Home Skin CareSkin health Blood moles: Causes and treatment

Blood moles: Causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Blood moles, known as red moles or ruby ​​dots, are widespread lesions that appear on the skin unexpectedly anywhere on the body, especially on the face, neck, arms, legs, and torso. They occur in both men and women, more frequently after 40 years of age.

These skin lesions are associated with age and other factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, sun exposure, etc. White-skinned people are more susceptible to suffering from them, and although they do not cause damage, their appearance, color, and size should be monitored and controlled from a medical point of view.

In this FastlyHealarticle, we explain all the details about why blood moles appear and how to remove them with the appropriate treatments.

Why do blood moles appear?

Blood moles on the skin form due to vascular dilation of superficial blood vessels. Its appearance is associated with different causes, among them are:

  • Age: from 40 years of age, moles usually appear due to dehydration of the skin or the appearance of premature aging.
  • Exposure to the sun without protection: white-skinned people subjected to ultraviolet rays without protection are prone to the appearance of blood moles.
  • Having a poor diet: eating disorders due to the consumption of saturated fats, processed foods, or sugars can trigger digestive disorders due to intestinal damage, which affects the accumulation of toxic substances inside the body, giving rise to the appearance of blood moles.
  • Abnormal growth of small blood vessels: these can be evident in the armpits, genital area, heels, legs, arms, chest, and back, and the appearance of blood moles occurs.
  • Liver disorders: poor diet problems or liver disorders that can lead to the accumulation of toxins in the liver.
  • Hormonal Changes: These are frequently seen in women during their pregnancy due to their body’s multiple hormonal changes.

How to remove blood moles – medical treatment

A dermatologist should medically evaluate blood moles. This will be in charge of deciding the appropriate treatment according to the appearance of the mole, its color, and the growth time. For this, a physical examination is required in addition to an interrogation, where the time of appearance and how its growth has been will be evidenced.

If the specialist indicates to remove the blood moles, several procedures can be carried out:

  • Surgical removal: This procedure is carried out in large and deep moles cases. It is usually painful and, after excision, leaves a scar.
  • Laser: through this technique, the blood mole is removed quickly, thoroughly, and without causing pain, unlike surgical extraction.
  • Cryotherapy consists of applying liquid nitrogen; in this way, it is possible to freeze the mole, then proceed to its extraction.

It is important to note that removing blood moles does not guarantee that these lesions will not reappear in some other area of ​​the body. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain a dermatological control every six months to monitor the excised lesions and those that may appear.

How to prevent the appearance of blood moles

Some measures that can be taken to avoid the appearance of these red spots on the skin are:

  • Use sunscreen daily, in addition to avoiding exposure to ultraviolet rays. The daily application of sunscreen on the face and the rest of the body, especially in exposed areas such as the face, arms, legs, and hands, is of the utmost importance.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day.
  • Take care of the skin by applying moisturizing creams after body hygiene to avoid loss of skin elasticity.
  • Change eating habits by following a healthy diet free of saturated fats, sugars, or processed foods with many chemical additives.
  • Consume vitamin C daily.
  • Clean the intestines, maintaining a balanced diet free of toxins.

The presence of a mole should be kept under medical observation to see if its appearance has changed and if it requires a surgical solution.

When to see a doctor for a blood mole

The appearance of blood moles can bring alarm signals that must be taken into account to prevent and detect any malignant lesion in time. Specific symptoms can generate distrust and uncertainty; some of them are:

  • Intense itching and pain.
  • Ardor.
  • Accelerated growth, modifications in the relief.
  • Changes in appearance, dark coloration.
  • Presence of bleeding.
  • Appearance of moles in various areas of the body.

In the following article, you can continue learning how to detect a malignant mole.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Blood moles: why they come out and how to remove them , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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