from causing various alterations to the feet that can become very annoying for the patient.

Unlike other parts of the body that sweat, the feet spend most of the time locked up, so the skin cannot breathe normally. The most frequent alteration caused by this is the blisters in the area, that is why if you suffer from this, we advise you to read the following FastlyHealarticle about why blisters appear on the feet and how to cure them.

Use of inappropriate footwear

One of the causes of blisters on the feet is the use of improper footwear. Each person has a different foot, so it is important to try numerous alternatives when shopping for shoes. The most important thing is that the shoe size is correct , so it is necessary not only that it is not pressed, but also that it is not left loose.

Blisters do not appear immediately, so it is recommended to try on new shoes in short periods and watch for warning signs, such as redness or pain after having used them for a while with moderate exercise.

Use of unsuitable socks

Many people who exercise do not consider the type of socks they wear to train. Some types of socks do not allow the foot to receive a little air, so the area remains hot and sweaty, factors that can lead to the appearance of blisters on the feet.

It is for this reason that many professionals advise wearing a thermal sock when people exercise. This helps to keep your feet cool and, therefore, perspiration is not as pronounced, which could prevent blisters from appearing.

Poor hydration of the feet

Another cause of the most frequent blisters on the feet is not maintaining correct hydration in this area of ​​the body. It is an area where the skin is up to 40 times thicker than that of the face, so the regular use of moisturizers is recommended.

There are some creams specially formulated for athletes because their regular application can maintain the correct hydration of the feet avoiding various alterations. This is why it is recommended to go to a professional so that he or she prescribes the best cream depending on each case.

Blisters on the sole of the foot from running without protection

Not using protection in the most sensitive areas of the extremities involved in physical activities, such as running, is another of the most frequent causes of the presence of blisters on the foot.

It is recommended to protect the areas in which some type of disorder has already been suffered, so it is best to consult a professional so that he can explain and detail what protection to use and how to protect the area properly.

Itchy foot blisters from athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is a very frequent alteration among athletes and it is because of this that the pathology receives this name. It is a fungus that can be very contagious from person to person, that is, with direct transmission. Despite this, you can also contract this pathogen by contact with wet surfaces such as in swimming pools, carpets or showers.

Athlete’s foot is one of the most common causes of fluid blisters on the feet, which can be very annoying and cause pain when trying to walk, mainly using tighter shoes.

How to cure blisters on feet

The treatment to cure the blisters on the feet will depend exclusively on the cause that is generating them. Likewise, the specialist will observe the size of the blisters and the discomfort they generate to prescribe the most correct treatment for each case.

If there is a very large blister that causes a lot of pain, your doctor may advise you to drain the fluid, which can usually be clear or contain blood. To do this, the area must be washed properly with soap and water and then disinfected with the pharmaceutical product that the specialist recommends. The ampoule is then punctured with a sterile needle, that is, those used by professionals for injections.

Some people decide to carry out this treatment on their own, using sewing needles or the like. This should not be done under any circumstances, as it could lead to infections or more serious health disorders, so it is important that you go to a medical center to carry out this process.

Another option in treating athlete’s foot blisters is the use of antifungals , either orally or topically. Likewise, the specialist may advise the use of various products, such as special creams, soaps or shampoo based on selenium sulfide. There is also the possibility of performing various home remedies, although the effectiveness is not so safe, so it is always essential to consult a doctor and follow his instructions to get rid of the alteration.

The use of petroleum jelly is advisable to avoid the appearance of blisters on the feet. It is recommended to apply petroleum jelly before exercising in areas that are most at risk for this and other conditions, for example, the heel or the dorsal and lateral sectors of the toes. Some athletes also apply this product on top of the sock to help reduce the fiction that the skin suffers with the shoes. It is an excellent ally both to combat blisters and to prevent them, since it softens and moisturizes the skin where it is applied, achieving better perspiration and correcting the condition of the skin of the feet. It also reduces cracks, roughness, or injuries that can result in blisters.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why do feet blisters and how to cure them , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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